Yet Another Report Finds Latest Sestak Ad Patently False – Will Sestak Finally Remove It?

Yet Another Report Finds Latest Sestak Ad Patently False – Will Sestak Finally Remove It?

Allentown, PA – Yesterday, WTAE-TV News aired a fact check on Congressman Joe Sestak’s latest attack ad against Pat Toomey and found it to be false.

Congressman Joe Sestak’s latest ad accuses Pat Toomey of being “Wall Street’s top lobbyist.”  However, according to WTAE, “That’s false. Toomey has never been a lobbyist.  We checked the records.  Toomey is not now, and never was a registered lobbyist.”

WTAE’s fact check echoes Monday’s analysis by the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Tom Fitzgerald that also found Congressman Sestak’s ad to be false: “Toomey is not now – nor has he ever been – a registered lobbyist, according to records kept by the Clerk of the U.S. House and the Secretary of the Senate.”

“Congressman Joe Sestak’s campaign must not have much wind left in its sails if it is resorting to telling Pennsylvanians bald faced lies about Pat Toomey.  The truth is, only one candidate in this race is the true advocate for Wall Street’s interests over Pennsylvania taxpayers’ by voting for Wall Street bailouts, and that’s Congressman Sestak,” said Toomey Deputy Communications Director Kristin Anderson.  “It’s time Congressman Joe Sestak remove this false ad and start telling Pennsylvanians the truth.”

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