10/10 PoliticsPA Playbook

pa-state-flag6Reactions to Trump’s comments, Clinton and McGinty lead the new polls and Biden visits Bucks County. Plus, last week’s Ups & Downs. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!

10/7 Ups & Downs: Endorsements, polls and a dead heat. See who made this week’s list!

Statewide Reactions to Trump’s Comments on Women: Officials and candidates respond to the GOP nominee’s controversial statements.

NBC/WSJ/Marist Poll: Clinton 51% Trump 37%: Clinton records her largest lead of the campaign.

PA-Sen: NBC/WSJ/Marist Poll: McGinty 48% Toomey 44%: The Democratic nominee is ahead by four.

Biden Makes Argument for Clinton in Bucks: The Vice President visited Bucks County Community College Friday morning.

PA-Sen: George W. Bush to Fundraise for Toomey: The 43rd President is coming to the Senator’s aid.

PA-Sen: Dem PAC Attacks Toomey in New TV Ad (VIDEO): The commercial criticizes the Senator’s stake in Team Capital Bank.

PA-8: NRCC Emphasizes Taxes in Attack Ad Against Santarsiero (VIDEO): The GOP takes aim at the State Rep’s legislative record.

Sunday Show Preview: October 9, 2016: We take a look at the Sunday morning political talk shows that will air throughout the state.

State House Sound Bites: In dancing around Trump endorsement, Toomey strikes a difficult balance
State House Sound Bites: PA’s first quarter financial shortfall could be election-related
State House Sound Bites: Right to Try Act on the move in Harrisburg
City and State: The Berks Mothers: Captives in the Land of the Free
City and State: Room to grow in the medical marijuana business
Capitolwire: POINT OF ORDER: Just in time for Halloween, pension Franken-reform

Philly Voice: After gun votes, GOP’s Toomey slides to C rating from NRA
Billy Penn: Anne Holton from the Philly ‘burbs on Hillary Clinton’s 2nd debate prospects
WHYY NewsWorks: Activists disrupt Philadelphia outfest opening with demands from LGBT people of color
Inquirer: Despite Trump’s warning of fraud, there’s little sign of interest in poll-watching
Inquirer: Fed-up Philly teachers jumping ship
Inquirer: In Pa., N.J., GOP leaders join firestorm over Trump’s remarks about women
Philly.com: In Philly, Sanders says what Clinton said to Wall Street behind closed doors ‘is fine’

Daily Local News: Pa. Education Secretary visits Technical College High School Brandywine Downtown
Bucks Local News: Newtown Borough Council calls special meeting on plans to purchase self-service kiosks; turn municipal lot into paid parking facility
Bucks Local News: Republican congressional candidate Brian Fitzpatrick denounces comments made by Donald Trump
Montgomery Media: Franconia Elementary School celebrates 75th anniversary
Montgomery Media: Bad blood boils between Montgomery County Commissioner Gale, colleagues
Delco Times: Some see jobs, dollars in pipeline to the Hook
Pottstown Mercury: Kampf faces challenge from van Mol in 157th House Dist.
Pottstown Mercury: SE Pa. Congressional candidates offer their views on immigration

Tribune Review: Trump discusses Bill Clinton before debate
Tribune Review: New evidence reveals non-citizen registration has increased radically
Post-Gazette: Obama’s legacy with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has fallen flat
Pittsburgh Business Times: Pittsburgh wins $10 million dollar transportation grant
WESA: Email reveals Clinton’s relationship with Wall Street
WESA: Obama says Trump is insecure after comments made about women
WESA: Toomey’s approval rate plummets from NRA after GOP’s gun votes
WESA: How to register to vote before Tuesday’s deadline
WTAE: Concerns over Trumps rally forced school to change its schedule

Beaver County Times: Ambridge school district dismissed all student before Trump rally on Monday October 10th
Beaver County Times: Democrats support Tommey in 2016 campaign
Beaver County Times: U.S. Rep Rothfus running for the 12th Congressional district  holds strong to conservative values
Observer-Reporter: Why the United States has achieved more energy security

Times Leader: Hillary selecting Kaine as her running mate reveals her character
Times Tribune: Sanders reassures voters that Hillary is the right choice in Scranton
Citizens Voice: Bernie Sanders supports trump in Scranton, PA
News Item: The financial fght to the White House continues
Standard Speaker: General Assembly starts over with redistricting
Pocono Record: Trump holds pre-debate conference and discusses misconduct of Bill Clinton

South Central
Patriot-News: Supporters say furor over taped Trump’s lewd comments an overreaction
Patriot-News: Sen. John McCain withdraws his support for Trump over boastful comments about groping women
Patriot-News: McGinty, Toomey raise millions more in nation’s most expensive Senate race
Carlisle Sentinel: CDC releases vaccination rates among Pa. children (AP)
Carlisle Sentinel: Kindergarten: Implementing full-day K poses financial, space challenges
Carlisle Sentinel: Traffic light preparation begins on Holly Pike
York Dispatch: Local legislators support ‘gift of life’ organ recovery bills
York Dispatch: Yorkers could see 30 percent premium increases

Lehigh Valley
Reading Eagle: Berks County legal fees pile up over immigration facility
Reading Eagle: Building project opens floodgate of memories of downtown Reading’s past
Morning Call: What’s in store for PA students with No Child Left Behind gone?
Morning Call: With Pennsylvania mental hospitals full, jails become way stations
WFMZ: Oil slick in Lehigh River was actually a biodegradable liquid

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: County officials: Partnerships vital to continued growth
Williamsport Sun Gazette: DuBoistown council ponders mailbox policy
Centre Daily Times: Federal prosecutors want Lee to get 25 years for child porn
Centre Daily Times: SCASD could narrow elementary project options further
Erie Times-News: Several Erie Democrats considering mayoral run in 2017

Patriot-News: An updated tally of 2016 newspaper presidential endorsements
Reading Eagle: Civics test should be requirement for graduation
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Comprehensive plan update sets table for county future
Inquirer: Shapiro better qualified to replace Kane as attorney general
Daily News: Why should SRC, PPA stay under state control?
Post-Gazette: A great Pittsburgher: Teresa Heinz’s immense role in improving the city
Post-Gazette: Collect the evidence: Build a system for unidentified homicide victims
Post-Gazette: A system on edge: State universities need more than a funding boost

Keystone State Education Coalition: Pennsylvania’s “successful EITC program” is successful at circumventing the Pennsylvania constitution
Commonwealth Foundation: Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform effort gutted
PA Budget and Policy Center: The revenue shortfall and the budget
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: NorCo Council paves way for innovative bridge bundling project

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