Kane’s personal drama, GOP “Likely” to hold State Senate and a new attack ad in PA-6. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
SD-26: Kane Embroiled in Family Drama: A woman claiming to be the candidate’s daughter calls him out for ignoring her.
Governing Magazine Says State Senate “Likely” to Stay Republican: Louis Jacobson surveyed state legislative battles all across the country.
PA-6: Trivedi Goes After Costello in New Ad (VIDEO): The Democratic nominee seeks to contrast his career with his opponent’s.
PA-12: McClelland, Rothfus Debate the Issues: The Congressional candidates met for the second time this past Friday in Johnstown.
PA-18: Tim Murphy Responds to Homeland Security Airport Screening Changes: The Pennsylvanian Congressman is not a fan of the new airport regulations for Ebola.
PA-12: Keith Rothfus Releases Two New TV Ads (VIDEOS): The two new TV ads from Rothfus are on the more upbeat side.
Legislative Elections Update:
SD-40: Republican nominee Mario Scavello pulled out of a planned candidate forum that was being sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Monroe County. Scavello told the group he felt opponent Mark Aurand wasn’t being open enough in previous events and that “two debates are enough.”
PLSReporter: Grassroots, constituents to lead property tax elimination effort next session
PLSReporter: Education effort to help ignition interlock proposal next session
StateImpactPA: Anti-fracking activist and gas company head back to court
PAIndependent: The Tom Wolf income tax plan: What we know, and what we don’t
PAIndependent: Justices behaving badly: PA Supreme Court has embarrassing history
State House Sound Bites: Lawyers torn over Pa. Supreme Court Justice’s suspension
State House Sound Bites: Pa. to monitor travelers from Ebola-stricken area
State House Sound Bites: Schools reopen amidst manhunt for ambush suspect
WHYY Newsworks: Tom Wolf on education, uncut: Vote trading, increasing investment, and disbanding the SRC
WHYY Newsworks: Lot cleanup bill passes muster with Philly Council committee
WHYY Newsworks: City mayors convene in Harrisburg
The Inquirer: Corbett denies support for ultrasound bill
Philly.com: Pa. pot grower gets another day in court
The Inquirer: Cautious colleges prepare for the possibility of Ebola
Daily News: Delco Senate candidate has a secret daughter?
The Inquirer: McCaffery ordered to turn in court-issued equipment
Philly.com: Super PAC with ties to Toomey gets ‘dark money’ infusion
Daily News: Controller calls for overhaul in charter-school funding
Courier Times: Lawmakers, hospitals talk Ebola in Philly
Pottstown Mercury: Slight increase in social security benefits
Pottstown Mercury: Local area hospitals prepare for Ebola
Delco Daily Times: Pa. joins states monitoring travelers from Ebola-stricken area
Delco Daily Times: Schools reopen as manhunt for Pa. ambush suspect continues
Delco Daily Times: Radnor’s Clem Macrone Park gets $224,000 grant
KDKA: Corbett Hands Out More Dollars As Election Day Looms
Tribune Review: Corbett rips Wolf tax proposals during Hempfield campaign stop
Tribune Review: House 58th District seat candidates focus on education, taxes
Post Gazette: Pitt study correlates autism with air pollution
Post Gazette: Pittsburgh Promise begins developing planned giving program
Post Gazette: Highmark, UPMC, regulators disagree
City Paper: Monster Upset? Tom Wolf has Tom Corbett and the GOP’s gubernatorial legacy on the run
Tribune Democrat: 12th district candidates get support from senior groups
Tribune Democrat: Johnstown council: Can’t give War Memorial Arena break on amusement tax
Observer Reporter: Initiative aims to ramp up science, math, tech education
County Times: Rothfus in the money, McClelland not so much
Pocono Record: Small businesses suffer as tourists stay away
Citizen’s Voice: Luzerne Councilwoman says councilman may be buttering up judges
Citizen’s Voice: Four municipalities get state grants
Times Leader: Luzerne County Councilman Rick Morelli’s budget recommendation questioned
South Central
Patriot-News: Tom Corbett among the highest paid governors in the country
Patriot-News: Pennsylvania family values group asks for a criminal review in state government pornography scandal
Patriot-News: Cumberland County chief clerk says projected 2015 budget gap ‘close enough’ to avoid tax increase
Sentinel: Supervisors may vote on Phase I of a solar-powered community
Sentinel: Finance department: Cumberland County can balance 2015 budget without tax increase
Intelligencer: Mapping the data: Corbett is nation’s highest-paid governor
Intelligencer: Lancaster County commissioners rent bed space at YIC, talk about death penalty
Daily Record: Tom Wolf to kick off bus tour with Friday morning rally in York
Daily Record: York County directs Marcellus Shale funds toward Delta parks, recreation
Dispatch: Scott Wagner, Linda Small square off at York Rotary meeting
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Bethlehem to pick Karen Dolan’s replacement Nov. 5
Morning Call: Will Easton replace per capita tax with parking permits?
Morning Call: Norco Council backs off legislative logjam
WFMZ: After 10 months of testimony, Lower Nazareth approves IDI warehouse
Eagle: Incumbent Pitts and challenger Houghton hold only face-to-face debate in 16th Congressional District race
Eagle: Reading City Council discusses potential penalty under Obamacare
Express-Times: Bethlehem $52.7 million debt action to save even more, officials say
Express-Times: Easton council votes to introduce commuter tax plan
North by Northwest
Daily Times: Centre County looks to expand natural gas service
Times News: Millcreek, McKean townships receive state grants
WICU: Wait for Section 8 Housing Ending for Some Families
WICU: Legislation Aims to Simplify Pa Gun Laws
Patriot-News: What are Americans so czar-struck? Dick Polman
Sentinel: Our View: Support for safer teen driving
Daily News: Political ads on cable are all about the base
WHYY Newsworks: PA court of jesters
Daily News: They’re slinging mud and magnets in Delco Senate race
Daily News: Political ads on cable are all about the base
WHYY Newsworks: PA court of jesters
Daily News: They’re slinging mud and magnets in Delco Senate race
Tribune Review: Monsour’s legacy: A bitter pill
Tribune Review: Embarrassing Economists
Post Gazette: 19th House District: Rep. Jake Wheatley’s experience is hard to top
Observer Reporter: Brooks should know better about campaign finance
PA Budget and Policy Center: Property tax reform must wait another year
Pa Budget and Policy Center: PA dead last in job growth since January 2011
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Post-Gazette Spotlights the Methane Pollution Issue
Keystone Politics: GOPers Want You to Focus on the One Democrat in the 50+ GOPer Circle Jerk Scandal