We present our State House races to watch on Election Night, potential Supreme Court nominees are floated and Planned Parenthood goes after Governor Corbett. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
The State House Races to Watch on Election Night: These will be the contests to look out for in the state’s lower chamber.
Possible State Supreme Court Replacements Named: Top Republican leaders floated potential replacements for the seats left by McCaffrey and eventually Castille.
PA-Gov: Planned Parenthood President Hammers Gov. Corbett (VIDEO): Planned Parenthood PA PAC released a new video in which they give women voters ten reasons to oppose the Governor.
Joan Orie Melvin Issues Apology Letter for Campaign Corruption Charges: Over one year after her conviction, the former PA Supreme Court Justice sent out an apology letter.
Legislative Elections Update:
HD-46: State Representative Jesse White’s campaign accused their Republican opponent Jason Ortitay of lying about Rep. White’s voting record.
According to the White camp, the PA Family Council is distributing direct mail accuses their candidate of voting against S.B. 732 when in fact he voted for it.
“It is shameful for Jason Ortitay to attack my position on such a critical issue,” said Rep. White. “Women’s health is an issue that I take very seriously, and to have my vote on this matter blatantly misrepresented is disrespectful to the voters.”
HD-163: The Delaware Daily Times endorsed Democratic nominee Vince Rongione for the open seat.
“In a very close race between two solid candidates, the Daily Times endorses Vince Rongione for the 163rd state House race,” they wrote.
SD-32: WTAE-TV’s Truth Check found Democratic State Rep. Deb Kula’s attack ad on Republican Pat Stefano “misleading” and “false”.
PA Independent: After indictments, Ironworks’ union staying mostly on electoral sidelines
StateImpact: Second lawsuit filed to halt drilling in state parks and forests
StateImpact: Cancer causing air toxins detected at frack sites
PLS Reporter: Crows aren’t welcome at the Capitol
Inquirer: Washington pleads guilty; avoids jail time
Inquirer: Suspected cop-killer Frein taken into custody
Newsworks: Election Forum: Looking at Tuesday’s election and longing for Philly’s mayoral race
Newsworks: The shifting landscape of gaming in the Philadelphia region
Newsworks: Philly Council introduces resolution instead of PGW sale
Newsworks: HHS Secretary to Philly residents with Obamacare plans: review, update, enroll
Newsworks: Pa. Sen. LeAnna Washington gives up seat, avoids jail in plea
KYW: Civic Groups Ramping Up Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts as Pa. Elections Near
City Paper: What’s the matter with Pennsylvania?
Mercury: Incumbent Simmons, challenger Beyer square off in 131st Pa. House Dist. race
Mercury: Tom Wolf visits Royersford in support in support of Painter
Courier Times: Greenleaf, Damsker face off in 12th District Senate race
Courier Times: Bucks students learn about civic duty during mock elections
Delco Times: Chester gets $750G grant to install dozens of security cameras
Tribune Review: Court validates Highmark Medicare plan that excludes UPMC
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh asks judge to let abortion buffer zone remain during legal challenge
Tribune Review: Gergely up against GOP’s Peoples in Pennsylvania House’s 35th District
Tribune Review; Daley to face Cook in 49th district
Tribune Review: Kelly emphasizes need for candor to new VA Erie director
Tribune Review: Police: Man wanted in fatal state trooper ambush captured
Early Returns: Peduto gets a birthday gift from AARP
Early Returns: Republican poll, same results
Post-Gazette: Pa. legislator gets house arrest in $200K corruption case; staff worked on ‘birthday’ fundraiser
Post-Gazette: Democrat playing the race card in Senate campaigns in South
Tribune Democrat: Frein captured
Tribune Democrat: PA coroner auctioning off guns used in suicides
Observer-Reporter: Nasty campaign marks 45th district State House race
Beaver County Times: Market forces dictated ESB sale
Beaver County Times: Polls still have Wolf leading Corbett
Altoona Mirror: Lawmaker gets house arrest, keeps pension for plea
Altoona Mirror: A look at claims in PA governor’s race
Pocono Record: Notes from press conference on capture of Eric Frein
Pocono Record: Pike County DA working with courts on Eric Frein arraignment
Pocono Record: Tom Wolf, Mark Aurand to rally in Stroudsburg
Times Tribune: Frein in custody
Times Tribune: Judge seeks report on email retrieval in open records case
Times Leader: Cartwright seeking 2nd term in NEPA’s 17th District
Times Leader: Challenger Moylan in NEPA’S 17th Congressional District: Abolish IRS and set term limits
Times Leader: UPDATE – State police: Eric Frein, wanted in slaying of state trooper, captured
South Central
Daily News: What’s next for legalizing medical marijuana in Pa.?
Roxbury News:Harrisburg Mayor Eric Papenfuse
Dispatch: Poll: Economy, other issues beat out traditional election battlegrounds
Patriot News: Discovering his mother’s death steeled a 17-year-old Tom Corbett for life’s challenges
AP: State Sen. Leanna Washington gets house arrest for corruption plea, will resign Friday
Sentinel: Hampden Township commissioners give go-ahead for new development
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Allentown plans solution for flood-prone West End
Eagle: Casey, Toomey applaud state police in arrest of Eric Frein
Eagle: Reading’s proposed new Act 47 recovery plan includes spending caps for police and firefighters
Eagle: Berks County Republicans express optimism as Election Day nears
Express Times: Lopatcong Township mayoral candidates focused on keeping expenses down, property values up
North by Northwest
Sun Gazette: County reviews plans for block grant funds
Daily Times: Attacks get personal in 81st District; Huntingdon GOP committeeman posts crude drawing aimed at Rep. Fleck
Philly.com: Deal leaves court issues unresolved
Courier Times: Keep Farry on the job
Daily Times: Opinion: Congress must act on consumer data breaches
Post-Gazette: PG, remember what you hoped for 4 years ago
Post-Gazette: Everyone, including candidates, should care about corruption in Pa. government
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh Laurels & Lances
Tribune Review: Tom Wolf’s $1 billion myth
Tribune Review: Africa: A tragic continent
Tribune Democrat: Voters should chose Barbin as their representative
Tribune Democrat: Challenger Rice our pick in 72nd district
Tribune Democrat: In 39th district reelect Rick Saccone
Tribune Democrat: Tough decision in state senate races
Pocono Record: Letter: Democrats help working people
Pocono Record: Letter: Supports Troiano for 10th District
Pocono Record: Letter: Scavello failed her; she’ll vote for Aurand
Pocono Record: Letter: Vote for change, oust the Republicans
Pocono Record: Letter: Vote a straight democratic ticket
Times Leader: Our Opinion: Re-elect Gov. Tom Corbett for concrete way forward
Roxbury News: Governor Corbett – A Mistake in Judgement
Dispatch: LETTER: Wolf dodges tax questions
Dispatch: OP-ED: Possible benefits of a Republican Senate
Daily Times: Letter to the editor: Wolf is not the answer
Commonwealth Foundation: Obamacare: Low Quality, High Cost
Keystone Politics: Don’t Carve Philly Out of Uber Legalization