10/7 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, and welcome to the Buzz.

Occupy Movement in PA: Occupy Wall Street? More like Occupy Broad Street. The string of protests inspired by OccupyTogether.org is in the process of expanding to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading and more.

Solyndra: The California company Soylndra is a hot topic these days, and not just because they manufacture solar panels. Republicans across the country and in Pennsylvania are eager to highlight what has become a high-profile, anecdotal indictment of President Obama’s economic and energy policies.

Casey & Barnanke: On Tuesday, Joint Economic Committee Chairman Senator Bob Casey questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a hearing that was conducted to gain a better grasp on what the Federal Reserve and Congress can initiate in order to stimulate economic growth in the United States.

And don’t forget to check back later for the Ups & Downs!

Capitol Ideas: Keystone Progress mounts petition campaign on Corbett School Reform plan
Captiol Ideas: Marcellus Shale coalition staffs up
Capitol Ideas: Corbett says vouchers proposal is coming soon
Tribune Review: Corbett gears up to tackle school reform
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. Liquor Store Sale Plan Gains More GOP Support
Pennlive.com: Proposed PA law would help protect youth athletes from concussions
witf: Liquor Privatization Plan Gets More Senate GOP Backing
witf: Deliberating with Corbett, sidelining the concussed, and an office move gets more backing
Early Returns: Pa Rep bill on ultrasound mandate
Early Returns: Fitz: Where are cut specifics
Early Returns: Raja: Eliminate drink tax
Indiana Gazette: Corbett avoids endorsement
AP, Indiana Gazette: Plea by Perzel’s ex-aide changes trial
AP, Altoona Mirror: Electoral vote plan stirs up emotion
Altoona Mirror: Earned income tax revenue could go up
Altoona Mirror: Occupy Philadelphia to protest outside City Hall
AP, Observer Reporter: Ex-House GOP tech chief says lawyer tried cover up
PA Independent: County Officials in drilling areas want more revenue, not more responsibility
PA Independent: High ranking GOP Senator joins privatization battle as Corbett reviews crucial report
State Impact: PA doctors discuss the public health impacts of fracking
State Impact: DEP offices revert to normal operating hours
State Impact: PA Department of Agriculture says frack water didnt kill calves
State Impact: Researchers wade into streams to study gas drilling effects
State Impact: CCAP press release details “Strong Reservations” about Corbett plan
State Impact: County Commissioners disagree with Corbett on Fee plan
Capitolwire: Go. Corbett says education plan en route, and surplus? What surplus?
Capitolwire: Gov. Corbett says local options key to his plan for Marcellus fee
Capitolwire: House GOP celebrate Prevailing Wage Act’s 50th birthday
Capitolwire: House plan hears about Utah’s health insurance exchange experience

AP: Judge Upholds Barnes Foundation’s Move To Philly
Daily News: Nutter To Veto Parking Tax Cut
Daily News: New Sick-Day Proposal Passes A Council Test
Inquirer: A Jim’s Death Surprise To LCB

Philly Burbs
Inquirer: Plan To Put Tolls On 422 Dead For Now
Bucks County Courier Times: Marseglia Proposes ‘Full Disclosure’ On Bidding For Voting Machines

Tribune Review: Restaurant group endorses Raja for county executive
Tribune Review: County executive candidates push airport business
Post-Gazette: Raja vows to end Allegheny County’s 7 percent drink tax
Post-Gazette: Turzai picks up some Senate support for sale of state stores
Early Returns: The OccupyPGH Tea Party connection
Early Returns: Fitz releases first negative ad
WTAE: Candidate vows to end Allegheny county drink tax

Times Tribune: Scranton may leave $7 mil in bills unpaid
Citizen’s Voice: Permit problems in West Pittston
Wayne Independent: Honesdale seeks loan to pay bills -brittanyf
Pocono Record: Middle Smithfield redirects money from golf courses to pay bills
The Daily Review: Troy Mayor changes mind about running for city council seat

Tribune Review: Juvenile justice system put on display
Tribune Review: Drilling ban could lead to lawsuits, Peters frets
AP, Observer Reporter: Counties like Corbett plan, but not their role

South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: Pa. counties like Corbett plan, but not their role
Patriot-News: Gov. Tom Corbett urges hearings on how Pennsylvania reduces the odds of another catastrophic flood
Patriot-News: Pa. State System of Higher Education to seek a 2.1 increase in state funding for 2012-13
Patriot-News: Occupy Harrisburg holds first organizational meeting, allied with Occupy Wall Street movement
Patriot-News: Does the state have a place in making laws concerning concussions in youth sports?

Big Tent: Almost Halfway to Popular Vote for President
Baer Growls: Who Are These People?
Heard in the Hall: Mayor Nutter Vetoes Parking-Tax Reduction
Philadelphia Inquirer: Charters are no panacea
Daily News: Howe we got so Christian
Daily News: Christie’s Patient Calculations
Patriot-News: Even if we pay more in taxes, will government use money wisely?
Patriot-News: Changing primary dates and electoral votes can backfire
Lancaster Era: States move to bypass the electoral college
Lancaster Era: Behind the occupation of Wall Street
Beaver County Times: Voter ID bill discourages many

PhillyNow: Fox News ‘Catches’ Philly Daily News’ Bunch Working For Media Matters
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: The Peanut Gallery Makes Some Good Rte 33 Interchange Suggestions
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: City Council Candidates Carroll, Simao Suffer Borderline Thuggery
Third and State: Morning Must Reads: As the Jobs Crisis Rolls On, Elected Officials Look To Hate To Win Voters
PA Progressive: Morning Notes
PA Progressive: Mayor Pawlowski Slams Dent on Partisanship
Lu Lac Political Letter: Political Prison Woes
The Centrist: America’s Real Obesity Problem
The Centrist: PA Announces Disciplinary Action Against 73 Licensed Professionals
The Centrist: Immigrant Population at Record 40 Million in 2010
The Centrist: PA Game Commission 2012 Calendar on Sale
The Independent, Conservative, Common Sense Oasis: Lash Out of Look Inward- Blame Others or Take Responsibility For Your Own Health
2 Political Junkies: Off the Record
PA Town Hall: States Can Selected Method for Allocating Electoral Votes
PA Town Hall: COOL Kicks of Operation October
PA Town Hall: Old Energy, New Application
PA Town Hall: Time for State to Terminate Duquesne

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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