Wolf reveals his choice for Education Secretary, a majority are confident in the Governor-Elect and Carney weighs a Senate bid. Happy Inauguration Day politicos, here’s the Buzz!
PA-Gov: Wolf Announces Education and Labor Secretaries: The Governor-Elect unveils perhaps his most anticipated nominee.
Poll: Hillary Clinton Early Favorite in PA for President in 2016: A new Mercyhurst Poll tests how voters feel about the potential 2016 candidates.
PA-Sen: Former Rep. Chris Carney Considers 2016 Senate Bid: The former Congressman is “weighing” a primary challenge to the party’s 2010 nominee, Joe Sestak.
PA-Gov: Poll Finds Majority of Voters Confident in Wolf: A Mercyhurst poll shows voters supportive of Wolf’s ability to lead and tackle the state’s issues.
PA-15: Dent Speaks Out Against a Third Romney Presidential Campaign (VIDEO): The Republican Congressman discourages Romney from running again.
State House Sound Bites: It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Inaugurated
PA Independent: State Records: Business Miss Job Pledges, But Taxpayer Money at Stake
Capitolwire: Point of Order: Rush to Scrap Healthy PA, Expand Medicaid Might be Ill-Advised
Capitolwire: Wolf’s Advisors Say Budget Shortfall Could Be $2.33 Billion at End of Current Fiscal Year
Capitolwire: NCAA Agrees to Repeal Consent Decree Against Penn State
Inquirer: Wolf Taps Two with Philly Roots
Inquirer: Mayoral Candidates Use MLK Day to Tout their Campaigns
Inquirer: Echoes of the 89th Congress
Philly.com: AP: Decision Looms for Democrats on 2016 Convention Site
KVW: On MLK Day, Penn Protesters March Against Racial and Social Injustice
KVW: Gov-elect Wolf Joins Volunteers for MLK Day Event in Harrisburg
KVW: Governor-elect Tom Wolf Ready to Take Oath of Office
Pottstown Mercury: State Rep. Kate Harper Declines Run for Montgomery County Seat
Pottstown Mercury: Tom Wolf Poised to take Oath as 47th PA Governor
Pottstown Mercury: AP: Wolf Names Picks for Education, Labor, and Industry
Delco Daily Times: Report: Pope will be in Philly the Morning of Sept. 26
KDKA: Wolf Poised To Take Inaugural Oath As 47th Governor
WTAE: Americans remember Martin Luther King Jr.
Post-Gazette: Shenango struggles to cope as former treasurer is charged with stealing nearly $800,000
Post-Gazette: ‘Watch this city grow:’ Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto tackles Year Two
Post-Gazette: Wolf taps Lancaster superintendent for education secretary post
Post-Gazette: All in the details: Culinary spread planned for Gov.-elect Wolf’s inauguration gala
Post-Gazette: Obama has already laid out much of his State of the Union address
Tribune Review: Gender equality elusive in Congress as fewer women run for office
Altoona Mirror: Outgoing GACTC director committed to center’s image
Altoona Mirror: Workshop to educate those interested in serving on local government boards
Altoona Mirror: Democratic women schedule meeting
Observer-Reporter: Study shows frack water impact
Observer-Reporter: DEP awards grants for natural gas vehicles
Observer-Reporter: Peters holds hearing on drilling ordinance
Beaver County Times: Cubans have ‘jolt of optimism’ after ties reinstated
Pocono Record: DEP halts Hamilton developer from dumping at Castle Creek Estates
Pocono Record: Health assessment shows deficits in Monroe County services
Standard Speaker: AG: W-B, Hazelton rank high in pension liabilities
Citizens Voice: West Side governments seek gaming funds
Times-Tribune: Wolf inauguration sets new course
Times-Tribune: Lackawanna County government near debt limit
The Times Leader: Plymouth’s Bill Dixon stands alone, Luzerne County’s only African-American elected official
The Times Leader: Council on Compulsive Gambling focuses on education, referrals for problem gamblers
South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: Iron Forge Bids Approved, But Work Will Be Delayed
Carlisle Sentinel: Tri-County Community Action Launches Initiative to Combat Cumberland County Poverty
Patriot-News: Gov.-Elect Tom Wolf Nervous About New Job, But Poll Shows Most Pennsylvanians Aren’t
Patriot-News: Bundle Up If You Are Going to the Inauguration But No Need to Go Overboard
Patriot-News: Gov.-Elect Tom Wolf Tours, Volunteers at Downey School on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Patriot-News: Wolf Names Nominees for Secretaries of Department of Education, Labor and Industry
Patriot-News: Let’s Take a Look at Those Donors to Wolf’s Inauguration
Patriot-News: Inauguration Day Guide: Where to Park, Eat and Explore in Harrisburg
Patriot-News: Lower Dauphin School Board to Keep Tax Increase Under Index
Daily Record: Five Things to Know About Gov.-Elect Tom Wolf
Daily Record: Northern School Board Asks State to Delay Any Dover Transfer
Daily Record: Excitement, Questions on Obama’s Community College Proposal
Daily Record: Jurors to Be Bused Daily from York to Reading for 2005 Slaying Trial
York Dispatch: Fifth Floor of York County Judicial Center Taking Shape
York Dispatch: York City Has High Hopes for New Education Secretary
York Dispatch: Tiny, Blue-Collar Mount Wolf: the Second State Capital?
Intelligencer-Era: Local Offices Report on Healthy PA Enrollment
Intelligencer-Era: Wolf Appoints SDoL Superintendent to Top Education Post
Intelligencer-Era: Where to Watch Gov. Tom Wolf’s Inauguration on Tuesday
Intelligencer-Era: Penn State Hershey Physician to Serve as Pa. Physician General
Lebanon Daily News: Curtis Kulp, S. Lebanon Township Manager for 30 Years, Plans to Retire
Lebanon Daily News: Lebanon School Board OKs Early Budget with Tax Hike
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: City Center Wants Property Tax Bill Cut on Two Downtown Buildings
Morning Call: Allentown Police Chief: Ferguson Isn’t Selma
Morning Call: Wolf to Become 47th Governor Amid Budget Crisis
Morning Call: Wolf Taps Lancaster Schools Chief as Education Secretary
Morning Call: As Lawsuits Mount, Allentown Pushes to Repeal Gun Law
Morning Call: Dent: ‘Third Time Is Not a Charm’ for Romney
Reading Eagle: Gov. Tom Corbett’s Legacy Figures to Be Unfulfilled Promise
Reading Eagle: Ron Southwick: Bad Timing Shouldn’t Mar a Good Choice
Reading Eagle: Why Gov. Tom Corbett’s Leadership Style Didn’t Serve Him Well
Reading Eagle: Were No-Parking Signs Political Payback to Scott?
Reading Eagle: The Rundown: Berks Lawmakers Take New Posts, Casey and Toomey Take Aim At a Tax
Reading Eagle: Week in Review: John Wetzel Stays Put, and Hershey Becomes the Place for Politics
Express-Times: Bethlehem Township Officials OK Further Expansion of Freemansburg Avenue
Express-Times: Bethlehem Township Commissioner Tom Nolan Declares Re-Election Bid
Express-Times: Lower Saucon Township Officials to Consider Vote Against PennEast Pipeline
Express-Times: Whitehall Township’s Next Mayor Will Get a 2.5 Percent Raise
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: State College Board OKs Spending Plan
Sun-Gazette: Township Board OKs New Principal
Sun-Gazette: Woman Has the Best Interests of the City on Her Mind
Philly.com: Ban on Fracking would be Fresh Start that PA Needs
Philly.com: PA Legislators must Face Reality…and Taxes
Reading Eagle: Exeter Making the Wrong Move
Reading Eagle: Did Koch Brothers Write Editorial?
Express-Times: Minority Support for Public Meeting Prayer Is Shocking
Express-Times: Should Pennsylvania Ban Hiking on State Game Lands During Hunting Season?
Patriot-News: To Gov. Tom Wolf, Welcome. To Gov. Tom Corbett, Thank You
York Daily Record: Still Working to Make the Dream a Reality
York Dispatch: Don’t Excuse Bad Behavior
Pottstown Mercury: Is Education Spending Ever Enough?
Tribune Review: Obama & Wolf: Taxers and spenders
Post-Gazette: A merit society: Americans must recall Martin Luther King’s hope
Observer-Reporter: Debate poverty, not music
Citified: Time for Real Talk on Charters
Citizens Call: ‘Two of a Kind’ to Celebrate 25 Years of Delighting Kids and Families with Music and More
PA Water Cooler: No Yuengling for Wolf (Updated)
Lu Lac Political Letter: Martin Luther King Day
Above Average Jane: An Update to “A Tail of Two Marriages”