Wolf releases the ethics agreement for his Inaugural Committee, Bill DeWeese wants a new trial and Sen. Casey critiques President Obama’s Syria strategy. Plus, last week’s Ups & Downs! Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
11/28 Ups & Downs: Inaugurations, conventions and pleas. See who made this week’s list!
PA-Gov: Wolf Inaugural Committee Must Sign Ethics Agreement: Just like his transition team, the Gov-elect’s Inaugural Committee must also sign a code of ethics.
DeWeese Wants a New Trial: The former PA House Speaker is appealing for a new trial despite just being released from jail.
PA-Sen: Casey Critiques President Obama’s Syria Strategy: The State’s Senior Senator cautions against shifting focus off Assad in Washington Post Op-Ed.
PA Independent: New bosses look a lot like the old bosses after leadership shuffle in Harrisburg
State House Sound Bites: Ex-House Democratic Leader Seeks New Trial
State House Sound Bites: Senator Jake Corman asks for mediation in Penn State lawsuit
State House Sound Bites: How end-of-life decisions are changing
WHYY Newsworks: Dozens in South Philly join national rallies urging better wages for Walmart workers
WHYY Newsworks: Peaceful protest over Ferguson continues in Philly
WHYY Newsworks: Corbett would consider any measures from Pa. lame-duck session
WHYY Newsworks: Departing Pennsylvania House speaker once again makes a case for downsizing legislature
Philly.com: Tom Wolf faces big decisions on budget, policies
The Inquirer: What’s next for Pa.’s lame-duck lieutenant governor?
Daily News: City Hall’s maven of all that moves
The Inquirer: As universities break ties with Cosby, Temple does not
Pottstown Mercury: Pa. Gov.-elect Tom Wolf faces big decisions on budget, policies
Pottstown Mercury: Rep. Meehan gets seat on House Ways and Means Committee
Daily Local News: East Brandywine may drop property tax rate for next year
DelcoDailyTimes: No tax increase included in Chester’s 2015 proposed budget; Harrah’s worries loom
Tribune Review: Critics fear Allegheny Regional Asset District could become politicians’ piggy bank
Tribune Review: Davis becomes 1st African-American to be named vice chair of Allegheny County Democratic Committee
Tribune Review: Prices drop, but solar system sales fall as aid expires
Post-Gazette: Passport Academy Charter School opens to help high school dropouts earn diplomas
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh program pushes black students to take advanced high school courses
Business Times: Power of 32 developing regional plan for ‘energy revolution’
Business Times: Some producers opting out of Marcellus Shale in favor of more lucrative plays
KDKA: Joe Sestak Eying 2016 Senate Run
County Times: Beaver Falls considers waterfront access possibilities
County Times: Fallston budget calls for 12.5 percent tax increase
AP: 9 Penn State trustees demand Freeh documents
Mirror: State rejects application for city streetscape improvements
Tribune-Democrat: Pennsylvania launches Medicaid overhaul
Times Leader: Radiated soil another concern in Marcellus Shale fracking
Times Leader: Luzerne County stands to receive up to $2 million from Coal Street project
Record: Stroud Township Solar Farm Revived
Citizens Voice: Some county employees still not paid
Citizens Voice: Districts rely on state funds to hire police
South Central
Daily News: Shoppers, owners pleased with Small Business Saturday results
Intelligencer: Christmas trees are starting to fall; local farms reports brisk sales
Intelligencer: County to look at needs of children whose parents are in prison
Sentinel: Water Works: Water shortages create pricey food for all
Sentinel: School districts torn on using snow days as cyber days
Patriot-News: ‘We’re feeling the love’: Small Business Saturday is a hit with local store owners and shoppers
Patriot-News: Lancaster demonstrators protest Ferguson grand jury decision: report
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: U.S. Supreme Court to hear Lehigh Valley Facebook threats case Monday
Morning Call: Women-only restaurant in Afghanistan gets assist from U.S. Sen. Bob Casey
Morning Call: Healthy PA’s days may be numbered
Eagle: Boyertown’s proposed budget has no tax hike
Eagle: Wyomissing School District challenging borough’s denial of fence plan
Express-Times: White House Christmas tree arrives from Carbon County, Pennsylvania
Express-Times: Freedom High School state finalist in Samsung technology contest
North by Northwest
Sun-Gazette: Senator named to Chesapeake Bay Commission
Sun-Gazette: City surplus spending plan up for debate
Sun-Gazette: Pa. congressmen are opposed to Obama’s action on immigration
Daily Times: State College Police Lieutenant: ‘We’re only scratching the surface’ on sexual assault reports
Daily Times: Penn State alumni-elected trustees seek Freeh papers for review
Times-News: Amtrak blames freight trains for long delays in Erie
Times-News: Erie, Summit apply for signal improvement grants
Eagle: Editorial: Violence unacceptable, regardless of panel’s verdict
Express-Times: EDITORIAL: Urban Enterprise Zone funding a mixed blessing for Phillipsburg
Times-News: Our View: Erie can produce More Caps and Gowns
Delco Daily Times: Letter: Count one vote against Sen. Toomey and for Sestak
Pottstown Mercury: EDITORIAL: Debate needed on cost of Eric Frein manhunt
Philly.com: Catholic Church headed towards a schism
The Inquirer: No holiday for many
WHYY Newsworks: Why I choose to cherish Thanksgiving, not go shopping
Tribune Review: A case study for school choice
Post-Gazette: Calamity Kane: Is the state attorney general in over her head?
Record: Opinion: PA leaders’ raise is no merit increase
Commonweatlh Foundation: EPA Rule Would Increase PA Energy Bills by $1,000
Commonwealth Foundation: The Gift of Work
Keystone Politics: Your Crow Sandwich, Mr. Fitzpatrick
Keystone Politics: #PASen: Bob Casey to the Right of Michael Krancer and the Voters on Climate
Keystone Politics: Takin Mah Toys and Goin Home