1/23 Morning Buzz

Harrisburg-Capitol-steps6-300x220The governor unveiled his fundraising war chest after he was made a punchline on the Daily Show, GOP Reps. get attacked by a liberal group and College Democrats and Republicans prepare for November. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.

PA-Gov: Corbett Raised $6.8M in 2013: The Governor has $7.5 million on hand of the $12.3 million he brought in since taking office.

PA-Gov: Corbett Releases New Energy Plan: The Governor’s release focuses mainly on coal, oil, and gas and unlike Democratic plans, does not address climate change.

Corbett Makes ‘Daily Show’ Punchline: PA governor gets recognized on national TV for all the wrong reasons.

Americans United For Change Attack PA Congressmen: Liberal organization scores “Tea Party” votes from Reps. Dent, Pitts, Fitzpatrick and Meehan.

College Democrats and Republicans Prepare for November Election: Pennsylvania College Democrats and their Republican counterparts hope to sway voters on university campuses.

Legislative Election Updates:

HD-20: State Rep. Adam Ravenstahl (D-Allegheny) today announced he will seek re-election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

“It has been an incredible honor to serve the residents of the 20th Legislative District and I hope to earn their support for another term,” Ravenstahl said.

He has served in the State House since 2010. So far, it looks like he will face self-declared libertarian Republican Tom Fodi in the general.

State House Sound Bites: Corbett proposes second annual boost to abuse victims’ programs
State House Sound Bites: Corbett mulling next move on voter ID
PA Independent: Unions coalesce against ‘paycheck protection’ legislation
StateImpactPA: Close call on Philly oil train derailment fuels calls for safety
StateImpactPA: Smart Talk: what the Act 13 court ruling means for Pennsylvania
StateImpactPA: Pa. extends public comment period for proposed oil and gas rules
Capitolwire: Once ‘overblown’ concerns of DEP staffing levels now a problem
Capitolwire: Feds allow Medicaid-eligible CHIP kids to stay in CHIP until end of 2014
Capitolwire: Corbett administration floats liquor privatization ideas

Commonwealth Confidential: Corbett seeks $2.2 million increase for domestic violence programs
The Daily News: Is Nutter changing his tune on charters?
The Daily News: Update! Update! There’s a guv race – and more
The Inquirer: Bill Green is a difficult man for a difficult job
Axis Philly: Pew Report: Millennials love the city, but half may leave
WHYY Newsworks: Corbett calls Pa. public school funding unfair
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. businesses will face steeper tax penalties without Medicaid expansion
WHYY Newsworks: NW Philadelphia city council members discuss plans for 2014
Phillynow.com: Today, pot gets you get arrested—tomorrow, that could start to change

AP: Pa. Gov. Corbett raised $6.8M in 2013, campaign says
phillyburbs.com: Records show lawmakers introduced 104 bills, passed one
phillyburbs.com: Reservist to seek GOP nomination in state House race
phillyburbs.com: Bills would expand Pa. smoking ban to all bars, casinos
Delco Daily Times: Pa. state-owned universities seek flexibility on tuition, fees

Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh public school board approves 2 percent tax increase
Post-Gazette: Grants accepted by Pittsburgh Public Schools
Post-Gazette: Calls raised for controls on trains bearing crude
Post-Gazette: August Wilson Center eyed by Pittsburgh Public Schools
Tribune-Review: Pittsburgh employee buyout proposal gets early OK
Tribune-Review: Allegheny Health Network to partner with Johns Hopkins
UrbanMediaToday: Wilson Center Conservator Seeks Receivership; Organization Remains Hopeful

Altoona Mirror: Howsare resigns to take new job
Altoona Mirror: Firm hired for reassessment study
Beaver County Times: New aviation program head announced
Beaver County Times: Tax-prep service switches Center locations
Beaver County Times: State senate candidate vows against accepting public pension, pay increases
Beaver County Times: ‘Live Well Allegheny’ health and wellness campaign kicks off

Times Leader: Pittston Area names district principal
Times Leader: Casey touts need for wage hike as Pa. economy lags
Times-Tribune: School board accepts Luzerne County charged teacher’s resignation
Times-Tribune: Scranton to hire special labor counsel for all labor/employment matters
Times-Tribune: PPL defends response time to West Scranton blaze; fire chief says it was too long
Times-Tribune: Warden defends jail, staff in wake of CO arrest

South Central
Harrisburg Patriot News: Despite controversy, longtime Pennsylvania state pension fund chairman bows out with chin up
Harrisburg Patriot News: Pennsylvania’s State Employees Retirement System selects firm for Anthony Clark investigation
Harrisburg Patriot News: New child abuse laws mean higher costs for Cumberland County
Harrisburg Patriot News: Corbett resolves an Obamacare dispute: CHIP children don’t have to move to Medicaid (for now)
Harrisburg Patriot News: York commissioner wants special election to replace Sen. Waugh call off
Harrisburg Patriot News: Gov. Corbett calls for state to spend more on rape and domestic violence programs
York Daily Record: York County Democrats recommend Linda Small for Mike Waugh’s state Senate seat
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Six Lancaster County stream-improvement projects get state grants
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: New in Pa.: PaFreeFile, a one-stop filing portal for federal, state tax returns
AP: Pa. state-owned universities seek flexible tuition
Carlisle Sentinel: Mayor: Shippensburg in ‘excellent’ shape
Carlisle Sentinel: Shippensburg Borough Councils OKs wastewater plant repairs

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Sen. Bob Casey talks poverty and pain to promote wage hikes and unemployment compensation
Morning Call: Home sales up 23 percent in the Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Gov. Tom Corbett ready to spend $7.5 million in re-election bid
Reading Eagle: PennDOT plows through winter budget for Berks County
Reading Eagle: Challenging perceptions, crime in Reading has dropped in the past 20 years
Reading Eagle: Pennsylvania receives poor grades in tobacco report
WFMZ: Boscola announces $10.7 million state loan for Bethlehem sewer project
Express Times: Michael Doherty concerned about number of Republicans on panel investigating bridge scandal

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Councilwoman to leave Lock Haven council
Williamsport Sun Gazette: WASD seeks OK to raise taxes above state’s Act 1 Index
Williamsport Sun Gazette: County subdivision, land development ordinance re-written
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Montgomery school board OKs tax resolution
Centre Daily Times: U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson announces re-election bid
Centre Daily Times: Centre County may partner with other counties for emergency services

Post-Gazette: Gas plan: Allegheny County takes steps for better oversight
Express Times: Editorial: N.J., Pa. should expand criminal background checks for child care
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Rep. Denlinger’s selective outrage
The Daily News: Know your state and county?
Delco Daily Times: Editorial: Corbett can run, but not hide, from bad decisions

Media Trackers: Pennsylvania’s Faculty Union Looks to Dodge Pension Reform
Media Trackers: High Noon for Pennsylvania Paycheck Protection
Media Trackers: Pennsylvania in Poor Fiscal Condition, New Study Finds
Keystone Politics: Study: Gentrification Benefits Financial Health of Long-Time Residents
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Does Corbett Think It Was Unfair of Him to Scrap Rendell’s Education Funding Formula?
Keystone Progress: “Tea Party Scorecard” Finds Pennsylvania’s Swing-District Republicans Vote with Tea Party 75 Percent of the Time

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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