Democrats chose their HD-170 nominee, President Obama and Vice President Biden will be in Philly next week and Congressman Dent criticizes his party’s agenda. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
BREAKING: HD-170: Democrats Nominate Sarah Del Ricci: The Democratic Party has chosen their candidate to fill Brendan Boyle’s open seat.
Obama and Biden Set to Visit Philly Next Week: The President and Vice President are set to visit the City of Brotherly Love.
PA-15: Dent Criticizes Early House Agenda: The Pennsylvania Republican blasted his party for focusing on contentious social issues.
PPP Poll: Clinton Holds Commanding Lead over Potential 2016 Opponents: The new survey also shows a surprising Republican front-runner.
SD-5: Democrats Nominate Sabatina to Replace Stack: The Democratic Party officially chose State Rep. John Sabatina Jr. to fill the open seat vacated by Lt. Governor Mike Stack.
PA District Attorneys Endorse Warren for State Supreme Court: The current DA of Montour County is vying for one of three open seats on the court.
Majority Leader Reed Announces House Committee Chairmen: The members and leaders of each House committee were announced Wednesday.
StateImpactPA: Anti-Drilling Group Settles Surveillance Litigation with State
State House Sound Bites: Proposal Could Threaten Major Revenue Source for Cities, Counties
State House Sound Bites: Grand Jury Report Aims at Reporters’ Shield Law
State House Sound Bites: GOP Bridles as Wolf Retracts Lame-Duck Picks
PA Independent: PA Lawmakers Revive Efforts to Close Union Stalking Loophole
Inquirer: At AG Kane’s Request, High Court Temporarily Bars Charges Against Her
Inquirer: Bucks GOP Fund-Raiser Charged in $20 Million Scheme
Inquirer: Wolf Fires Open Records Director and Recalls Corbett Nominations
Inquirer: Independent’s Day? Katz Mulls Another Mayoral Run
Inquirer: Plot Thickens as Field Thins: Kenny to Join Philly Mayor’s Race
Inquirer: Kenney Bill Seeks to Ban City Deposits with CitiGroup, Bank of America
PhillyClout: Trujillo Throws Support to Martinez, she Declines
Heard in the Hall: Fran Bielli to Serve as Interim CIO of Phila Pension Board
WHYY: GOP Bristles as Wolf Retracts Lame-Duck Picks
WHYY: Ballot Talks: The State of Pennsylvania’s Judiciary
Bucks County Courier News: Wolf Recalls Corbett Nomination of Two Bucks County Judges
Delco Daily Times: PA Investigating Grand Jury wants to Narrow Press’ Shield Law
Delco Daily Times: PA Court: School Reform Commission can’t Impose new Terms on PA Teachers
Pottstown Mercury: Upper Providence OK’s Zoning Changes for Valley Forge Baptist Temple Properties
Pottstown Mercury: ACLU: One-Strike Eviction Law Unfair to Landlord, Tenants
Pottstown Mercury: Rafferty Bill to Extend Ignition Interlock Devices Clears Senate Panel
Pottstown Mercury: Pennsylvania Holding off on Hiking Ban During Hunting Season
Post-Gazette: North Versailles approves new police contract
Post-Gazette: Penn Township looks to ban fracking within 600-foot buffer zone
Post-Gazette: North Huntingdon commissioners weigh storage tank plans
Post-Gazette: Talks on Moon Area-Cornell merger await new state government
Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania tax-exempt nonprofits bill opposed
Post-Gazette: Sens. Toomey, Casey named to key Senate subcommittee posts
Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board puts stopper in special liquor orders
Post-Gazette: Wolf revokes Corbett’s last-minute appointment of Pa. open records chief
Associated Press: Pennsylvania court halts any action against attorney general
Beaver County Times: Chippewa Twp. lawyer announces run for district attorney
Observer-Reporter: Information to be released today on state agency audit of Workforce Investment Board
Observer-Reporter: Washington County DA seeks re-election
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: National Park Service names new superintendent for region
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Cambria County participates in foreign trade meeting
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Somerset Recorder of Deeds Patricia A. Peifer seek Republican nomination
The Times Leader: Kadluboski criticizes Wilkes-Barre City Council over ‘One Strike Ordinance’
Citizens Voice: Former W-B Twp. fire chief sentenced
Times-Tribune: Three finalists for Scranton superintendent job revealed
Times-Tribune: Error in Scranton budget puts bottom line off by nearly $800,000
Times-Tribune: Wolf recalls Corbett’s nomination of Dan Meuser
Standard Speaker: Argall moves into predecessors former office
Standard Speaker: Missing money leads to solicitor’s suspension
South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: South Middleton Township Supervisors Approve New Trash Contract with Slightly Higher Bill
Carlisle Sentinel: Bellaire Elementary Students Learn About Government from State Representative
Carlisle Sentinel: Wolf Bans Give-Taking, Curtails Outside Use
Carlisle Sentinel: DEP Issues Code Orange Air Quality Action Day for Friday
Carlisle Sentinel: CAEDC Receives Funds Toward Area Defense Group
Carlisle Sentinel: Game Commission Puts Hiking Permit on Hold
Patriot-News: Firing in Open Records Office Calls Office’s Independence into Question
Patriot-News: Kane Grand Jury Takes Aim at ‘Shield Law’ Protecting Journalists
Patriot-News: Erik Arneson Promises to Be at Work Despite Being Fired By Gov. Tom Wolf
Patriot-News: Kathleen Kane’s Attorney Responds to Release of Grand Jury Docs, Supreme Court Stay
Patriot-News: Supreme Court Stays Possible AG Kathleen Kane Charges
Patriot-News: Anti-Fracking Activists Want Gov. Tom Wolf to Listen to Their Message Over Campaign Contributions
Patriot-News: Changes to Pa. ‘Shield Law’ Could Prove Unpopular in Legislature
Patriot-News: Gov. Tom Wolf Removes Recently Appointed Corbett-Appointee As Head of State’s Office of Open Records
Patriot-News: Tom Wolf Takes a Stroll Through the Capitol on His Second Day in Office
Patriot-News: Kathleen Kane Grand Jury Issues Report on How to Stop Grand Jury Leaks
Daily Record: Former State Rep. Stetler’s Petition to Appeal Convictions Denied By High Court
Daily Record: Sen. Toomey Will Chair Health Care Subcommittee
Daily Record: Sen. Casey Ranking Democrat on Subcommittee
Daily Record: York Attorney Carl Anderson to Run for County Judge
Daily Record: Rep. Seth Grove Assigned to 4 Committees
Intelligencer-Era: Lancaster’s NRA Defense Fund Tops $7K
Intelligencer-Era: UPDATE: Controversial Proposal to Ban Hiking from State Game Lands Dropped Today
Intelligencer-Era: Favorites Emerging for GOP Nomination to County Seats
Intelligencer-Era: Lancaster County Sign-Ups Near 15,000
Intelligencer-Era: Beware Phishing Emails Referencing the Affordable Care Act
Lebanon Daily News: Lebanon Prepares to Adopt New Food Code
Lebanon Daily News: Anti-Abortion Rally in Lebanon Marks Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Williams Township Gives Reluctant Nod to Landfill Expansion Plan
Morning Call: Charlie Dent Among Lawmakers Who Scuttled House GOP Abortion Bill
Morning Call: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Halts Any Legal Action Against AG Kane
Reading Eagle: With Kathleen Kane in Limbo, Many Elected Officials Are Keeping Quiet
Reading Eagle: Gov. Wolf Removes State Open-Records Chief, Angering GOP
Reading Eagle: District Attorney John T. Adams Announces Bid for Re-Election
Reading Eagle: Berks County Commissioners Looking for Investment Options
Reading Eagle: Hundreds from Berks Go to D.C. for Annual March for Life
Reading Eagle: Taxes Expected to Rise Under Next Year’s Reading School District Budget
Express-Times: Easton Attorney Sam Murray Announces Bid for Northampton County Judge
Express-Times: Northampton County Officials Deliver on Envelope Promise to Avoid Court Shutdown
Express-Times: Pennsylvania Bill Would Require Truckers to Clear Tractor-Trailers of Snow, Ice
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: College Township Sets Hearing for Potential Zoning Amendments
Centre Daily Times: Penns Valley Area School District OKs Preliminary Spending Blueprint
Centre Daily Times: GOP Muscles Abortion Bill Through House on March for Life Day
Sun-Gazette: Council Votes to Fill Treasurer Vacancy
Sun-Gazette: Wilkes-Barre Rental Tenant Law Challenged
Sun-Gazette: Legislator: Pension Reforms Needs to Be Priority
Sun-Gazette: Campana Pursuing 3rd Term
Times-News: More Erie County Residents Enroll for Health Insurance
Times-News: Toomey, Casey Get Key Committee Posts
Inquirer: The Case Against Kane
Inquirer: Foreign Policy Still a Muddle Death of Free Enterprise was Greatly Exaggerated
Pottstown Mercury: Some Advice for Governor Wolf
Reading Eagle: Obama Sets Stage for 2016 with Call to Aid Middle Class
Express-Times: Is Tom Wolf a Reformer or a Deal-Maker? He Needs to Be Both
Tribune Review: Radar searches: Get a warrant
Post-Gazette: Fee for support: For Allegheny Dems, it’s the party way
Post-Gazette: Wish list: Obama and Congress must work from the center
Carlisle Sentinel: Don’t Target Gun Range Silhouettes
Patriot-News: Here’s Why Charter Schools Are a Fresh Start for Troubled York Schools
Intelligencer-Era: Many Voices and Views on How to End the Violence in Our City
Keystone State Education Coalition: PA Ed Policy Roundup Jan 22: Pew: at 35.2%, PA State Share of Public Education Funding is Among Lowest in the Nation
Citified: Alba Martinez is Not Running For Mayor
Citified: Court Rules SRC Can’t Void Teachers’ Contract
Citified: Land Bank Defeatism Solves Nothing
Citified: Kenney Sees Kenney-Sized Opening in Mayoral Race
Citified: Is Sam Katz About to Run for Mayor?
2 Political Junkies: Yea…But It’s Getting Warmer AND We’re to Blame