Dent calls for a vote on ENDA, Margolies wins the backing of the Montco Dems Chair and Schwartz gets dinged by progressives. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
Dent to Boehner: Call a Vote on ENDA: The PA Republican lead a bipartisan group urging Speaker Boehner to hold a vote on workplace discrimination legislation to strengthen protections for LGBT individuals.
PA-13: Montco Dems Chair Groen Backs Margolies: Marjorie Margolies picked up Montco Democratic Party Chairman’s endorsement in PA-13.
Speaking of Margolies, Politico Magazine did a long profile about the once and (potentially) future member of Congress. It takes a deep look, warts and all.
Wolf’s PA Society Play: Nix Reception, Give to Charity: Breaking the time-honored tradition of hosting an open bar reception at PA Society next weekend, Tom Wolf will instead make donations to Pennsylvania food banks.
Progressives Slam Schwartz-Linked Group: A battle is playing out for the soul of the Democratic party, and Allyson Schwartz has been drawn into the middle of it.
Politico: The Clinton-in-Law
State House Sound Bites: Police blooper prompts bill to let cops roll tape
State House Sound Bites: For gaming study, it’ll be a tight squeeze
PA Independent: Proposed economic furloughs could slay sacred cow of seniority in Pennsylvania schools
PA Independent: Moody’s gives Pennsylvania ‘credit positive’ for transportation funding
StateImpactPA: Corbett’s pick to run DEP does not view climate change as harmful
StateImpactPA: Bill encourages drillers to use abandoned mine drainage to frack by easing liability
StateImpactPA: What became of the quarantined cows in Tioga County?
Capitolwire: Early stages of infrastructure fixes to begin this winter
Capitolwire: Deon reappointment to PA Turnpike Commission gets the OK from Senate Transportation Committee
Capitolwire: Corbett’s DCNR, DEP secretary nominees face tough questions before advancing to final Senate confirmation vote
Capitolwire: Teacher furlough bills debated during House hearing
Inquirer: Fumo ponders political comeback
Inquirer: Veteran: Radnor discriminated against him for service
Commonwealth Confidential: A climate change exchange
PhillyClout: Holmesburg residents, pols dread proposed methadone clinic
PhillyClout: ‘Economic populism’ debate pops up in PA race for governor
NBC Philadelphia: Former State Senator Too Sick for Court
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. measure aims to shield drillers using polluted water for fracking
KYW: US Sen. Toomey Focuses On Rx Drug Abuse Problem At Delco Presentation
PhillyNow: Ed Rendell calls Obamacare rollout ‘terrible mismanagement’
PhillyNow: Schwartz Campaign calls Wall Street Journal op/ed ‘outrageous’ — but will not drop ‘Third Way’ affiliation
Courier-Times: Residents sound off on proposed earned income tax
Courier-Times: Morrisville council seat up for grabs; three residents interested
Courier-Times: Bristol Twp., bus driver’s union begin negotiations
Montgomery Media: Abington School Board reorganizes, welcomes new board member
Montgomery Media: Montgomery Township neighbors spar over property lines near proposed development
Post-Gazette: Robinson removed as head of Allegheny County Council budget committee
Post-Gazette: Baldwin-Whitehall residents turn out at meeting furious over board member’s reinstatement
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh Public Schools plan includes central office cuts, school closings
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh among 20 U.S. cities to win extra funding to promote post-secondary degrees
Tribune-Review: Washington County to seek proposals for natural gas drilling under Mingo Creek Park
Tribune-Review: City Council gives preliminary approval to install red-light cameras, final vote to come next week
UrbanMediaToday: Pittsburgh Selected to Participate in National Program to Increase Number of High-Quality Degrees, Credentials to 60 Percent By 2025
Altoona Mirror: Bedford commissioners, judge trial set
Altoona Mirror: House debates school furloughs
Beaver County Times: New Sewickley struggles to reach budget agreement
Beaver County Times: Beaver Falls health center to host ACA enrollment event
Beaver County Times: Plot to snare mole leads to investigation into sheriff’s department
Times-Tribune: Lackawanna County Commissioners reschedule Dec. meetings
Times-Tribune: Scranton mayor lauded for improving access in city to people with disabilities
Citizens Voice: Casino boost needed, Senate leader says
Citizens Voice: Corbett in town Friday to announce Sallie Mae expansion project
News Item: Northumberland County passes tentative $72.7M budget
Standard Speaker: City council to again vote on storm water fee
South Central
AP: Pa. asked to bid on attracting Boeing plant
CBS 21: State treasurer returns more than $14K in unclaimed property to PA United Way
Evening Sun: York County commissioners, union spar over 911 dispatcher hours
Evening Sun: Adams County’s 2014 budget includes tax hike
Sentinel: Harrisburg mayor-elect to host town hall meeting
PennLive: Pa. Senate passes hot potato bill to Gov. Tom Corbett
PennLive: Pa. Senate calls for study of gambling revenue before discussing expansion
PennLive: PennDOT Secretary Barry Schoch shares priorities for first year of enhanced transportation funding
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Obamacare putting pressure on Lehigh Valley Health Network’s bottom line
Morning Call: Northampton County budget peppered with amendments
Morning Call: Allentown passes 2014 budget, moves money into pensions
Morning Call: Feds not likely to follow Corbett’s lead and raise gas tax
Reading Eagle: U.S. Rep. Pitts has great expectations for local fiscal summits
WFMZ: Proposed minimum wage increase could be tough for some
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Bellefonte seeks candidates for council post
Inquirer: A political toll for road funding
Lebanon Daily News: Pennsylvania House view on school security too limited
York Daily Record: Police needed in schools, not armed teachers
Post-Gazette: Voice of experience: The city school board picks a seasoned leader
Express Times: Online or not, sales taxes should be collected uniformly
Media Trackers: Philly Convention Center Unions Drive Down Attendance, Force Switch to Private Management
Keystone Politics: Darrell Clarke Trying to Manufacture Community Opposition to Broadly-Supported Land Bank Bill
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: What Does Allyson Schwartz Like About Third Way?
Keystone Politics: Replace “Gentrification Relief” With a Gentrification Dividend
Keystone Progress: PA Legislators asked to take pledge putting corporate front group before their oath of office
4 Responses
IS POPE FRANCIS A RINO? Why haven’t all the good Catholics in the PAGOP arisen to denounce the deranged comments of Rush Limbaugh who has declared the New Pontiff a Marxist. Where is Tom Corbett? Where is Rob Gleason? Where is the Catholic members or GOP Congressional delegation on defending this Son of St. Peter. When you are at the PA Society and you see a Republican friend, don’t wish them Happy Holidays; just say OMERTA which is tradecraft of the PAGOP!!!
Even Speaker John Boehner gets it: Wake up Toretti and Anstine Girls. End the OMERTA. Meehan, Fitzpatrick and Gerlach: Do you condone alleged sexual assault by SEPA PAGOP leadership? Why can’t the GOP CAVEMEN find Female leadership in Montgomery County? The next sexual assault by SEPA PAGOP Cavemen could be your daughter. GOP Men Should Be ‘a Little More Sensitive’ to Women, Boehner Says
Dear Congressmen Pat Meehan, Mike Fitzpatrick and Jim Gerlach: Have you taken part in the NRCC training on how to communicate and run against women? May I make a suggestion: if your party leadership in Montgomery County is accused of sexual assault, date rape, you might want to speak up for your women constituents. You might to advocate having a Female Chair in Montgomery County. Stop quivering in fear before the Cyber Charter School Cabal that wants to buy the PAGOP and then this entire state.
Well it’s official State Rep and Baby Caveman Mike Vereb was elected PAGOP Chair of MONTCO. The Charter Cyber School Cabal made another purchase in the PAGOP. I’ve losing any respect for Christine Toretti. Why isn’t THIS TOP INFLUENCER fighting for PAGOP women? So here’s my thoughts for the day: 1. Defund Acting Governor John Brabender and his client Corbett. 2. Defund the Anstine program. The PAGOP doesn’t need CaveGirls to serve drinks and to raise money for PAGOP Cavemen.