We examine the latest forums of the gubernatorial candidates, present an exclusive interview with Rep. Bill Shuster and take a look at McGinty’s 2013 fundraising numbers. Plus, last week’s Ups & Downs. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
Dems Face Tough Questions in Pittsburgh Debate: Debate moderators gave each Democratic candidate for Governor a custom question meant to address a specific liability in his or her background.
PA Association for Justice PA-Gov Forum: Five of the candidates for governor took the stage in a forum hosted by trial lawyers.
PA-8: Strouse Brings In 200K in Q4: The Democratic candidate announced today that his campaign raised just over $200,000 during the last fundraising quarter of 2013.
PA-Gov Round-up: Pawlowski Endorsed By Clergy, Myers Releases New Video: We take a look at this week’s events in the electoral battle for the governorship of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1/24 Ups & Downs: Wagner officially quits on the special election in SD-28, Governor Corbett enters the year flush with cash and incumbent congressmen have a big week kicking off their campaigns. See who else made this week’s Ups & Downs.
Exclusive Interview Aboard The Shuster Bus: The congressman talked Congress and the campaign as he wrapped up his recess bus tour Thursday night – at an event crashed by opponent Art Halvorson.
PA-Gov: McGinty Raised 2.4 Mil in 2013: Former DEP Secretary raised $2.4 million for her gubernatorial campaign.
Legislative Elections Update:
HD-146: Former State Rep. John Quigley is mounting a bid to regain his seat. Quigley lost the seat to Democrat Mark Painter in 2012.
“As I talk to people across the 146th District, three issues always come to the forefront: property tax reform, focusing spending on priorities like education, and stopping the growth of government,” Quigley said.
Painter told the Pottstown Mercury that he intends to seek reelection.
HD-164: Former Lansdowne Mayor James Franz, Councilwoman at-large Elect Barbarann Keffer, 5th District Councilman Elect Bob Gwin, 7th District Councilwoman Elect Sekela Coles, Ph.D, MBA and School Board Director Elect Manjit “Happy” Singh endorsed Rep. Margo Davidson (D-Montgomery) in her reelection bid.
“I support Margo Davidson. She is blazing a trail and making Upper Darby a better place to live,” Keffer said.
Davidson is challenged by Billy Smith and Dafan Zhang in the Democratic primary.
Capitolwire: Democrats take it easy on each other, continue Corbett-bashing
PA Independent: More bad fiscal news for PA as IFO lowers revenue projection
PA Independent: Week In Review: PA unions fight controversial bills; Corbett previews budget
StateImpact PA: What happened to DCNR’s $6 million Marcellus monitoring report?
StateImpactPA: Phila. mayor supports fee for crude producers, refiners to support rail safety
StateImpactPA: Bitter cold spurs higher natural gas prices
Inquirer: Republican Clymer to exit Pa. general assembly
Inquirer: Pa. union membership fell in 2013; N.J. steady
Inquirer: Fitzpatrick challenger raised $200,000 in 4th quarter
Inquirer: During appeal, lower city tax bill due
Inquirer: Pa. budget debate likely to include gambling: expanded lotteries and legalized online gaming
Daily News: City Council back to work with a full plate
Daily News: Pa. ranks 4th in black homicide victims, latest stats show
PhillyClout: Utility worker impersonators – Council looks to crack down
NewsWorks: National Democrats like first time candidate in 6th Congressional race
Courier-Times: QCSD parents vent on redistricting
Courier-Times: Busted pipe claims ‘overwhelming’ insurers this winter
Courier-Times: Another Morrisville officer sues police department
Pottstown Mercury: Tax collector muddle likely to stall Upper Pottsgrove tax bills
Pottstown Mercury: Pennsylvania AG offers tips to those affected by Neiman Marcus data breach
Pottstown Mercury: Quigley announces bid to regain 146th House District seat
Post-Gazette: Democratic candidates for governor unite against Corbett, UPMC in debate
Post-Gazette: Voter ID law needs to be countered, NAACP, ACLU say
Post-Gazette: Inquiry to examine Penn State’s handling of sex assaults
Post-Gazette: From his Pennsylvania compound, Fethullah Gulen shakes up Turkish politics
Tribune Review: Obama to visit Pittsburgh after State of the Union Address
Tribune Review: Gubernatorial candidate McGinty posts strong fundraising total
Tribune Review: Pennsylvania jobless rate drops below 7 percent for first time in 5 years
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh’s August Wilson Center: ‘Classic mistake’
KDKA: US Airways Moving Pittsburgh Operations
Beaver County Times: Local lawmakers weigh in on hot topics in 2014
Beaver County Times: Hospital, homecare associations announce forum on health care reform
Beaver County Times: Casey campaigns on behalf of 911th Airlift Wing
Observer-Reporter: Holidays not the only factor in consumers’ massive debt struggles
AP: Clymer to leave Pa. House after 34 years in office
Johnstown Tribune Democrat: Will Pa. court ruling impact Baker case?
Times Leader: W-B Area turns to donors for funds
Times Leader: Circle of trust broken
News Item: As opposition persists, Kulpmont close to start on new borough hall
Standard Speaker: Shenandoah Valley board approves bond refinancing
AP: Next move is Corbett’s in long running pension saga
Times-Tribune: Hospital employment in Northeast Pennsylvania falls 10 percent
Times-Tribune: Officials say Lackawanna County Prison is improving
Citizens Voice: Job creation not so simple
Citizens Voice: Barletta tours Tunkhannok businesses to learn more about issues
Citizens Voice: County council should not turn away jobs
South Central
Beaver County Times: Local lawmakers weigh in on hot topics in 2014
Beaver County Times: Sen. Toomey joins task force to fight Alzheimer’s
Beaver County Times: Aliquippa seeks to bar councilman from voting
AP: Obama headed to Pittsburgh after speech next week
AP: Casey defends Pittsburgh-area air base to panel
AP: Conservative groups, unions battle over pay in Pa.
Observer-Reporter: Ex-head of Pa. teachers union sentenced for theft
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Will Pa. court ruling impact Baker case?
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Officials seeking pension solution
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Santorum writes how-to book on reaching blue collar voters
Morning Call: Corbett dogged by 2011-12 education cuts
Reading Eagle: City Council members blast mayor regarding newspaper article on legal battles
Reading Eagle: Mental health law changes under consideration
Express Times: Utility commission votes to investigate Bethlehem’s proposed 15 percent water, sewer hike
North by Northwest
AP: Candidates excluded from Democratic governor forum cry foul
AP: Pa. jobless rate drops to lowest in 5 years
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Increased funding for anti-rape programs?
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Thompson to seek another term in Congress
Williamsport Sun Gazette: 2 state hearings to examine issue
Inquirer: Inquirer Editorial: Give millennials reasons to stay
Philly.com: Overhaul of mental health care long overdue
Beaver County Times: Wide gap gets wider
Observer-Reporter: Panel’s recommendations worth heeding
Beaver County Times: Wide gap gets wider
Express Times: LETTER: Toomey shows no concern for long-term unemployed
Commonwealth Foundation: Pennsylvania Next in Union Crosshairs
Keystone Politics: Parents Care About Per-Pupil Spending, Not Who Cut the $1B
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Corbett Still Hasn’t Recovered From 2011-12 Education Cuts
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: We Elected Republican Politicians and All We Got Was This Lousy Job Growth Rate
Keystone Politics: Mike Huckabee Should Pay For Our Recreational Sexytime and STFU About It
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Katie McGinty Raised $2.4 Million
Keystone Politics: Amateur Hour With NorCo Executive John Brown
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Brown Names Eyer as New Chief Public Defender
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Welcome to Northampton County, Inc.
5 Responses
Dear PAGOP Chair Rob Gleason: At your winter meeting opening this Friday, will you please censure PAINDY1, Signor Ferrari and Senator McCain for good measure to prove that you have no RINO in you. We want to get fired up like Senator McCain. I think you are the right man to fire us up, like you did those Philly Welfare Queens with all your voter suppression efforts. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/john-mccain-gop-arizona-reprimand-response-102686.html
Paindy is right! What kind of people are we anyhow? Crony corruption is destroying our democracy and it is rife in both parties who distract the public while lining their pockets. UPMC is just one example. Who brings more jobs to Pennsylvania: dentists or Comcast? The answer is dentists but they don’t get to avoid taxes on everything from real estate, to wages, to income and debt! Who supports Comcast? Both parties. Meanwhile, dentists and dental assistants pay the privileges of the privileged few and their lobbyists. Only an Edmond Burke could save our Commonwealth from these parasitic infections.
By James O’Toole / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
UPMC was nearly as prominent a pinata as Gov. Tom Corbett as UPMC’s employee relations and its standoff with Highmark were repeatedly denounced during a debate Sunday among eight Democratic candidates for governor.
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-state/2014/01/26/Democratic-candidates-for-governor-unite-against-Corbett-UPMC-in-debate/stories/2014012602390000000#ixzz2rcP86cEF
Is Bob Guzzardi a viable candidate? He does not take his orders from Jeff Romoff of UPMC, the Bakers or from our Acting Governor of Pennsylvania John Brabender. Isn’t this refreshing? Bob is PA’s Edmund Burke. http://trib.me/1mM6DP0
HARRISBURG — Conservative activist Bob Guzzardi and Republican Gov. Tom Corbett agree on several issues, but Guzzardi sharply criticizes the incumbent on two of the …
The Dems has forum at CMU last night and UPMC was a major topic. What genius on the UPMC board authorized this political marriage between 2 of Western PA’s most disliked men? The Highmark system announced a cancer parthership with John Hopkins. Obviously good for Western PA patients. The UPMC cancer program is rated 25th by US News. Is the UPMC cancer program WORLD CLASS? I’ll bet anyone that Jeff Romoff’s new $50 million jet is not #25 and is WORLD CLASS. DEAR UPMC BOARD: You don’t need the voice of the voters to dump Jeff Romoff and family. http://trib.me/1bo1I1f
Take that, UPMC. Just when the UPMC-Highmark battle was getting a bit stale and drawn-out, along comes Highmark and its Allegheny Health Network to jolt …