We present PoliticsPA’s annual list of PA Society events! Plus Corbettcare goes to Washington for a verdict and more. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
The Full 2013 PA Society List of Events: It’s that time of year, politicos: Pennsylvania Society! Here’s a rundown of all the events at the weekend-long marathon of receptions and cocktails.
Corbett Officially Asks Obama Admin for Hybrid Medicaid Expansion: The Corbett administration filed its Medicaid expansion waiver plan with the Department Health and Human Services, but Democrats are unhappy with the plan.
PA-Gov Roundup: An Endorsement, A Jobs Tour and More: Here is what you might have missed in Pa Gov news from the past week: Hanger took a stand against Third Way, Pawlowski is on a jobs tour, Schwartz picked up a union endorsement and Wolf released a senior healthcare plan.
12/6 Ups & Downs: Pennsylvania gets a perfect score for government transparency, Kathleen Kane wins a hypothetical race happening in three years and Politico airs on candidate’s dirty laundry. See what else made this week’s Ups & Downs.
Legislative Election Update:
HD-202: State Rep. Mark Cohen (D-Phila) officially has a primary challenger. Jared Solomon is an attorney and community organizer who also advised the campaigns of Joe Sestak. “I am before you to tell you we stand ready” said Solomon. “Ready for action. Ready for change. Ready to stand up for the Northeast. Today, I am here to announce my candidacy for state representative to stand up for you, stand up for the Northeast, and stand up for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” Cohen, who has served for nearly 40 years, cruised over a primary challenge in 2012 by 27 points.
State House Sound Bites: Corbett health care plan made public months after initial announcement
PA Independent: Critics blast Pennsylvania city’s ‘one-strike’ law as blow to due process
PA Independent: PA lawmaker: Lottery winners should have right to privacy
Capitolwire: Some quick details about the Corbett Medicaid waiver in advance of Friday’s unveiling
Inquirer: Clarke flexes muscle over Council matters
Inquirer: Health analysts question Corbett’s plan for uninsured
Inquirer: Public-school advocates fear pending revision of Pa. charter rules
Inquirer: Nutter vetoes limits on medical, dental practices in 2 districts
Inquirer: Parking, eatery and more planned at Dow building
Inquirer: Lawsuits accuse Phila. police of resuming ‘nickel rides’
Philly.com: Council votes to restrict new medical offices in N.E. Philly
PhillyClout: Land bank nears fruition in City Council
Bucks County Courier Times: Bristol taxpayers might see an $80 tax hike
The Intelligencer: Montgomery Twp. pot grower gets probations
The Intelligencer: Gay Holy Ghost teacher says he was fired for planning to marry
The Intelligencer: GOP Abington Ward 4 challenge dismissed
The Intelligencer: Bill would give lottery winners right to anonymity
Early Returns: Rick ties Obamacare, Apartheid
Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania’s Core Standards aim to get students on same page
Post-Gazette: Congress deadlocked on guns, but statehouses are active
Tribune-Review: Civil justice system discourages transparency, experts say
Tribune-Review: Southwest Caucus hears from Dems running for governor at Delmont event
Tribune-Review: Beaver County commissioners ask judge to hold sheriff in contempt of earlier court order
Beaver County Times: People seek help, find better plans at health enrollment event
Altoona Mirror: Blair County inches closer to first reassessment since 1958
Altoona Mirror: Candidate: Development program could spur growth
Altoona Mirror: Cambria County takes out $5M loan
WTAJ: State Investment for Local Revitalization
Indiana Gazette: County commissioners welcome former coroner Baker to post
Kittanning Paper: County Continues Quest to Sell Belmont Naming Rights
Beaver Countian: District Attorney’s Criminal Investigation Hampers Journalistic Efforts
Beaver Countian: County Commissioners Ask Judge To Find Sheriff David And Deputies In Contempt Of Court
Times Leader: Mundy broke the glass ceiling when she was elected
Times Leader: Tax-break programs cost Luzerne County over $329M this year
Times-Tribune: Luzerne councilman: Give same-sex benefits
Times-Tribune: Half million dollars in drilling impact fees to benefit Lackawanna
Times-Tribune: State rep holds outreach for vets
Citizens’ Voice: Casey talks sequestration, budget deals
Standard Speaker: County manager picks his emergency backup
PA Homepage: Senator Toomey Pushing New Background Check Legislation
WNEP: Sallie Mae: 300 New Jobs to Wilkes-Barre Area
South Central
Patriot-News: Pennsylvania lawmakers prepare for votes on child protection upgrades
Patriot-News: Is Gov. Corbett right? Will an increase to the minimum wage hurt Pa’s economy? Or will it really help?
Patriot-News: Too sick for court, but not interviews – ex-lawmaker facing corruption charges meets the press
Patriot-News: Update: Weis milk recall prompted by equipment failure
Lebanon Daily News: A-C school board get new president for first time in six years
Lebanon Daily News: Lebanon County Emergency Management Agency updates hazard mitigation plan
Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania Ave: Giffords new gun control PAC gives first to Toomey
Morning Call: Politics as Usual
Morning Call: Alburtis proposes 24 percent property tax hike
Reading Eagle: Lawmakers look to reform property taxes
Reading Eagle: Corbett signals he won’t push to hike minimum wage
North by Northwest
Onward State: Sen. Mitchell Praises Penn State in Fifth Quarterly Report
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Mayor: Sanitary, codes violations warrant closure
Williamsport Sun Gazette: DuBoistown passes no tax hike budget
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Water project gets $50K
Inquirer: Inquirer Editorial: No shortage of politicking
Daily News: DN Editorial: The long walk
Times Leader: Council’s mission: better budgeting
Citizens’ Voice: Several objections to judges’ financial disclosure rules
News Item: Reveal health care numbers, and then abolish old policy
Daily Review: Pa. should take its cue from N.Y.
Daily Review: Figures don’t lie, but…
Republican Herald: Mandate taxing for online sales
Reading Eagle: If need is a factor, Reading should get CRIZ designation
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Sobering news on pensions, bankruptcies
Bucks County Courier Times: Less public, more secret
Delco Daily Times: Mandela and King made the world a better place
Raging Chicken Press: PA13: Marjorie Margolies Wants a “Moderate Middle” & Old Rich Retirees to Give Money Back to Strengthen Social Security
Keystone Politics: Supply-side shouldn’t be a dirty word in liberal politics
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Victory! Allyson Schwartz supports expanding social security
Keystone Politics: Rand Paul’s GOP plan to help cities only kind of wrong
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: How the Corbett Medicaid waiver gambit impacts the Democratic primary
Keystone Politics: Health Insurance: It’s not like welfare
Keystone Politics: How did you get interested in politics?
Media Trackers: Sen. Pat Toomey warns Pennsylvanians of healthcare.gov security issues
Media Trackers: Union president who called Jewish parent a “Neo-nazi” is still teaching
Media Trackers: Six Cushy union perks in Pennsylvania’s higher education system
Media Trackers: Corbett union concession in cards for Pennsylvania lottery