Wolf makes a major ad buy, Arkoosh pulls in another $200K and we break down the latest F&M poll. Check back later for this week’s Ups & Downs. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
F&M Poll: Economy The Most Important Issue: Pennsylvanians ranked the priority of different issues facing the state.
F&M Poll: 23% of Pennsylvanians Support Corbett Reelection: A new Franklin and Marshall poll delivers a blow to Corbett’s job performance ratings and examines state issues.
PA-Gov: Wolf Kicks Off Major Media Buy (Watch Video): The first campaign ad for Wolf was spotted this morning.
Lt. Gov: Former Rendell Spokesman joins Koplinski Campaign: Chuck Ardo, Gov. Rendell’s Press Secretary, is joining Brad Koplinski’s bid for Lieutenant Governor.
McCord Picks Up Philly Laborers’ Endorsement: Another addition to the impressive batch of labor supporters.
PA-13: Arkoosh Brings In Over $200K in Q4: The physician and first-time candidate had another impressive financial quarter in the highly-competitive Democratic primary.
Bipartisan Farm Bill Passes in House: The bill aims to reform farming policy and food stamps policy, among other things.
F&M Poll: Obama Reaches New Lows In PA: The President reaches his newest low approval rating in PA since taking office.
Legislative Elections Update:
HD-124: Rep. Jerry Knowles (R-Berks) has a conservative primary challenger: Jamie Barton. Knowles has held the seat since 2009. Barton accused the incumbent of “erod[ing] the taxpayers’ trust by joining every Democrat on the state House Government Committee, including Philadelphia liberals, in opposing a critical pension reform bill.”
PA Independent: Examining why unemployment fell below 7 percent in PA for the first time in five years (and what it means for the election)
PA Independent: Lottery looks to win some legislative help
Daily News: Poll: Corbett speaks what he believes … but few like what he’s saying
Daily News: Pa. bill to toughen domestic-violence penalties would include GPS monitoring
Daily News: Pa. pols ply oldest tricks of the trade
Daily News: L&I to go ‘paperless’ in next two years
Inquirer: Corbett: More funding to aid intellectually disabled
Philly.com: Pay no attention to the insurance lobbyists behind the Medicare curtain
Philly.com: Live! Hotel & Casino backers focus on experience at suitability hearing
PhillyClout: Council mulls gift ban for city workers
Courier-Times: Developer plans 480 residential units in Middletown
Courier-Times: Emergency responders get grants
Pottstown Mercury: Lt. Gov. Cawley: Education funding advocates will be pleased by Gov. Corbett’s budget
Pottstown Mercury: Borrowing method adds $900K to cost of Pottsgrove High School project
Pottstown Mercury: Spring-Ford School Board to interview candidates for board vacancy
Tribune Review: Ravenstahl forms consulting firm
Tribune Review: Support for second Corbett term stays low
Tribune Review: Pa. voters say jobs, money top worries
Post-Gazette: Boosting lottery profits pushed at hearing
Post-Gazette: Food stamp cuts to hit Pa. harder
Post-Gazette: President’s call to raise minimum wage felt by Pittsburgh residents
Post-Gazette: Alcosan expects approval of sewer plan
Early Returns: Wolf makes 1st network TV buy
Altoona Mirror: UPMC, nurses set more talks
Altoona Mirror: Propane suppliers weather shortage
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Cambria cash woes resurface
Observer-Reporter: Range Resources appeals Mt. Pleasant decision
Beaver County Times: Pa. bill would use slot revenues to better fund schools
Beaver County Times: Energy industry, environmentalists sound off on State of the Union
AP: Poll: Majority in Pa. support gas drilling
Times-Tribune: Court: Scranton does not have to pay higher pension benefits
Times-Tribune: Scranton paid high costs for routine temporary loan
Times-Tribune: State voters OK with ending discrimination against gay and transgender people
Citizens Voice: PennDOT demands $3M refund from LCTA
Citizens Voice: Savings from tax collector settlement still unclear
Wayne Independent: District mulling tax increase
Standard Speaker: Officials question budget changes
Times Leader: Perrone resigns as head of GNA
Times Leader: City looking to develop sites
Times Leader: State of the Union visit impresses area engineer
Times Leader: Casey urges USMC to locate recruiting HQ at Tobyhanna
Times Leader: Legislator wants Luzerne and Lackawanna designated disaster areas
AP: Pa. outdoor show returns after gun boycott
South Central
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Will low support for second term sink Corbett?
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: F&M poll: Gov. Tom Corbett is out of step with voters
York Dispatch: York Twp. resident announces bid for state House seat
York Dispatch: Sen. Casey launches Web page to help Pennsylvania seniors
York Daily Record: Watch Democrat Tom Wolf’s first TV ad for 2014 governor race
Harrisburg Patriot News: Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget proposal increases preschool funding by $10 million
Harrisburg Patriot News: Corbett popularity continues to stall, as support for medical pot and gay marriage remains steady: poll
Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania Ave: Santorum forgotten, again
Morning Call: Lehigh County officials spar over pension changes
Morning Call: Allentown councilman Schweyer announces bid for new 22nd House district
Morning Call: Study: Many will die if Medicaid is not expanded
Morning Call: Tardy Sen. Bob Casey delays Air Force One
Reading Eagle: Mayor says Reading is rising, but that much remains to be done
Reading Eagle: Poll: Support for Corbett, while inching upward, remains low, as Obama’s numbers dip
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Members of Congress representing Erie area react to State of the Union address
Centre Daily Times: Rep. Scott Conklin plans to seek re-election, still mulling gubernatorial run
Centre Daily Times: State House passes bill that would allow land near Pleasant Gap Fish Hatchery to be auctioned
Centre Daily Times: Centre County renews contracts to support programs to combat violence against women
Inquirer: Inquirer Editorial: Another lousy bet
Daily News: DN Editorial: Exit signs
Altoona Mirror: Prison call-off problem must be addressed
Times-Tribune: State schools need tuition flexibility
Morning Call: Medical marijuana hearing was historic for Pennsylvania Legislature
Commonwealth Foundation: Government Union Bosses’ Politics Harm Union Members
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Only 15% Think Tom Corbett Has Been Fiscally Responsible
Keystone Politics: F&M: One in Four Support Tom Corbett’s Reelection as #PAGov
Keystone Politics: Is David Cohen Selling Out PA Democrats for a Measly $4.5 Million?
Keystone Politics: Comcast Getting Into the Electric Utility Market
Keystone Politics: Debtors Prison, Pennsylvania-Style
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Steel Museum Mismanagement Exposed
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Less Than 600,000 Used LVIA in 2013
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Has Northampton County Seen Its Last Democratic Exec?
2 Responses
Jack Burden’s researchers are ready to rumble at the PAGOP’s winter conclave. Sy: When are you going to have a full schedule of events, including the Haley Barbour pardon workshop? My boys and girls need some help.
Here are my ideas for the Corbett budget speech: YOU ARE FOR US OR AGAINST US!!! Cyber Charter School Corporate Welfare Queen Cabal and Jeff Romoff, start writing those ridiculously large checks to the RGA so you don’t look like you are buying a state government. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS! IT’S ALL ABOUT THE RATEPAYERS! White A Corbett Administration won’t let the sons of real Philly welfare queens rape your women or turns your guns on you. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20140131_Corbett_taps_Bush_speechwriter_