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2/6 Morning Buzz

PA-state-flag6Wolf reorganizes the executive branch, Toomey opposes the President’s policy on Iran and Kenney announces his Philly Mayoral candidacy. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!

PA-Gov: Wolf Creates Department of Transformation: The Governor is expanding the Office of Innovation.

PA-Sen: Toomey Makes Case Against Obama’s Iranian Policy: U.S. Senator Pat Toomey outlined his position in an op-ed in the National Review.

PHL-15: Kenney Officially Joins Phila. Mayoral Race: Former Democratic Councilman-at-Large Jim Kenney announces candidacy at City Hall.

Quinnipiac Poll: Majority of PA Voters Want Different President, Different Policies: The President and most of his policies remain unpopular with Pennsylvania voters.

New York Times Feature Focuses on Sen. Corman’s Fight with the NCAA over PSU: The State Senate Majority Leader took on the NCAA and won.

PLSReporter: Per diem reform bills face tough challenge
PLSReporter: Following in the footsteps of previous governors, Gov. Wolf seeks efficiency in government
Capitolwire: A pair of law professors tell state lawmakers the Legislature can’t determine what is and isn’t a public charity
Capitolwire: Wolf tasks ‘transformation’ office with finding at least $150 million in savings for upcoming budget
PA Independent: Deja vu: Lawmakers return with another severance tax proposal
PA Independent: Teachers’ contract raises transparency issues
StateImpactPA: New year, new severance tax proposals
StateImpactPA: Lancaster County pipeline protesters plead guilty to trespassing
State House Sound Bites: Wolf re-names state’s self-improvement office

Inquirer: Union Endorsements Start Rolling in for Mayor’s Race
Inquirer: GOP Reaches Out to Ron Castille to Run for Mayor; He Declines
Inquirer: Councilman Targets Hotel Rooms That Rent by the Hour
Inquirer: Wolf Outlines Plans for ‘Transformation’ Office
Daily News: PACs with Charter School Ties Enter Mayoral Race Fray
Daily News: Queena Bass Running for Mayor … Again Pa. Medical Marijuana Bill Out of Joint?
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. Lawmakers Propose 8% Shale Tax to Help Fund Schools, Pensions, Environmental Initiatives
WHYY Newsworks: Councilwoman Moves to Iron Out Problems with Clothing-Collection Bins in Philly
WHYY Newsworks: Fearing Lawsuit, Allentown Repeals Sections of Gun Ordinance
WHYY Newsworks: Why Jim Kenney Launches His Mayoral Campaign Within Earshot of Nutter’s Office
WHYY Newsworks: Washington Gasbags Should Raise the Gas Tax
WHYY Newsworks: Williams Faces Tough Questions on School Choice in Bid for Philly Mayor

Pottstown Mercury: West Pottsgrove Ousts D’Emilio as Board President
Pottstown Mercury: Will Pottstown Borough Council Fire the Phillies Fire Company?
Pottstown Mercury: Sen. Dinniman Urges Expanding Dual Enrollment to Lower College Costs
Delco Daily Times: Meeting on Springfield High School Plans Focuses on Numbers
Ambler Gazette: US Rep. Brendan Boyle Reflects on Being the New Kid on the Block
Ambler Gazette: Upper Dublin School Board, Support Staff Both Reject State Fact-Finder’s Recommendations
Ambler Gazette: Communication a Focus at Upper Dublin School Board Meeting
Colonial News: Norristown Area School Board Approves Move to Pioneer Athletic Conference
Willow Grove Guide: Upper Moreland School Board to Vote on Teachers Contract
Willow Grove Guide: Upper Moreland School Board Votes Not to Exceed Act I Index
Bucks Local News: Yardley Borough Growing Economically in a ‘Smart Way’
Daily Local News: Rep. Meehan Urges Cybersecurity in Wake of Security Breach
Daily Local News: Phoenixville School Board OKs $86.5M Prelim Budget with 3.7% Tax Hike
Daily Local News: Downingtown Council Considers Other Changes to the Fire Chief Appointment
Daily Local News: Supervisors’ Suggestions Lead to Updated Plan for Improvements to Intersection

Post-Gazette: University of Pittsburgh to Create Center for Lou Gehrig’s Disease Research
Post-Gazette: Developers: Pittsburgh’s Downtown Will Draw Tourists, Residents, Clubs
Post-Gazette: FDA Commissioner to Depart in March
Post-Gazette: Reduce Expenses, Wolf Tells Cabinet
Post-Gazette: PennDOT to Hold Meetings on Looming Parkway West Work
Post-Gazette: PAC Fined After Making Contribution to McCord Campaign
Post-Gazette: Pope Francis to Address U.S. Congress on Sept. 24 in Philadelphia
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Aide to Ill. Lawmaker Resigns Over Online Posts
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Casey, Toomey Endorse Philly for Democratic Convention (AP)

Altoona Mirror: Tomassetti Eager for Third Term
Altoona Mirror: Cambria Resident Seeking Elected Office
Altoona Mirror: School May Get Tech Funding Help
Altoona Mirror: City Mayor Wants to Retain Post
Altoona Mirror: Expanded Law Creates Backlog
Observer-Reporter: Source of $125K donation to McCord’s Campaign is a Mystery
Observer-Reporter: Trinity Board Hired New Principal
Observer-Reporter: Ex-Lawmaker White Embroiled in Legal Fight with Mother

Reading Eagle: Pennsylvania Open Records Agency Remains in Limbo
Reading Eagle: Kathleen Kane Says Special Prosecutor lacks Authority, Safeguards
Reading Eagle: Judge Stephen B. Liebermann Will Step Away From Berks County Bench at Year’s End
Morning Call: Northampton County Council Cuts Into Executive’s Contract-Approval Power
Morning Call: Crows Expresses Concern About PennEast Natural Gas Pipeline
Morning Call: School Districts Budgeting as if Corbett Were Still in Office

South Central
Sentinel: Sunoco Presents Pipeline Plan to Cumberland County Residents
Intelligencer: Fearing Lawsuit, Allentown Repeals Part of Gun Ordinance, Lancaster stays on Course
Intelligencer: AP: Wolf Creates ‘Transformation’ Office to Find Cost Savings
YDR: Reports: Wolf Campaign Received More than $289,000 in Donations after Election Day
YDR: Legislature, Pilot Program Aim at Snow Day Options
Patriot News: It’s Go Time: Gov. Tom Wolf Hopes Renaming Agency will Transform Purpose
Patriot News: Carlisle Attorney Announces Candidacy for Cumberland County Judge
Patriot News: Obamacare Enrollment: PA Beats Last Year with Time Still Left
Patriot News: Gov. Tom Wolf’s First Capitol News Conference to Focus on Government Efficiency
Patriot News: Swatara Township Commissioners Vote to Change Ward System to at-Large Representation

Lehigh Valley
Express-Times: Downtown Bethlehem District Judge will Seek Re-election
Express-Times: Allentown Council Members, City Controller Announce Re-election Bids
Express-Times: Proposal Limiting Northampton County Executive’s Spending up for a Vote Thursday Night
Morning Call: School Districts Budgeting like Corbett still in Office
Morning Call: Democrats like Bob Casey Cast Fire Companies as Potential Victims of Stalled Homeland Security Bill
Morning Call: District Judge Manescu Announces Re-election Campaign
Morning Call: Source of $125K Donation to McCord’s Campaign is a Mystery
Reading Eagle: PA Open Records Agency in Limbo
Reading Eagle: Kane: Special Prosecutor Lacks Authority
Reading Eagle: Donation to McCord Campaign Under Scrutiny
Reading Eagle: Twp Controversies may not Hurt Wolf

North by Northwest
Sun Gazette: Williamson Seeks to Retain his Seat on City Council
Erie Times-News: Jiuliante Announces Run for Millcreek Supervisor
Erie Times-News: Groh Supports Another Millcreek Panel to Study Government Change

Reading Eagle: Thorough Investigation Needed into Retirement Fund Losses
Reading Eagle: Web Access must be Equal for Everyone, Regardless of Use
Express-Times: Fall of PA Treasurer McCord Raises the Stakes for Campaign Reform
YDR: Mandate Tattoo U for Body Inkers
Inquirer: Vaccinate Your Child Death-Penalty System Broken
Pottstown Mercury: Corruption Is a Scourge on Pennsylvania
Delco Daily Times: Pa. Game Commission: Take a Hike
Daily Local News: ‘Envy’ Economics Vs. ‘Greedy’ Economics
Daily Local News: State Must Do Better Job with Handling Calls to Abuse Hotline
Post-Gazette: River of Support: The Mon’s Lock and Dam Overhaul Gets a Boost
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Cal U Review: Ignoring the Obvious

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Donchez & Reynolds Have Healthy Warchests
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: John Brown Raised $17,500 in 2014, Failed to List 2013 Campaign Expenses
Commonwealth Foundation: $35 Million Worth of New Charter Schools?
Commonwealth Foundation: Teachers Denied the Right to Represent Themselves
Citified: The Brief: Decision Impossible—the SRC’s Lose-Lose Situation
Citified: Too Good To Refuse?

4 Responses

  1. George: Clearly you and your research are from the 60s. Nearly all of Recreational, and Medicinal Cannabis use is vaporized. You Smoking Conspiracy Theorist need to put your pipes down and go lock the medicine cabinet. You sound like a paranoid fearful addict who believes some other drug might infringe on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Pharmaceuticals destructive reign upon the Western World. Trust us we have no intention of sharing with you, nor your gene pool. Signed: Humanity.

  2. I’m a Scientist with a strong interest in Cancer research. The evidence of the value of Marijuana as a life saving medicine is now so strong that the need to remove Marijuana from Schedule 1 has become a moral imperative.

    This weekend over 3,000 Americans died, in pain, of Cancer.Today, tomorrow , and every day after that, 1,500 more Americans will die, after suffering horribly, from it. Every single minute another American dies of Cancer. Every American Cancer patient deserves the right to have safe, legal, and economical access to Medical Marijuana. Every single one.

    Americans who need Medical Marijuana shouldn’t be used as “Political Footballs” Please call the Whitehouse comment line at (202) 456-1111 and ask that the President take immediate action to remove Marijuana from Schedule 1 so American Physicians in all 50 states can prescribe it. Go to — there are two petitions you can sign electronically there, one to take Marijuana off of Schedule 1, the other to legalize it completely.

    Oncologists have know it for more than a quarter of a Century that Marijuana is a “wonder drug” for helping Cancer patients.

    The American Society of Clinical Oncologists wants Marijuana removed from Schedule 1. So does the American Medical Association, the professional society of all Physicians. A strong majority of Americans want Physicians in all 50 states to be able to prescribe Medical Marijuana. So do their Physicians., Cancer patients can’t wait.

    The need to immediately, completely, legalize Marijuana throughout the world is one of the most pressing moral issues of our time, because of its medical benefits and because of the damage prohibition causes to America and to the world.

    Complete legalization is critical — its vital that there aren’t “strings” or “hoops” that Cancer patients and others who need Medical Marijuana are forced to jump through.

    “Charlottes web” is NOT the solution. Cancer patients and people who suffer from chronic pain need THC, not just CBD. The “Berkeley study”, where 96% of stage 4 Cancer patients who had a wide variety of Cancers achieved remission, used high dose Medical Marijuana oil, 72% THC, 28% CBD, 1 gram/day (oral) over a 90 day course of treatment. It was a small study, and not placebo controlled, but those kinds of results are clearly remarkable, have been widely reported on in the press, and demand the need for immediate large scale clinical trials.

    More and more present and former members of law enforcement agree about the need to end prohibition, and have formed a rapidly expanding group of current and former undercover cops, FBI, DEA, prosecutors and Judges, from all over the world, called

    LEAP — Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

    because they’ve seen the damage prohibition causes to America and the world.


    I’m a Scientist. Not a politician, not a cop.

    But as a Scientist with a strong interest in Cancer research, I feel even more strongly about the need to ensure that no Cancer patient is denied it, because I’m so impressed with its benefits for Cancer patients.

    I urge everyone reading this to PLEASE call and email the Attorney General, the press, Congress and the President today.

    Medical Marijuana helps with Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, seizures, PTSD and chronic pain, and has helped many Americans, including many veterans, stop using Alcohol, and hard drugs, both legal and illegal ones.

    Every minute an American dies of Cancer.

    Every 19 minutes an American dies of a prescription drug overdose.

    Many vets become addicted to prescription opiates and die from them.

    NOBODY has ever died from smoking too much pot.

    Cancer patients are seeing remarkable results using high dose Medical Marijuana oil, in many cases achieving complete remission, even for stage 4 cancers — there are many excellent articles on the web, and videos on youtube with patient’s personal stories about their experiences with it — and every Cancer patient that uses Marijuana to ease their suffering benefits greatly from doing so.

    It is immoral to leave Marijuana illegal, for anyone, for even a second longer.

    For Cancer patients, its a matter of life and death.

    Cancer patients can’t wait.

    Medical Marijuana has an unmatched safety profile, and for people who suffer from so many diseases, of so many kinds, its a medical miracle — and the scientific evidence behind it is rock solid.

    For Cancer patients, Medical Marijuana encourages apoptosis and autophagy of Cancer cells, while leaving normal cells untouched, is anti-angigogenic, anti-proliferative, and is anti-angiogenic.

    Its also synergistic with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, making both more effective.

    For many Cancer patients its meant the difference between life and death.

    For everyone else, its a far safer alternative to Alcohol, and infinitely safer than Cigarettes.

    Either take them off the market too, or legalize Marijuana right now.

    2016 is too far away, Its too long to wait. Every year we lose more Americans to Cancer than died in WWII.

    Between now and the 2016 elections, roughly 1 MILLION Americans will die of Cancer.

    And Its a horrible way to die.

  3. PhDScientist, you must have smoked too much marijuana in your day. Research shows it is NOT incredibly safe. Get a life and move to Colorado if you want to legally smoke your weed. Keep it out of PA!!!

  4. Marijuana is a “Wonder Drug” for Cancer patients, for Kids who suffer from Seizures, and for so many diseases of so many kinds.

    Its a fast and highly effective pain reliever, and its incredibly safe. Its the only painkiller that users can safely self-tirate over a wide range and is the only painkiller that is physically impossible to overdose on.

    Its a rapid acting and incredibly safe and effective anti-depressant — it doesn’t takes weeks to start working like SSRIs, and rather than increasing the chances of its users committing suicide, a real problem when young people are given SSRIs, it reduces suicide rates.

    When used recreationally, its far safer than Alcohol, and infinitely safer than Cigarettes. Its helped countless people detox from Alcohol and hard drugs and not relapse on them.

    Marijuana, and its cousin, Hemp, feed the hungry (Hemp for food and Hemp animal feed), heal the sick (Medical Marijuana), clothe the naked (Hemp Fabric), and house the homeless (HempCrete building materials).

    Marijuana oil may have been the “miracle” healing oil used in biblical times and talked about in the bible.

    Its easy and cheap to grow and can be easily processed into food, medicine, clothing, paper, and housing supplies, at very low cost, with very little equipment, and that’s incredibly important in the third world.

    For Cancer patients, and for the entire world, its truly a “Gift from God”

  • Will RFK Jr. Supporters Back Trump?

    • No. Won't Make a Difference (66%)
    • Yes. Move Helps Republicans (34%)

    Total Voters: 50

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