3/11 Morning Buzz

Harrisburg-Capitol-steps6-300x220Margolies gets Shapiro’s endorsement, Hanger hands in 4,600 petition signatures and Tom Corbett officially has a primary opponent. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.

PA-Gov: Guzzardi To Appear on Republican Ballot: Corbett’s conservative challenger filed enough petition signatures to get on the GOP ballot.

PA-Gov: Hanger Files Petition Signatures: The Democratic candidate far exceeded the required number and totaled over 4,600 signatures.

PBPC Urges Shale Tax: The Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center sent letters to three governors urging a “common” approach to shale tax.

PA-13: Leach Supporter Cleared of Charges: The domestic abuse charges against Daylin Leach supporter Rep. Alan Grayson were dropped.

PA-12: Rothfus Exceeds Signature Requirements: Rep. Keith Rothfus amassed 3,408 signatures for his re-election bid.

PA-13: Margolies Gains Shapiro’s Endorsement: The MontCo Commissioners Chair believes she is ready to once again lead the 13th District.

Readshaw Poll: Readshaw 64% Molchany 16% in HD-36: According to a poll commissioned by Readshaw’s campaign, he leads freshman Rep. Molchany by 48 points in their member-vs-member primary.

Progressive Grading System Launched for Congress: Primary Colors determines whether Congressmen and women are progressive enough for their seats.

Legislative Elections Update:

SD-36: Ryan Aument, endorsed Republican candidate for State Senate in the 36th District of Pennsylvania, today announced that he has filed his official nominating petitions with the state to appear on the ballot in 2014. In total, Aument filed over 1,000 signatures, more than twice the 500 required to get on the ballot.

HD-22: Peter Schweyer, City Councilman and candidate for State Representative in the 22nd District, filed his nominating petitions with the Pennsylvania Department of State. The Schweyer Campaign filed 587 petition signatures

HD-167: Ted Leisenring, a candidate hoping to challenge state Rep. Duane Milne (R-Chester) for the 167th Legislative District, has dropped out of the race, according to an email to committee members.

HD-173: Mike Driscoll, 53, co-owner of popular Philadelphia watering holes, Finnigan’s Wake, and business development administrator for Philadelphia Credit Union has declared his candidacy for State Representative. Incumbent State Representative Mike McGeehan (D) is not seeking re-election. Driscoll will be running in the primary against Dennis Kilderry and Paul DeFinis. The winner of the primary will face Mike Tomlinson in the general election this fall.

HD-179: Dave Hall filed 997 petition signatures to get on the Democratic ballot in this Philadelphia seat. He will likely face incumbent rate State Rep. James Clay and fellow challenger, Jason Dawkins.

Capitolwire: A sojourn into Sen. Costa’s election brain
Capitolwire: PEMA to track hazardous rail shipments in wake of crude oil incidents
PA Independent: Study of pension reform costing Pennsylvania taxpayers more than $1 million
StateImpactPA: Water utility executive tapped to lead Delaware River Basin Commission
StateImpactPA: Court bars anti-fracking activist from more than 300 square miles of Pa.

Inquirer: Open for risky business: Phila.’s vacant properties
Inquirer: City Council moves a step closer to decriminalizing pot
Inquirer: Pipeline protesters arrested at Center City federal building
CapitolInq: Rep. Meehan skates for charity – survives Congressional hockey game
Philly.com: Police, Nutter Open to Ending Pot Arrests
Philly.com: David vs. Goliath in South Philly
PhillyClout: City election official slams process for picking special election candidates
PhillyClout: Kenney weed bill passes favorably out of committee

Courier-Times: CR board approves $1.5 million project at Welch Elementary
Courier-Times: Middletown recognized for financial report
Courier-Times: Newtown Twp. vacancy board will try to fill supervisor slot
Pottstown Mercury: 4 signs a higher minimum wage is on the way
Pottstown Mercury: Phoenixville VFW donates $24k to help protect and serve Schuylkill Township

Post-Gazette: Pa. Turnpike chief optimistic on agency’s future following corruption probe
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh part of national conversation on education
Early Returns: Wagner files petitions
Early Returns: Guzzardi challenges Corbett
Tribune Review: Democratic governor candidate Wagner remains confident amid skepticism
Tribune Review: Gubernatorial candidate Wolf touches base with McKeesport voters
KDKA: Wolf garners big endorsements
KDKA: Jay Paterno discusses his race for Lt Gov

AP: Court won’t hear dispute over bracelets
AP: New money for Pa. highways to flow out in April
Observer-Reporter: Additional remains found at well site
Altoona Mirror: DEP awards reclamation contract
Altoona Mirror: Corp. plans park complex

Times Tribune: Loss of two businesses downtown equals nearly $200,000 loss for SPA
Times Tribune: As contract negotiations continue, Abington teachers scale back volunteer activities
Citizens Voice: Drug overdose deaths spur legislation
Times Leader: County workers face job reviews
Times Leader: Pa. teacher misconduct bill stalls
Times Leader: Few taverns take chance on gaming license

South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: Harrisburg City Cab Co. to expand service into Carlisle Borough
Harrisburg Patriot News: Rep. Scott Perry: ‘I am a proponent of medical marijuana. It’s the right thing to do.’
Harrisburg Patriot News: Wolf’s getting watched, Wagner twists, and Corbett shuffles to the middle: Monday’s Political Pint
Harrisburg Patriot News: It’s come to this in York County Senate race: Wagner’s backers compare GOP to the damned condemned
Harrisburg Patriot News: Utility auction proposal is dead, but you could still have to choose if you want to keep your provider
York Dispatch: Pa. lawmaker criticizes special election in York County
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Same-sex marriage advocate will headline Lancaster Democratic event
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Obama abandons Medicare proposal panned by Pitts

Lehigh Valley
AP: New money for Pa. highways to flow out in April
Morning Call: Judge blasts halt on drug and alcohol assessments
Express Times: Mansfield Township voters to consider $6 million in borrowing

North by Northwest
Campaign ‘14 Blog: Wolf picks up pack of endorsements
Centre Daily Times: Rep. Scott Conklin won’t run for Pennsylvania governor
AP: Super PAC aims to help Pa. Dems in Legislature
AP: Three hopefuls file for Pa. gubernatorial ballot

Post-Gazette: Positive current: Good news comes for region’s locks and dams
Observer-Reporter: The state gambled and, it appears, has lost
Harrisburg Patriot News: State Rep. Patty Kim rolls with the punches from her own county party: column
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: No time to be complacent about Pa. pension reform
Daily News: DN Editorial: NO SALUTE FOR PAT It’s not too late to unsink the ship of his ‘no’ vote on veterans’ benefits
Courier-Times: Making Russia reverse course

Keystone Politics: #HD36: Crappiest Poll Says Harry Readshaw Leads Erin Molchany
Keystone Politics: MAP: How to Primary More Democrats Without Losing General Elections
Keystone Politics: Shorter Josh Shapiro: I Want to Run for #PA13 in 2016
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Cunningham Argues For Regional Approach to Economic Development
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Donches Down But Not Out at Steel Museum

One Response

  1. Dear Bob Guzzardi, the Edmund Burke of PA: Expect the Bakers to get WORLD CLASS Jeff Romoff of UPMC to fund a challenge to your petitions. Fight these Tom Corbett bullies who only stand for the mortal sin of political necrophilia!!

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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