3/14 Morning Buzz

pa flagHanger drops out of the Gov race, an exclusive interview with Shaughnessy Naughton and we take a look at the winners and losers in the drive for petitions among congressional candidates. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.

PA-Gov: Hanger To Withdraw: John Hanger will end his campaign at a press release at 11am Thursday.

PA-Gov: Corbett-Cawley Announce Their Team: The incumbent ticket unveiled the campaign team that they hope will lead them to a second victory.

PA-Gov: McGinty Proposes Increased Worker Training Policy: She aims to restore the $42M in cuts to job training.

PA-8: Exclusive Interview with Shaughnessy Naughton: We talk with the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania’s Eighth Congressional District.

Congressional Petition Winners & Losers: The time for filing has passed, and we take a look at who appears to be in good standing as they make their run for the United States House of Representatives.

Margolies Stands Behind Sen. Washington: Marjorie Margolies stated that she will continue to support long time friend, the now-indicted Senator Leanna Washington.

Pew-Arnold Partnership Spurs Pension Research Worries: Arnold, a conservative advocate, has donated plenty to Pew, which is currently researching pension reforms around the country.

HDCC Makes PA Women’s History: The majority of Democratic challengers for House seats in 2014 are women.

Legislative Elections Update:

SD-28: PEG PAC, the state’s oldest pro-business PAC, endorsed Rep. Ron Miller today in the 28th Senate District Special election. Miller is running against run-in candidate Scott Wagner and Democrat Linda Small.

HD-8: Jeffrey Black, Republican, submitted more signatures than either of his opponents combined earlier this week to get on the ballot. This seat will be empty following the retirement announcement of State Rep. Dick Stevenson.

HD-164: Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams endorsed Billy Smith for State Representative in Pennsylvania’s 164th District. Smith is running against incumbent Rep. Margo Davidson (D-Delaware).

Capitolwire: Hanger withdraws from governor race
PA Independent: Heavy Hitters: Indicted Ironworkers’ union throws lots of cash at candidates
PA Independent: Open-government advocates push to end executive session abuse
PA Independent: PA House approves ‘stalking’ bill; Senate plans to examine it soon
StateImpactPA: Hanger withdraws from race for governor

Inquirer: Corbett vows to block promotion of moonlighting game official
Inquirer: City Council committee moves to restrict e-cigarettes
Inquirer: If DC 33 gets a better deal from Nutter administration, so will DC 47
Inquirer: Hanger withdraws from Dem race for Pa. governor
Inquirer: Council votes to pay BRT members $70,000 a year
Inquirer: Federal judge chastises U.S. Attorney’s Office
Daily News: Temple student sues Philly cops over photo incident
PhillyClout: Activists call on Council to pass sales tax

Courier-Times: PECO to pay complainants in Upper Southampton power surge
Courier-Times: Lower Southampton official seeks more pay raise transparency
Courier-Times: Gas pipeline safety focus of forum
Pottstown Mercury: Basile to challenge GOP incumbent in Pa.’s 130th House Dist.
Pottstown Mercury: Pottsgrove’s computers-for-students plan hikes tech budget as much as 25%

Post-Gazette: Pa. Democrats push pension refinancing plan
Post-Gazette: Pa. House ends exemptions for parties to labor disputes
Early Returns: Alton to appeal
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh staying under state financial oversight
Tribune Review: URA contributes $150,000 for redevelopment study of three former Pittsburgh schools
Tribune Review: DA criticizes Peduto administration over info released in E. Liberty murder case

Altoona Mirror: Reade Township considering merger
Altoona Mirror: City introduces pension ordinances for police and firefighters
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: In too deep? Windber authority seeks line of credit for pool problems
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Reps to face foes in 2014
Beaver County Times: SEIU Healthcare PA presents case for keeping state health centers open

Times Leader: County’s mental health consortium gamble pays off
Times Leader: Vacancies on county Board of Elections questioned
Times Leader: FBI can’t say if Payne was target of investigation
Times Tribune: Blake: Long-term answer needed in downtown Scranton
Citizens Voice: Councilman questions property tax abatements
Standard Speaker: City council: Hazleton has legal budget

South Central
AP: Hanger quitting Dem race for Pa. gov
Harrisburg Patriot News: Pennsylvania has another pension problem. This one could sink its cities.
Harrisburg Patriot News: Feds subpoena documents from Philly’s Fattah: Thursday Morning Coffee
Harrisburg Patriot News: York County Senate race: GOP write-in Scott Wagner not interested in blowing up the system, he says
Harrisburg Patriot News: Harrisburg’s $4.7M debt payment is first in three years
Harrisburg Patriot News: John Hanger’s campaign for governor crashes against the reality that cash rules campaigns
York Daily Record: Special election: Wagner says mailing that calls him a ‘bully’ is ‘helping me’
York Daily Record: Four things to know about the link between education, economic development
York Daily Record: Where the 28th state Senate candidates stand on marijuana legalization
York Dispatch: York County leaders ask state Democrats for better education funding
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: William Capouillez “shocked and disappointed” by objections from Gov. Tom Corbett’s office

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Lehigh County Executive Tom Muller’s pick for human services chief rejected
Morning Call: Panto: Easton poised for more development
Morning Call: Former DEP chief John Hanger drops out of governor’s race
Reading Eagle: Obama’s overtime plan meets with mixed reactions in Berks
Express Times: Pennsylvania nurse practitioner bill would allow them to practice without doctors’ oversight
Express Times: Easton transportation center receiving second half of grant, Rep. Cartwright says

North by Northwest
Campaign ‘14: LaVallee picks up 2nd labor endorsement
Campaign ‘14: Hanger quits race for governor
Erie Times-News: Biros announces bid for House seat that extends into Erie County
Erie Times-News: Lyon named to lead Erie County Health Department

Post-Gazette: Free ride: Too many legislators face too little opposition
Altoona Mirror: Claysburg showing progress
Harrisburg Patriot News: Want to know what the Left really thinks of minorities? Look at NYC’s attack on charter schools: Thomas Sowell
Morning Call: Tom Corbett may be possessed
Inquirer: Inquirer Editorial: Curve ahead for road building
Daily News: DN Editorial: Assaulted

Above Average Jane: Kittappa for the 16th Congressional District
Keystone Politics: #SD28: Active Dems in York/Harrisburg Need to Go Volunteer for Linda Small
Keystone Politics: #PAGov: Hanger Out
Keystone Politics: To Address Doctor Shortage, Nurse Practitioners Bill is a Must-Pass
Keystone Politics: Why Are There So Many SEPTA Unions?
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Lower Nazareth Supervisors Urged to Complete Police Study
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Brown Calls Workforce County’s Most Important Asset

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