3/17 Morning O’Buzz

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Here’s hoping you enjoy today a little luck o’ the Irish.

Candidates across PA were hoping for a little luck yesterday as they drew lots for ballot positions in the upcoming primaries. Nowhere is luck more important than Philadelphia (and probably the Luzerne County Races), where lots of little-known candidates are lining up in droves and top ballot position can make a big difference. here’s our run down of the Phila ballot positions.

Is Tom Corbett’s rainbow starting to fade? Another poll has mixed news for the Governor. F&M reported this morning that some big points in his budget proposal meet with strong negatives in PA. For example, 78 percent of voters object to his steep cuts to higher ed, while nearly 2 in 3 voters want some kind of tax on Marcellus shale drillers.

Dems have the luck of the Irish.. or the PA Dutch. Yesterday PoliticsPA analyzed some of the repercussions of Schwank’s win in the special state senate election in Berks County, namely that it gives Democrats the opportunity to cast the vote as a referendum on Governor Corbett. We weren’t so sure about that, but here’s why we do think the election was a big win for Democrats.

Going green isn’t just for the Irish, says Jack Inacker of the Truman National Security Project. In today’s guest commentary piece, Inacker argues that efforts by the EPA to combat climate change are in America’s and Pennsylvania’s security interests.

PoliticsPA Reports

Guest Commentary: National Security Demands a “NO” Vote on Upcoming EPA Delay Legislation
In today’s guest commentary, Jack Inacker of the Truman National Security Project’s Pennsylvania Military Roundtable argues that the EPA’s mission to combat climate change is a key component in America’s national security.

PoliticsPA Editorial: Why SD-11 Was a Big Win for Democrats
Our coverage of the election results in the 11th Senate District have generated a great deal of debate yesterday. Here’s why we said it is a big win for Democrats.

Medaglia Concedes, Democrats Thank Corbett
Within minutes of Larry Medaglia conceding, PA Democrats were thanking Governor Tom Corbett and calling the election a referendum on his bare-boned budget proposal.

Philadelphia Candidates Fish For Coveted Top Ballot Position
Incumbent City Councilman Bill Greenlee, a Democrat, was a big winner on Wednesday.  Considered vulnerable in a crowded field (20 Democrats  filed nominating petitions to run for five at-large seats), Greenlee’s chance for reelection improved after drawing a spot at the top of the list.

Phila Daily News: F&M poll shows 78 % of PA voters object to Corbett higher ed cuts
Altoona Mirror: Altoona library faces cuts
AP: PSEA urges teachers to consider pay freeze
Inquirer: Jack Wagner says Phila Schools Superintendent bonus is “disturbingly generous”
Daily News: Nonunion Phila teachers face firings, cuts
Delco Times: Governor’s education funding cuts could hit universities hard
Delco Times: State teachers’ union head backs one-year pay freeze
Delco Times: Pileggi bill would require pre-trial DNA testing in PA
AP: Higher ed funding debate dominates Senate hearings
WJAC: PSU president warns of layoffs, tuition hike at Senate appropriation hearing
AP: States consider legislator layoffs to trim budgets
Centre Daily Times: Universities presidents warn budget cuts would have “ripple effect”
The Patriot-News: State budget cuts to students in poor districts may be ten times higher than those in wealthy areas
The Patriot-News: Judge to weigh petition seeking Dauphin County Commissioner George Hartwick’s ouster from ballot
The Patriot-News: Harrisburg area C&J Catering will take over operations of state Capitol cafeteria
AP: Pennsylvania should give tax money to students, not colleges, budget adviser says
Sun Gazette: Montgomery school district striving to save for taxpayers
WFMZ: Pa. Rep: We’re Broke; Transportation projects put on hold
WFMZ: Newly-Elected Senator reflects on campaign, looks ahead
WFMZ: Attorney: Taxpayer dollars used to challenge Gracedale petition
Capitol Ideas: The return of politics as usual: We got the band back together
Capitol Ideas: In Senate hearing, budget boss stays on message
Pennsylvania Avenue: Senate adopts Casey amendment to small biz bill
Pennsylvania Avenue: Toomey to introduce balanced budget amendment to U.S. Constitution
Morning Call: State teachers union head calls for wage freeze
Morning Call: Tuition hikes clearly in the offing if budget stands
Post-Gazette: Feds propose first controls on mercury emissions
Post-Gazette: State releases results under new way to calculate graduation rates
Post-Gazette: Bill regulating fracking draws mixed reactions
Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania Turnpike names new CEO
Post-Gazette: Environmental officials questioned on budget, drilling
Tribune-Review: State supported universities found out just how much alma matters

2 Political Junkies: Elections have consequences
Delco Times Editorial: Editorial: Corbett flunks with deep education cuts
Inquirer Editorial: If courts don’t drop DROP recipients, voters should
Inquirer Editorial: Gun safety talk is cheap
Patriot-News Editorial: Corbett’s turnpike appointment sends wrong signal
Patriot-News Editorial: Pa. official’s Nazi comment about “Gasland” documentary is deplorable
Patriot-News Editorial: The real ace of Pa. higher education cuts
Courier Express Editorial: If we lose more jobs, we’ll breed more mobs
Sun Gazette Editorial: No gas tax until it goes to the correct place

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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