Emily’s List invests in a direct mail and TV push for Democratic Congressional candidate Susan Wild, 10th Congressional candidate George Scott burns an assault rifle in his first ad, and the three GOP Gubernatorial candidates debate. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
Emily’s List Launches Direct Mail and TV Program to Support Wild in PA-7: Emily’s List announced its “Women Vote!” program is getting involved in the 7th Congressional district to introduce Susan Wild to voters and targeting primary opponent John Morganelli on key issues.
Congressional Candidate Burns Assault Rifle in New PA-10 Ad: Democratic Congressional candidate George Scott launched a new ad that features him dismantling and then burning an assault rifle.
GOP Candidates Debate 3 Weeks Ahead of Primary: The three Republican Gubernatorial candidates met for a live TV debate just three weeks ahead of the primary.
Legislative Election Update
Bucks County Courier Times: Democratic candidates in 1st District face off
Erie Times-News: Democratic congressional candidates debate issues
Chestnut Hill Local: 4th District Democratic candidates mostly agree on key issues at Springfield forum
State House Sound Bites: New voting machines go on display; counties search for ways to pay
State House Sound Bites: Inter-party sniping, a last-minute executive order over opioid prescribing
State House Sound Bites: Group pushes for controversial changes to PA custody law
City & State: Philly construction tax draws mixed reactions from housing analysts
Inquirer: How did Philly lose track of $33 million?
Inquirer: Wolf cracks down on costly pain creams, workers’ comp pharmacies
Inquirer: U.S. Rep. Bob Brady introduces bill to protect undocumented immigrant family from deportation
Inquirer: Philly Sheriff Jewell Williams cited for operating illegal triplex
Inquirer: Was it #MeToo that convicted Bill Cosby? How public perception has evolved when it comes to sexual assault
Philly Mag: Councilman Domb: Maybe It’s Time to Ban On-Street Parking in Center City
WHYY: Philly congressional candidate fails to file campaign finance report
WHYY: Report urges consolidation, other drastic measures to fix PASSHE
Bucks County Courier Times: Democrats in 143rd race want strong gun laws, better state school funding
Bucks County Courier Times: Two Bristol Borough councilmen sue others, alleging improper contract bidding
The Intelligencer: Pennsylvania gets more federal aid to fight opioid crisis
Pottstown Mercury: Limerick Township Manager Daniel Kerr wins leadership award
WESA: Wolf Asks Court To Block Request For Amazon Records
WTAE: Rallying against HQ2 in Pittsburgh
Tribune Review: Crews remove controversial Stephen Foster statue in Oakland
Tribune Review: Study: Just breathing in Downtown Pittsburgh can be like smoking most of a cigarette
Tribune Review: Washington County Commissioner to address Cal U grads
Post-Gazette: As Amazon bid details kept from public view, protestors rally to demand more information
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh workers remove controversial Stephen Foster statue from Schenley Plaza
KDKA: Protesters: Pittsburgh’s Secret Bid For Amazon Headquarters Violates P-4 Principles
WJAC: Pennsylvania gets more federal aid to fight opioid crisis
WJAC: Gov. Wolf addresses recent racial incidents in state
WJAC: Gov. Wolf says Cosby conviction was ‘service of justice’
Beaver County Times: Financial administrator duties to be expanded
Times Leader: LCCC hikes tuition, touts study claiming college’s $403M economic impact
Times-Tribune: Average state gas prices highest since 2014
Times-Tribune: Local state police commander promoted, new captain to soon take over
South Central
York Daily Record: Paul Mango defends attack ads against Scott Wagner in Pa. governor race debate
York Daily Record: Watch YDR journalists, discuss Pa. governor’s race and more on PCN roundtable show
York Dispatch: Philly senator calls for investigation into York golf course incident
Patriot News: Gov. Wolf warns that businesses are subject to anti-discrimination law
Patriot News: Wolf says he’ll use executive action to curb opioids prescribed to injured workers
Patriot News: What did Pa. offer Amazon to lure HQ2 here? State files suit to keep that a secret
Patriot News: Opioid crisis, jobs, guns: Pa. primary candidates air views
Patriot News: New voting systems being eyed for use in Pa. may look familiar but they have paper backup
LNP: U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker will face challenger Chet Beiler in Republican primary forum
LNP: Aspire & Lancaster General seek $270M in health care technology investments
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: County commissioner withdraws tax rebate talk in face of bipartisan opposition
Morning Call: Court strikes a blow to Peeps-maker Just Born in union pension fight
WFMZ: Cabinet in Your Community: Secretaries set up shop in Berks
Reading Eagle: PennDOT chief addresses growth of warehouses along Interstate 78
North by Northwest
WICU: Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Wagner in Erie
WJET: Anti-hazing bill approved by Senate, awaiting House approval
Centre Daily Times: Where is a new police force being created?
Erie Times-News: Erie Water Works launches $1.6 million project
Inquirer: Bill Cosby’s conviction a milestone for justice; if not the #MeToo movement | Editorial
Post-Gazette: A game of gotcha: Even if ruled legal, spot assessments are unfair
Patriot News: Are Pa’s gaming dollars being well spent? | Colin McNickle
Patriot News: 3 ideas to reduce gun violence emerged from my conversations with 150 Americans | Opinion
Patriot News: Wolf should sign ‘drug formulary bill’ | Opinion
LNP: It’s a win for voters that Smucker will meet primary challenger Beiler on stage Monday evening