Kane is being sued, Sestak has a lackluster fundraising report and the Republicans choose their SD-5 nominee. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
Former Agent Suing Kathleen Kane: The undercover officer involved in the infamous Philly sting operation says the Attorney General lied.
PA-Sen: Q1: Sestak Raises $312K, Has $1.7 Million COH: The Democratic front-runner widely trails Senator Toomey.
SD-5: GOP Picks Tim Dailey as Their Nominee: The Republican will face off against John Sabatina to fill Mike Stack’s seat.
Reader Poll: When Do You Think We’ll Have a Budget?: We ask our readers when they think Gov. Wolf’s first budget battle will end.
Reader Poll: Solid Majority Feel Kane Should be Impeached: Our readers believe the Attorney General should be removed from office.
PHL-15: Diaz Doubles Down on Attacking Kenney: Diaz is upset that LUPE switched its endorsement from him to his opponent.
PHL-15: Oliver Releases First Campaign Ad (VIDEO): The Democratic candidate and former PGW spokesman is the second candidate to fund his own TV ad.
PHL-15: Kenney Earns PASNAP Endorsement: Jim Kenney gets the backing of yet another labor union.
Steinke Earns Rendell Endorsement: The former Philadelphia Mayor and Pennsylvania Governor announced his support for Democratic City Council At-Large candidate Paul Steinke on Monday.
Judicial Endorsements:
Supreme Court: David Wecht won the endorsement of Allentown Mayor (and new Senate candidate) Ed Pawlowski.
“Judge Wecht is a man of integrity and high moral character. He has served our state well during his years on the bench. I can think of no one better to uphold the law with honesty and fairness than Judge David Wecht. David’s love of the law and a belief in justice for all is the shot in the arm our High Court so desperately needs right now,” stated Mayor Pawlowski. “I am proud to endorse Judge Wecht in his race for the state Supreme Court.”
Speaking of Mayor Pawlowski, he also endorsed Kevin Dougherty’s campaign for Supreme Court. Pawlowski was one of several Lehigh Valley officials to back Dougherty including: Vaughan Spencer of Reading and Sal Panto of Easton; State Representatives Tom Caltagirone, Daniel McNeill, Mark Rozzi, Michael Schlossberg and Peter Schweyer; District Attorney John Adams; Reading City Council President Francis Acosta; Allentown City Council members Joseph Davis and Jeff Glazier; Whitehall Township Commissioner Jerry Palagonia; and Easton Vice Mayor Ken Brown.
Commonwealth Court: Democratic candidate Michael Wojcik earned the endorsement of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
State House Sound Bites: Wolf’s Education Nominee Gets Nod from Key Panel
PA Independent: Could Minimum Wage Increase Save Taxpayers Billions on Welfare?
StateImpact PA: PUC Instructs Philadelphia Gas Works on How to Accelerate Pipeline-Replacement Program
StateImpact PA: More Pollution Flowing into Chesapeake Bay Than Expected
PLS Reporter: And the Nominees Are … Department of Education Sec. Rivera
PLS Reporter: Inside SCI-Camp Hill: Part 2
PLS Reporter: Gov. Wolf, Republicans Finalize Budget Work Groups at Tuesday Meeting
PLS Reporter: Property Tax Reform Bill Still on for May Vote Despite Being Pulled from Committee Agenda
Capitolwire: Vote on House GOP Property Tax Plan Pushed to Early May After Request from Wolf
Capitolwire: Medical Cannabis Amendment – Nurse Practitioners Out, Vaporization In
Capitolwire: Rivera’s PDE Culture Shake-Up Welcomed by Senate Education Committee
Capitolwire: The First of Wolf’s Cabinet Nominees – PennDOT’s Richards – Gets the Nod from Senate Panel
Capitolwire: Monday PA General Assembly Votes
Inquirer: Developers Ask Penna. for $1 Billion+
Inquirer: A Plan to Make Schools Perform or Be Run by Pennsylvania
Inquirer: Bulk of VA Official $300K Moving Costs Went to Contractor
Inquirer: Pa. to Eliminate Asset Test for Food Stamps
Inquirer: Comcast, Liberty Buy Land for What Could Be Third Comcast Tower
Inquirer: Obama Aide Takes Philly’s Side in Sick-Leave Fight
Inquirer: Biden, in Peco Visit, Announces Plan to Modernize Energy Infrastructure
Philly.com: In ‘Greater Center City’ Unmistakable Change Abounds
Pottstown Mercury: Pa. Court Throws Out Challenge to State Education Funding
Pottstown Mercury: Spring-Ford May Change Rule for Buses Entering Developments
Pottstown Mercury: Pa. Judge Considers Releasing Video of Officer-involved Shooting
Bucks County Courier Times: Morrisville Council Agrees to $10,000 Little League Fee in 2015
Bucks County Courier Times: Pa. Senate Votes to Ban “Multiple Copays”
Montgomery News: Upper Dublin School Board, Teachers’ Union Settle Contract
Montgomery News: Lower Gwynedd Board of Supervisors Swears In Two New Police Officers
Post-Gazette: Wolf Administration Fights Fast-Tracking of Hearing
Post-Gazette: PA’s Commonwealth Court Dismisses School Funding Lawsuit
Post-Gazette: Ex-Agent Sues Kane Over Sting Case
Early Returns: Toomey Still Way Up in $$$
Tribune-Review: PA Senate’s Top Leader Backs Liquor Privatization Bill
Tribune-Review: Embattled Kane to Hire Former Rendell Press Secretary
Tribune-Review: Fracking Vote in Middlesex Delayed
Tribune-Review: Former Allegheny County Chief Rodney Testifies Against McCullough
Tribune-Review: Democratic Sheriff Candidates in Fayette Split on Responsibility of Office
Tribune-Democrat: State Workers Union Seek Contract Extension
Tribune-Democrat: Wolf Ends Asset Test for Food Stamps
Tribune-Democrat: Wolf to Visit Johnstown on Wednesday
Tribune-Democrat: Rothfus Offers Tips to Students on Gaining Admission to Service Academies
Observer-Reporter: Charleroi to Draft Historic Preservation Plan
Observer-Reporter: Jefferson-Morgan Board Asks Member to Resign
Beaver County Times: Rothfus Talks Reform on Immigration, Medicare, Education
Beaver County Times: County Slated to Receive $616K from Death-Related Investment
Beaver County Times: Riverside Board Rejects Beaver County Career and Technical Center’s Budget
Times-Tribune: Lackawanna County Commissioners Get Copies of Taxpayer-Funded Sorvino Movie
Times-Tribune: AP: Biden Visits Philly to Highlight Energy Plan
Times-Leader: Steamtown NHS Renews Partnership Agreement with Railway Historical Society
Times-Leader: Luzerne County Officials Tour Historic Train Station
Times-Leader: Wilkes-Barre City Council Approves Wine-Tasting Event, Rooftop Party
South Central
York Daily Record: Democratic candidate forum Wednesday
York Daily Record: Saylor says he expects to meet with Wolf about property taxe
Carlisle Sentinel: Providers blast Wolf plan to tax in-home health services
Carlisle Sentinel: Sen. Toomey and Rep. Barletta request Department of Defense to examine AHEC as military historical preservation facility
Harrisburg Patriot News: Acting PennDOT Secretary has smooth road to confirmation vote
Harrisburg Patriot News: Restoring credibility: Pa. Turnpike commissioner’s confirmation forwarded thanks to his work after pay-to-play scandal
Harrisburg Patriot News: ‘There are parents, who don’t know if their kids will wake up,’ Sen. Leach says as medical marijuana bill heads to Senate for a vote: Video
Harrisburg Patriot News: Senate panel gives nod to Rivera’s confirmation as education secretary
Harrisburg Patriot News: Gov. Tom Wolf visits with the state’s township leaders, but House Speaker Mike Turzai seems to connect
Harrisburg Patriot News: House GOP property tax plan vote delayed in a quest for compromise
Harrisburg Patriot News: Wolf Administration, largest state employees union reach tentative contract deal
Harrisburg Patriot News: Former Rendell rides in to run Kathleen Kane’s communications ship
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Rep. Joe Pitts erred about commission’s membership
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Senate panel approves Pedro Rivera for top education job
Lebanon Daily News: Committee passes Folmer’s medical marijuana bill to full Senate
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Amendment saving Allentown, Bethlehem 911 centers fails in State House
Morning Call: Wolf’s pick to lead education and transportation departments clear first hurdle
Morning Call: PA Gov. Tom Wolf ends asset test for food stamps
Morning Call: Slim fundraising tally for Joe Sestak in U.S. Senate challenge
Morning Call: House panel tries again to cut PA Legislature’s size
Morning Call: School districts, parents will take school-funding challenge to state Supreme Court
Express-Times: Easton Area School District shuffles up administrators’ role
Express-Times: Easton mayor to reveal new city hall tenant Tuesday afternoon
Express-Times: Bethlehem Township commissioners vote 3-2 on first step for 261 homes
North by Northwest
Campaign ‘15: GOP Millcreek candidates forum set Thursday
Centre Daily Times: Bellefonte Area School District selects Keith Hamilton as new president
Philly.com: Calif. Trends Should Worry GOP
Daily News: Are You the 1 Percent?
Post-Gazette: Business or Pleasure?
Tribune-Review: Obama’s GOP Abettors
Tribune-Democrat: Measures to be Taken to Protect America
Beaver County Times: Beaver Valley Mall Capped the Arrival of Sprawling Suburban Shopping Center
Times-Tribune: Gimmick not Really Reform
Citified: 36,000 Black Men Are “Missing” from Philadelphia
Citified: The Brief: Ed Rendell Endorses Candidate for … Council?
Citizens’ Call: White Pines Improv Troupe Takes on Some Radioactive Israeli Storytelling
Keystone Crossroads: Moving Into the 21st Century with Digital Government in Homestead and West Homestead
Keystone State Education Coalition: Acting PA Education Secretary Pedro Rivera Begins Confirmation Process
Commonwealth Foundation: Taxpayer Protection Act Advances in the Senate
Above Average Jane: More Thoughts on the Gallery
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Divided Board Grants Waivers to Green Pond Developers