4/25 Morning Buzz

Harrisburg Capitol stepsLawmakers are busy in Harrisburg and DC, a new challenger for Keith Rothfus emerges, and two new TV ads. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.

Rothfus Draws Centrist GOP Challenger: Marine Corps veteran Larry Stiles says he plans to primary the freshman Republican Congressman. But Stiles is a longshot with a checkered past.

Politically Uncorrected: The Toomey Matter: Madonna and Young reassess Senator Pat Toomey’s role in the gun debate and the future of the GOP in Pennsylvania.

Peduto Negative Ad: Wagner Sided with GOP (With Video): Bill Peduto paints his opponent with a Republican brush in the latest television ad of the Pittsburgh mayoral primary. It criticizes Jack Wagner for speaking approvingly of GOP policies and highlights past votes to increase his pay and pension.

CAP Slams McIlhinney Over Booze in New TV Ad (With Video): The fight over state liquor stores is now on the air. The conservative group Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania Wednesday launched an ad that aims to pressure state Sen. Chuck McIlhinney into supporting privatization.

New York Times: House Majority Leader’s Quest to Soften G.O.P.’s Image Hits a Wall Within (quotes Rep. Dent).
Capitolwire: House GOP defeats amendments to business tax cut bill
Capitolwire: Audit shows drop in legislative surplus to $140 million, spending increased
Capitolwire: VP Biden to get Pennsylvania Society’s Highest Honors
Capitolwire: Conservative group targets McIlhinney with TV ad
Capitolwire: New IFO reports says PA would benefit from medicaid expansion
PA independent: WATCHBLOG: Conservative campaigners put key state senator on notice
State House Sound Bites: Legislative audit finds more spent, less stashed, and few recommendations heeded
State House Sound Bites: Pro-liquor privatization ad homes in on key senator

Inquirer: Gosnell calls no one in his defense
Commonwealth Confidential: Leach’s Supreme Court candidate list stirs ire in GOP quarters
Commonwealth Confidential: The Booze Wars, continued…
Philly School Files: $6 million awarded to grow district schools
Philly.com: Student detained after tweeting bomb threat toward Santorum, school
PhillyClout: Rep. Bill Keller’s top aide and business partner plead guilty
WHYY Newsworks: Nutter seems determined to sell PGW
WHYY Newsworks: Audit report finds excesses in PA legislature’s spending

AP: Pa. high court settles shale gas rights question
AP: Consol, Pa. reach settlement on dam, gas drilling
AP: Lawmakers send Corbett Pa. jury commissioners bill
AP: Pa. Legislature’s spending rose, surplus fell
AP: Pa. Legislature’s analysts see benefit in Medicaid
Pottstown Mercury: Casey pushes NRC to plan better for ‘shadow evacuations’

Tribune Review: Pittsburgh lands millions in federal tax credits
Tribune Review: Strip District development moves closer to fruition
Tribune Review: Butler County residents eligible for discount drug card
Tribune Review: Bickering Butler County commissioners vote to muzzle themselves
Tribune Review: CONSOL to pay $36 million to replace Greene County dam
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh gives tentative OK to spend $1M in hopes of making Homewood safer
Tribune Review: Gas-well impact civil trial opens in Fayette
Post-Gazette: Who will foot the bill for more Pittsburgh Marathon security?
Post-Gazette: Report says Pennsylvania would profit by expanding Medicaid access
Post-Gazette: Campaign trumpets Affordable Care Act’s options
Post-Gazette: House approves Pennsylvania abortion limits
Post-Gazette: Appeals court rules governor must turn over calendar information
Post-Gazette: Closing of Pennsylvania health centers challenged
Post-Gazette: Is a Sestak push for Pennsylvania governor at hand?
Early Returns: Peduto ad goes negative on Wagner votes
Early Returns: Ravenstahl to reappear
City Paper: On social issues, mayoral candidates have similar positions, but different histories
KDKA: Council Discusses Cost For Extra Security At Pittsburgh Marathon
KDKA: Peduto Attacks Wagner In New TV Ad
WTAE: Wagner takes another shot at longtime mayoral dream
WPXI: Pittsburgh Public Schools considering buying intruder locks

AP: NY groups claim industry bias in fracking study
AP: Consol, Pa. reach settlement on dam, gas drilling
AP: Pa. high court settles shale gas rights question
Observer-Reporter: No loss in district judge posts
Altoona Mirror: Casey to Warnaco: Stay here
Jonhstown Tribune-Democrat: Housing authority cracking down on tenants
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: County transferring land rights to boro

The Times Leader: Job Corps enrollment freeze ends
The Times Leader: National security expert to lecture locally tonight
The Times Leader: W-B Area board boots Corcoran, opens seat to applicants
Times-Tribune: Scranton Single Tax Office still commingles funds
Citizens Voice: County opts back into black-fly program
Citizens Voice: Wilkes-Barre City announces restructuring
News Item: New poster ‘child’ for seat belt campaign
Standard Speaker: Funding sought to help financially distressed cities
Pocono Record: No plan to shift coverage for Pa. state workers

Lehigh Valley
WFMZ: Corbett: $91 million to be invested in water infrastructure projects
Express Times: Republican Party dissolves into infighting over Northampton County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa
Express Times: Pennsylvania civil union bill would allow same-sex marriages in other states to be recognized – A.M. news links

South Central
AP: Open-records rulings covers phones, home addresses
York Dispatch: York Co. Commissioners OK agreement aimed at curbing repeat offenses
Patriot-News: Harrisburg mayor Linda Thompson talks to editorial board: 7 takeaways
Patriot-News: Constable charged after firing gun during domestic dispute
Patriot-News: PA Labor Secretary Julia Hearthway to the unemployed: ‘I see my job as trying to get them a job’
Patriot-News: Report: State politicians need to address climate change more aggressively
The Sentinel: Dickinson Twp. board members to review, sign policy of conduct
The Sentinel: Harrisburg City Council to get loan to repair sinkholes
York Daily Record: State House 95th district candidates talk education, poverty and collaboration
Intelligencer/Era: Execs argue value of county transportation agency
Intelligencer/Era: Penn Manor is second county school district to outsource workers in reaction to Affordable Care Act

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: School board talks possible tax hike at budget workshop
Williamsport Sun Gazette: County recycling equipment bids more than budgeted
Erie Times-News Campaign ‘13 Blog: Grossman, Dahlkemper plan events
Centre Daily Times: State College boy’s government-spending documentary to get C-SPAN airing

Delco Daily Times: Edgar a passionate champion serious causes
Intelligencer/Era: Bye-bye, tax-free Internet
Lebanon Daily News: Pennsylvania’s senators did right thing in gun-control debacle
Patriot-News: Even suspected bombers have constitutional rights

Keystone Politics: Josh Kruger: City Employees compiling Donor Lists for Alan Butkovitz on the Clock
Keystone Politics: Hail Brian Sims!
Keystone Politics: Planned Parenthood Endorses Bill Peduto for #PGHMayor
Keystone Politics: Voting to Let Employers Demand People’s Facebook Passwords Unlikely to Help Allyson Schwartz in 2014
Keystone Politics: After Announcing PA Gubernatorial Campaign, Allyson Schwartz “Punches the Hippies” on CISPA
Keystone Politics: Marine Corps Vet Larry Stiles to Challenge Keith Rothfus in GOP Primary
Keystone Politics: Activists Succeed in Placing Clean Air Ordinance on the Allentown Ballot
Keystone Politics: New Bill Peduto Ad Hits Jack Wagner for Siding with GOP on Health Care Cuts for 100,000 People
Keystone Politics: PA ACLU Slams HB818

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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