Schwartz accuses Wolf of plagiarism, Leach files a FEC complaint against Margolies and 30 mayors endorse McCord. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
PA-Gov: Schwartz Accuses Wolf of Plagiarizing “Fresh Start” Plan: Schwartz campaign shows the similarities between Johnson Controls Inc policy papers and Wolf’s Fresh Start Plan.
PA-Gov: Mayors Endorse McCord: 30 mayors from PA jointly announced their support of McCord for governor.
Lt. Gov.: Neuman Wins The West: Another crop of Western PA Dems lined up behind State Rep. Brandon Neuman’s Lt. Gov. bid.
Kane Stymies Williams Prosecution of Philly Sting: Philly DA Seth Williams has taken on the task of prosecuting the halted sting operation, but he has yet to receive the files needed to move forward.
PA-13: Leach Files FEC Complaint Against Margolies: The Leach campaign filed a formal FEC complaint against Margolies and her campaign for spending general election funds.
PA-13: Philly Dems Endorse Boyle: The party organization of Philadelphia backed the State Rep in the crowded primary.
HD-36: Keystone Progress PAC Releases Pro-Molchany Ad (VIDEO): The ad draws contrasts between the two Democratic candidates.
Legislative Elections Update:
SD-4: Challenger Brian Gralnick has been formally endorsed by the Pennsylvania chapter of the National Organization for Women. Gralnick is running against indicted Senator Leanna Washington (D-Philadelphia).
HD-36: The Pittsburgh Post Gazette endorsed Rep. Erin Molchany (D-Allegheny) over Rep. Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny) in the primary for HD-36. The two incumbents were merged into the same district when Molchany’s seat (HD-22) was moved to Lehigh County in redistricting.
Keystone Progress is now running a pro-Molchany ad in the district. She was the first ever endorsement of their PAC. Watch the spot here.
HD-163: The United Transportation Union endorsed Democrat Vince Rongione over Republican Jamie Santora. The two are battling for the seat vacated by Rep. Micozzie’s retirement.
PA Independent: Plan would give radar guns to local police
PA Independent: Benefits are driving high personnel costs in Philadelphia schools
StateImpactPA: Winter price spikes drive 50K Pa. electric customers back to local suppliers
StateImpactPA: Consol Energy gets permission to drill at Pittsburgh International Airport
StateImpactPA: Baker Hughes phasing in full disclosure of fracking fluid
Daily News:Schwartz slams Democratic foes for being ‘vague’ about a law they all publicly support
Inquirer:Wolf campaign plagiarizes passages in policy document
Inquirer: Butkovitz hires media strategist
Inquirer:AG Kane not turning over sting files to DA Williams, yet
Big Tent: Schwartz hugs Obamacare more firm quits Philadelphia School District over loss of trust PennDOT consultant lied to grand jury during corruption probe to get at least $150M under ad contract
Courier-Times: State legislators favor gradual changes to alcohol sales
Courier-Times: Morrisville non-uniform employees wait for contract
Courier-Times: Group of merchants oppose Quakertown Gateway
Pottstown Mercury: NRC extends post-Fukushima fix deadline for Limerick nuke plant
Pottstown Mercury: Montco Sheriff’s Office rounds up deadbeat parents
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County OKs $247 million in bonds for capital projects, refinancing
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh’s chief urban affairs officer to lead Housing Authority board
Business Journal: Highmark’s fully insured membership falls 5.6 percent
KDKA: Corbett’s Republican Challenger Says Governor Broke Promise, Lied About It
WTAE: Why are Gas Prices So High in Pennsylvania?
Tribune Review: West Penn Allegheny loss in 2013 balloons to $370 million
Tribune Review: Highmark allows extensions of less costly small business plans
Tribune Review: Philadelphia DA says he has no conflict of interest in legislative sting case
Beaver County Times: Matzie to introduce seismic testing bill
Beaver County Times: Findlay approves Consol’s drilling permits, with a few catches
Beaver County Times: State education secretary praises Beaver Area’s test scores, iPad program
Observer-Reporter: Documenting the documentary: Courthouse to be featured on PCN
Observer-Reporter: New home sales rise in Washington County, region
Observer-Reporter: Murphy outlines effort to reform mental health system
Altoona Mirror: County approves new union contract
Times Tribune: Former state Senator Musto dies
Times Tribune: Arbitration award to cost Scranton pension fund $6.9M to $10.5M
Times Tribune: Voters to see only downside in ballot question statement
Times Tribune: PPL seeks to expand storm fund category
Citizens Voice: Barletta addresses economy, says government spending is out of control
News Item: Shamokin could have Act 47 status by June
Times Leader: Bill Genetti’s Hazle Township hotel faces $27k judgement over unpaid legal bills
Times Leader: Wyoming Area sets more negotiations next month
South Central
AP: Corbett ramps up pitch to education, women voters
Carlisle Sentinel: Mayor breaks tie in zoning vote, Goodman Birtcher can proceed with warehouse plan
Harrisburg Patriot News: Charter schools say proposed formula for special education funding unfairly punishes them
Harrisburg Patriot News: Accused of plagiarism, Wolf edits campaign policy plan in Pa. governor’s race
York Daily Record: State Sen. Scott Wagner wants to stop hanging pictures of convicted felons in the state Capitol
York Dispatch: York drivers to see higher prices at the gas pump
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Students organize ‘Safe Space Prom’ for LGBT youth
Lebanon Daily News: Lebanon officials: lnvesting in early education can cut crime
Today’s the Day Harrisburg: The Process to Fill the Vacant Harrisburg City Council Seat
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Good and bad news on Easton’s new City Hall
Morning Call: Former state Sen. Raphael Musto dies at 85
Reading Eagle: Reading City Council is advised on how to end water authority
Reading Eagle: Berks County colleges see no impact of U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action
Express Times: Northampton County grand jurors questioned about possible ties to Bethlehem nonprofit, city council
Express Times: Easton preliminary 2015 budget has $1.5 million deficit
North by Northwest
Campaign ‘14 Blog: Santorum to address NRA meeting
Erie Times-News: Erie mayor endorses McCord for governor
Erie Times-News: U.S. Rep. Kelly visits Erie to promote tax-break bill l
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Permanent change for 2 polling places
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Loyalsock Township approves curb cuts
Harrisburg Patriot News: For York County’s Scott Wagner, a bumpy political adolescence: John L. Micek
Morning Call: Is new anti-nepotism policy adequate?
Post-Gazette: Dueling Dems: Rep. Molchany deserves the party nomination
Observer-Reporter: Gay controversy won’t go away for Boy Scouts
Inquirer: Inquirer Editorial: Finally in gear
Inquirer:Inquirer Editorial: Past bias still has impact
Keystone Politics: Margolies Campaign Responds – Hat Tip to PoliticsPA
Keystone Politics: #PA13: Leach files FEC complaint against Margolies – Smukler scoffs
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Allen Nomination Fails
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Expanded Guestlist Considered at West Easton Treatment Center
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Not Again, Say Bethlehem Zoners
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Allen Nomination in Scalding Water
4 Responses
Has anyone else been offered a job by Fitzgerald for helping in the campaigns he is supporting?
Pike County Democratic Committee endorsed Tom Wolf and Brad Koplinski last night.
Dear PAGOP TEAM: Obama Rodeo Clown, your gig for the PAGOP Fall dinner is cancelled. Cliven Bundy will be the new PAGOP rainrmaker. Dear Chairman Gleason and Tom Corbett team: If my favorite real Philly Welfare Queen becomes a slave on a farm in Lancaster, does she qualify for CorbettCare? Thanks for bringing Cliven Bundy to PA!
Congresswoman Schwartz: I think you should personally destroy the career hopes of the poor Wolf intern that plagiarized this document and make sure they never serve in that hotbed of integrity, Harrisburg, PA. Let’s get Seth Williams to investigate. Plagiarism would be a new crime in the Capitol.