4/6 Morning Buzz

President Obama is taking his first trip post-re-election announcement, and PA is the lucky first destination. Obama is traveling to Bucks County this morning to talk about energy policy.

Mark Flaherty leads in the Democratic race for Allegheny County Executive, with 46 percent of likely Democratic voters are undecided in the race. In an exclusive Municipoll/PoliticsPA survey, the County Controller leads County Council President Rich Fitzgerald 31 percent to 23 percent. It’s good new for Flaherty, but its a far cry from the internal poll her released two weeks ago which showed him up 29 points.

According to the same poll, former City Councilwoman Valerie McDonald Roberts leads State Rep. Chelsa Wagner 26 percent to 22.5 percent in the primary for Controller. Former Clerk of Courts George Matta is in third at 15 percent.

Stay tuned later today for the third installment in our three-part poll analysis. Today we’ll release our general election matchups for County Executive.

And Judy Schwank has taken her seat in the State Senate. Schwank was sworn in yesterday, wiping out Senate Republicans’ 30-19 majority and replacing it with a meager 30-20 majority.

Good morning politicos, and welcome to the buzz.

PoliticsPA Reports

Meehan Volunteer Pleads Guilty to Electoral Fraud
This week the Delaware County Daily Times reported that fifty-nine year old Paul Summers, of Drexel Hill, entered guilty pleas for seven counts of forgery and seven counts of false signatures that were circulated during the PA-7 primary election March 2010.

Exclusive: Poll Shows Flaherty Leads Allegheny County Executive Race, McDonald Roberts Leads for Controller
Allegheny Controller Mark Patrick Flaherty holds a slight lead over Rich Fitzgerald, the President of Allegheny County Council, in the Democratic race for County Executive.

A Look at SB1
The education talk in Harrisburg has mostly been about Governor Corbett’s cuts to public universities and school districts in the state, but one of the most controversial issues in education reform has been the use of vouchers in the school choice bill.

CBS Pittsburgh: Could A Mileage Tax Be Coming To Pa.?
Because gasoline prices have risen, the state’s gasoline revenues have diminished and is causing concern from our state leaders. A new “mileage tax” is being considered as one potential way to alleviate those concerns.

Reading Eagle: Schwank takes seat in Senate
Pennsylvania Ave.: Pa. Is First Trip for the President After Announcing Launch of Re-Election Campaign
The Big Tent: Toomey to ABC: Too Busy to Hunt RINOs
The Hill: Santorum’s Harsh Attacks on Fellow 2012 GOPers
Federal Government Shutdown Watch: Pennsylvania Ave.: Local GOP Lawmakers React to Budget Plan, Potential Shutdown
Pennsylvania Ave.: DCCC Slams Dent For Not Reacting to ‘70,000 Kids Dying”
Early Returns: New Orie Corruption Trial on Monday?
State House Sound Bites: Ferlo: DEP ‘caught with their pants down’ on new drilling policy
State House Sound Bites: Brubakers Sentenced for ‘Bonusgate’ Crimes
Capitol Ideas has the latest student protests at the State Capitol Covered Here and Here
Commonwealth Confidential: Students Use Social Media to Fight Spending Cuts
PhillyClout: Rendell Endorses Bobby Henon for 6th District City Council Race
PhillyClout: Council Candidate Calls for Phila. To Be “Less Weird”
Early Returns: Intra-Party Fight Among Allegheny County GOP
Times Leader: Legislators propose a Public Integrity Commission
Citizens’ Voice: Toole opposes release of letters to media
Citizens’ Voice: House approves bill to ban sale of ‘bath salts’
Citizens’ Voice: Gay candidate hopes to be first elected to county office
Citizens’ Voice: Unemployment rate in Luzerne County lowest in region at 8.9 percent
Patriot-News: Gov. Corbett proposes 4 percent pay cut to state’s largest employee union
Patriot-News: Pa. Department of Baking issues scam warning
Patriot-News: York County lawmaker eyes bid state auditor general
Post-Gazette: Senate Panel approves reducing mandates for schools
Post-Gazette: Millions in road, bridge projects slated
Post-Gazette: Legislator pledges college funding

Baer Growls: To Integrity and Beyond!
Dave Davies, Newsworks Editorial: Would Gov. Corbett Call the President Back?
Citizens’ Voice: Measure to shrink Legislature doesn’t go far enough
Patriot-News Editorial: Let voters decide: Destini Hodges deserves a place on the ballot
Reading Eagle Editorial: Another bill introduced to trim number of legislators

One Response

  1. You call Penna. lucky. This man with his Chicago style devide and
    conqure politics and his Obama Care shoved down our throats,the old
    against the young, the left against the right, party against party
    a 4 Trillion dollar deficit. When he was shoving his health care bill
    down our throats he told Republicans we don`t need you. You lost the
    election. Now he is trying to negotiate a budget and he has the
    audacity to stand up and tell the American people,”we have to work
    together”. Where were you two and a half years ago Mr. President? He is as bad as Jimmy Carter. At least Carter had an excuse. He was just
    plain dumb. I don`t care if he ever comes to Pa. again.

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