It was an emotional week in Pennsylvania for the candidates who faced the primary battles this weekend; but winning alone isn’t enough to score an Up Arrow. See who did make the list!
Tom Wolf. Even as people were expecting a landslide, he exceeded expectations. Very solid win, he stayed positive, and he should enjoy a solid start in the polls vs. Corbett, particularly given Corbett’s underperformance compared to Lt. Gov. Cawley.
Rob McCord. The state Treasurer’s decision to inject race into the primary contest will go down as one of the most significant in his political career, and not in a good way. He accused Wolf of tacitly approving racism. It’s one thing to go nuclear if you have a path to victory. But he pulled the trigger when none was apparent. Not to mention the fact that as Treasurer he may have permanently damaged his relations with the potential future Governor.
Katie McGinty. Of the four candidates, McGinty performed the worst while looking the (second) best. She wisely recognized months ago that she couldn’t match Wolf’s early salvo and decided to use the campaign to build political capital rather than spend it. Democrats will remember her the next time they look for a candidate for Congress in PA-6 or other offices.
Allyson Schwartz. The once front-runner gave up her immensely powerful Washington-based platform because she thought she was a lock for the nomination. Instead she suffered her second statewide defeat in as many decades.
Pro-choice Democrats. The issue of abortion rights didn’t prove very useful to liberal Democrats on Tuesday. They lost in three races where they made abortion a major focus: the 13th congressional race, HD-36, and HD-164. And although all four candidates in the Democratic gubernatorial primary were united in their support for abortion rights, Schwartz was associated with the issue more than any other candidate. (In PA13 and HD164, Brendan Boyle and Margo Davidson each said they support abortion rights; opponents said their respective voting records showed otherwise).
Mark Critz. The Lieutenant Governor’s race was supposed to be tight. It was supposed to be an epic battle between Mike Stack in the east and former Congressman Critz in the west. Instead, Stack won in a romp. Critz, meanwhile, barely outperformed the rest of the field.
Incumbents. Another cycle, another strong showing for the butts already in seats. Just 3 incumbents in the entire state – including 2 who are ethically embattled – failed to achieve renomination Tuesday night. Another one is still counting votes and may lose (Mike Fleck). Another 2, Reps. Haggerty and Molchany, lost in member-vs-member races, so they don’t count toward the total.
Team Sims. State Rep. Brian Sims was working to build a progressive coalition in Pa. He publicly endorsed Jared Solomon against incumbent Rep. Mark Cohen; challenger Billy Smith against Rep. Margo Davidson; Rep. Erin Molchany against Rep. Harry Readshaw; Daylin Leach for Congress and Schwartz for Gov. He went 0 for 5.
While we sort through our long list of Ups and Downs, PA Independent wrapped up Tuesday in 140 characters or less.
8 Responses
Please Liz – get over it. Margo Davidson won her old district by a 3 to 1 margin. She won overall by 11 points and she won one of the two new towns in her new district. The only place she lost is her opponent’s home town, for which the political class of Lansdowne applied all the tricks. When the choice antics failed to move poll numbers they started tea-party style lies.
To be clear on the pro-choice democrat down arrow, Margo Davidson in 164 was the incumbent and came a few hundred votes away from losing with a third candidate on the ballot, Harry Readshaw in 36 was a 20 year incumbent with 70% of the district and the 13th CD saw three Montco candidates split the vote with Boyle maintaining he is pro-choice.
Failed Chester County Democrat Chair Michelle Vaughan deserves a big loser down arrow. Her support of any candidate is the kiss of death. She backed both McCord & Josh Young who went down in flames. She previously opposed Andy Dinniman who was overwhelmingly reelected.. Vaughan succeeds only at dissension within the Dem party. She threw away the Judicial race last year by hoarding money for her future self-aggrandizement. Vaughan is the Republican’s best asset and the Republicans will succeed in every Chesco State Rep race especially the new district drawn to lean Democrat because Vaughan is a loser.
Vaughan might as well be a Tea Party member in the Democrat party. Perhaps she is.
Brian Sims also endorsed Joshua Young, who lost in a romp to Josh Maxwell, 60% to 35%. 0 for 6, and a lot of political capital wasted in tbe process
Duane Milne’s efforts to take out committee people in his own 167th went down in flames.
In eight seats he won zero. Milne ran his own wife who lost by almost 2 to 1. 4 others his slate lost by almost 3 to 1. Another dumb machine attempt by Milne which yet again proves how weak Milne is. Remember endorsement vote went against Milne 37-25. The 37 vote candidate was one vote short of 60% and withdrew.
Note to powers – straighten out teachers’ union lackey Milne or the voters will eventually replace Milne with a real Republican
Amen to your down arrow and comments about McCord. I’m a Dem who would never vote for him again. Not that it matters because he is done politically anyway.
I think your arrow for pro-life Democrats is upside down.
Oh, I don’t feel so bad then; I’m in good company with State Rep. Brian Sims (0 for 4).