We’ve got last week’s Ups & Downs, and PoliticsPA has a new interim editor (readers can decide for themselves whether that’s an Up or Down). Good morning, politicos, here’s the Playbook.
Moving On: An Update for PoliticsPA: A quick note on the future of PoliticsPA.
6/1 Ups & Downs: Sports betting moves forward in Pennsylvania, nuclear power takes a step back, and Kenney’s administration gets caught organizing protests. See who made this week’s Ups & Downs!
StateImpact: Sunoco urges PUC to overturn judge’s order halting pipeline construction in Chester County
StateImpact: Report: Draft memo points to Trump invoking national security in bailing out coal, nuclear
Capitolwire: State-owned universities face uncertain future
Inquirer: A boost in the minimum wage in this year’s Pa. budget?
Inquirer: Philly congressmen seek federal help to fix ‘unconscionable’ condition of city schools
Inquirer: Trump doesn’t like a word Samantha Bee used. But that’s what he called an Inquirer reporter
WHYY: The most surprising number in Friday’s jobs report
Delco Times: West Chester mayor pitches plan to limit use of plastic bags at checkout
Bucks County Courier Times: State reimburses Quakertown airport land purchase
Tribune Review: New purpose sought for Johnstown Flood Tax
Tribune Review: Keith Rothfus, other GOP incumbents being targeted in $35M ad campaign
Post-Gazette: Protesters want Pittsburgh’s mayor to take a stand against Beaver County cracker plant
Post-Gazette: Dom Costa’s write-in bid fails
WESA: Former Lawmakers Reflect On ‘Frat Boy’ Culture In Harrisburg
WESA: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Page Not Publishing Longtime Cartoonist’s Recent Work
WESA: U.S. Senator Bob Casey On Tariffs, Trade With China And The 2018 Midterms
Altoona Mirror: Higgins’ plea draws mixed reactions
Altoona Mirror: GOP may face uphill battle
Altoona Mirror: McGinnis reflects on tenure
Tribune-Democrat: U.S. Sen. Jack Reed: Johnstown is on ‘cutting edge’
Times Leader: Auditor General report shows more must be done to protect at-risk children
Times Tribune: Our annual tax analysis: Who pays the most?
Standard-Speaker: Barletta proposes new school safety measures
South Central
Patriot News: Pa. Supreme Court changes mind on hearing former state House Speaker Bill DeWeese’s conviction appeal
Patriot News: Pat Toomey slams President Trump’s tariffs as tax hikes
Carlisle Sentinel: Cumberland County anticipates more from state in coming fiscal year; general fund stable
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania lawmaker floats local campaign finance ‘transparency’ bill
Morning Call: Prosecutors respond to former Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski’s bid for new trial
WFMZ: Officials dedicate new state prison in Montgomery County
Reading Eagle: Topton creek plan dammed up by lawmaker
North by Northwest
WJET: Wagner visits Erie and has a lot to say about the city and the commonwealth
WJET: Bartos campaigns in Erie with Wagner
Centre Daily Times: Another ruling in Beta Theta Pi case as AG’s office ‘seeking justice’
Erie Times-News: Erie launches bulky-item trash pick-up pilot program
Erie Times-News: ‘Building capacity’ in struggling Erie neighborhoods
Patriot News: Let’s pass these commonsense improvements to Pa.’s DUI laws
Pottstown Mercury: Scorecard on the anti-Trump coup
Tribune-Democrat: The ‘Help Wanted’ sign is out for those needing jobs
Beaver County Times: Let’s get real: Fake news threatens our democratic institutions