McGinty supporters raise doubts about Burn’s fundraising abilities, the PA GOP delegation could be a deciding factor in the whip race and the President talks about the economy in Pittsburgh. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
McGinty Supporters Question Burn’s Fundraising Record: In the race for Democratic party Chair, some supporters of Katie McGinty accuse Jim Burn of lackluster fundraising.
PA GOP May Be Deciding Factor in Heated Whip Race: PA GOP’s 13 member delegation may band together to ensure moderation in the wake of Eric Cantor’s loss.
President Obama Visits Pittsburgh, Addresses Manufacturing and Economy: President Obama visited TechShop in the Larimer area of Pittsburgh today to discuss the importance of manufacturing for the future of America’s economy.
Capitolwire: House Democrats still feel burned by 2011 policy change
Capitolwire: Post-production royalties bill yielding to budget, other issues
Capitolwire: Legislature’s surplus jumps up to $153 million; spending decreased
Capitolwire: Corbett says pensions before new budget revenue discussions
Capitolwire: Corbett doesn’t rule out a severance tax, doubles-down on late budget stance
Capitolwire: Amendment eases most charter schools’ concerns over special education funding bill
State House Sound Bites: Local speed radar bills stuck in park
PA Independent: State alcohol sale reform caught in ‘Mexican standoff’
PA Independent: Turnpike tolls to rise again next year – and they’ll keep rising
PLS Reporter: Medical marijuana vote coming in final week in June
PLS Reporter: Still no movement on pension, liquor reform
PLS Reporter: House to consider budget amendments Monday
PhillyClout: Williams convenes grand jury to investigate sting case
WHYY Newsworks: Teamsters, carpenters protest over lost work, but Convention Center is not budging
Inquirer: Sources say Council to propose new borrowing for schools
Inquirer: Fumo asks court for permission to travel
Inquirer: Dougherty raises money, expectations for Clarke at fundraiser
Heard in the Hall: Nutter to lead the PA Municipal League
City Paper: D.A. Seth Williams sends mixed signals on bad convictions
Delco Daily Times: Pa. House candidate proposes property tax freeze for seniors
Delco Daily Times: Garnet Valley approves budget
Delco Daily Times: Morton approves new hiring procedures
Pottstown Mercury: Pottsgrove adopts $63M budget with 1.9% tax hike
Pottstown Mercury: Video: March against violence promotes Pottstown unity
Pottstown Mercury: PAID gives report for 2013 activities, goals in Pottstown
Daily Local News: Deadline extended for property tax and rent rebate program
The Intelligencer: Manfredi resigns as Warminster manager
Bucks County Courier Times: Neshaminy OKs $174M budget with no tax increase
Bucks County Courier Times: Bristol school taxes might not increase
Bucks County Courier Times: Quakertown nursing home fears Medicaid cuts
AP: Audit shows Pa. legislative surplus grew by $14M
AP: Judge rejects bid to appeal gay-marriage ruling
Tribune Review: Council wants to avoid property tax hike in new financial plan
Tribune Review: ATF traces guns police recovered in Pennsylvania
Post Gazette: Two whistleblowers allowed to continue in lawsuit against Downtown for-profit educator
Post Gazette: Senate committee endorses expanded Right-to-Know rules for 4 state-related universities
Early Returns: McCord hits Corbett on pensions
Pittsburgh Business Times: Corbett could be open to severance tax to shore up state’s finances
KDKA: Sen. Costa Talks Pennsylvania Budget
City Paper: Bill Peduto wants a fitter Pittsburgh … and he’s trying to lead by example
City Paper: A proposed law would make it easier for the mentally ill to be treated, but would it come at the expense of their rights?
Beaver County Times: State Supreme Court sides with CCBC in old case
Altoona Mirror: Williamsburg school board approves budget with tax hike
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: County redevelopment authority opens demolition bids
The Times Leader: Help agency URS closing its doors today
Times-Tribune: Corbett addresses worsening budget
Citizens Voice: Warrants issued for robbery suspects
News Item: Split vote gives split roles for Northumberland County’s new chief clerks
News Item: Barletta not for impeachment
South Central
Harrisburg Patriot News: US judge kills lawsuit challenging Pa’s Sunday hunting ban
Harrisburg Patriot News: Philly DA convenes grand jury to investigate lawmaker bribe case that Kane abandoned
York Daily Record: Obama’s day trip highlights economy, courts donors
Altoona Mirror: Corbett: Pension cuts must come before discussing tax hike
Roxbury News: Harrisburg school district pays $6,667,800 to terminate 2003 RBC swap
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Pennsylvania man gets year in prison for threat to kill Obama
Morning Call: Jones halts attempt to challenge Pa. marriage equality decision
Morning Call: Legislature sitting on $154 million surplus
Reading Eagle: Bill could help keep parents of truant kids out of jail
WFMZ: House judiciary committee approves drug overdose immunity bill
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Homeland security confirms arrests, continues investigation after last week’s State College area restaurant raids
Centre Daily Times: GOP rips Obama as he meets with Congress on Iraq
Centre Daily Times: Senators propose 12 cent gas tax increase
Onward State: Public Records legislature clears state Senate committee
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Tax increase vote unanimous
Inquirer: A costly pension-reform plan
Inquirer: Pipeline to nowhere?
Philadelphia Daily News: Corbett’s bad-options budget A costly pension-reform plan
Philadelphia Weekly: Hey, liberal activists—try arguing basic morality instead of wonky bullshit
Reading Eagle: Corbett right to use budget as leverage for pension fix
Carlisle Sentinel: Immigration done the right way
Observer-Reporter: Measured response the right approach
The Times Leader: Court’s same-sex marriage ruling defied Pa. voters and God’s will
Bucks County Courier Times: Out of touch with reality
Media Trackers: Liberal Pennsylvania Groups Pushes for Union-Friendly Budget
Keystone Politics: #PABudget: Corbett Unbelievably Screwed
Keystone Politics: #PABudget: Don’t Weep for the Beer Distributors
Keystone Liberty: Pensions Downgrade Pennsylvania Bonds
Keystone State Education Coalition: PA Ed Policy Roundup June 18: “School Choice” – In PA Senate, Florida Real Estate Trumps Special Needs Kids
Commonwealth Foundation: End Teacher Bullying with Paycheck Protection
Commonwealth Foundation: RCAP and Corporate Welfare Hurt Pennsylvanians
2 Political Junkies: Scaife Must Be So Proud
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Former Allentown Mayor To Take Reigns of Lehigh County GOP
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Are Tom Corbett’s PATIENTS FIRST talks with UPMC-HIGHMARK a total fraud? The Corbett/Brabender team has sold these talks as move to get the health consumer in Western,what they want-access to all health care providers in the region. But is that what is really going on? Aren’t these rigged talks laying the groundwork for World Class Jeff Romoff of UPMC to have a health care monopoly in Western PA, before Tom Wolf takes office? Does anyone believe that giving Jeff Romoff a monopoly in health insurance and clinical care will do the region any good at all? With a UPMC strangelhold, Tom Corbett’s political marriage partner Jeff Romoff can buy another $50 million jet or open a World Class UPMC branch on the French Riveria? Western Pennsylvania employers look at insurer options in Highmark vs. UPMC | TribLIVE