Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. Cawley decides against holding a special in SD-37, picked by our readers as the top Senate race in the state; Casey backs Obama on ending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans; and see our analysis of Romney’s (and Santorum’s, Paul’s and Gingrich’s) PA undervote.
Romney’s PA Undervote, Plus Santorum, Paul & Gingrich Maps: A few weeks ago, we took a look back at Barack Obama’s primary performance in PA. Today, we present a look back at the Republican side of the primary to see where presumptive nominee Mitt Romney rose and fell. Also: maps on votes for Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich.
Cawley Says No to SD-37 Special Election: The decision over whether to call for a special election in the 37th district for the seat of retired Sen John Pippy has officially been made, with Lt. Gov. Cawley deciding against it.
Casey (Mostly) Backs Obama Stance on Bush Tax Cuts: Senator Bob Casey supports President Obama’s argument that the Bush tax cuts should not be extended for the wealthiest Americans, a spokesman tells PoliticsPA.
Readers Pick Raja Race as Most Competitive: Some races come down to a handful of votes – and a couple of points is generally considered a handy win. But this decision was a 15-point spread: PoliticsPA readers picked the SD-37 race between Raja and a soon-to-be-named Dem competitor as the cycle’s No. 1.
Which Party Will Win Big, or Lose, in the House?: Having already asked which Senate race will be the most competitive, so we thought it only fair to ask our politicos how the House races will play out this fall. Will the GOP win big in another tidal wave? Will the Ds fight back? Or will they both break even come November?
Legislative Election Updates
HD-89: Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) was to have debated his Democratic challenger Susan Spicka this morning at 8 a.m. on WEEO 103.7 FM radio, moderated by talk show host Kelly Spinner. The debate was to have been over eight listener-submitted questions, with the recording posted on Spinner’s Facebook page, along with the candidates’ campaign websites.
SD-15: Dem candidate Rob Teplitz is challenging his opponent, former Dauphin County GOP leader John McNally to read through the budget and prepare to discuss it during a debate. “I think the people of the 15th district have a right to know whether or not Mr. McNally agrees with cuts to basic and higher education or cutting child care for low income families,” said Teplitz, who works in the Auditor General’s office. The two are running for the Dauphin/York county seat held by retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Piccola, who has held the seat since 1995.
SD-37: LG Cawley said no special election in this district, meaning the Raja v. TBD matchup will wait until November.
National Journal: Obama’s best hand: he’s already President
National Journal: Romney, GOP say Obama is true outsourcer-in-chief
Washington Post: Mitt Romney would face tough road trying to repeal ‘Obamacare’ if elected president
The Hill: House votes 240-182 to approve debate rule covering healthcare repeal
The Hill: Candidates trade barbs on taxes
New York Times: Romney tries to court black voters in NAACP speech
The Caucus: A close Presidential contest, with less than enthusiastic voters
Slate: Romney says “nothing hidden” in tax returns
Wall Street Journal: Obama intensifies tax fight
Wall Street Journal: Romney blasts Obama’s “massive tax increase”
Politico: The week in fake Washington
Politico: Biden: Mitt Romney wants you to show your papers, but he won’t show us his
PA Independent: Revised redistricting maps face barrage of appeals over their constitutionality
State Impact PA: The Politics of Last Month’s Southeast Drilling Moratorium
Capitolwire: Holt, Shapiro, each file lawsuits opposing latest state redistricting proposal
Inquirer: Nutter: Ban on feeding part of plan to end homelessness
Inquirer: Local drilling moratorium rattles rest of state
Inquirer: Philadelphia advocates clash with the city over new rules on feeding the homeless
Inquirer: Penna. eliminating easy stopgap health coverage for poor
Inquirer: Tuition to rise by 3 pct. at Pa. state colleges
Philly Clout: Gov. orders flags to half-staff to honor fallen police officer Meet George Badey III: The Mummer running for U.S House DAILY GRINDER: SEPTA Violated Federal Lobbying Regulations?
WHYY Newsworks: After funding reprieve, Upper Darby school community unsure what’s next for arts programs
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. begins $5 million campaign alerting residents they’ll need ID to vote
WHYY Newsworks: Groups protesting Philadelphia outdoor feeding ban go to federal court
Philly Tribune: High stakes involved in Voter ID Law fight
AP: Many voters may be deterred by tough ID laws
Daily Local: Parking survey proposed for West Chester
Daily Local: Former District Attorney Joseph Carroll wants to lead Coatesville
Bucks Local News: Pennsylvania Veterans Foundation recognizes military-friendly organizations with $1,000 grants
Delco Daily Times: Tuition rising at state-owned universities
Delco Daily Times: Upper Darby School Board to vote on rehiring teachers tonight
Delco Daily Times: Health care options for young, healthy and broke County health director labeled workers ‘immature,’ ‘obnoxious’ U.S. House approves bill to boost veterans’ benefits
Early Returns: Raja says no special elex, slams Dems
Early Returns: Vulakovich launches Senate race ad
KDKA: Pa. Legislators Enjoy 12-Week Break From Harrisburg
Tribune Review: No special election to fill Pippy’s seat
Tribune-Review: The $2M question: How to spend it
Observer-Reporter: Editorial: High Unemployment
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: 31,000 Valley voters lack Pennsylvania photo ID
WFMZ: Obama: extend Bush tax cuts for middle class, not wealthy
Times Leader: Facing big-bucks foe, Casey seeks donations
Standard Speaker: Midnight voting dismays activists
South Central
Patriot News: Harrisburg receiver wants court to force City Council to raise taxes
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Kauffman-Spicka debate aired at 8 a.m. Wednesday
Chambersburg Public Opinion: UPDATE: Paul Politis resigns as Franklin County Democratic Committee
North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Codes violators can face jail time in South Williamsport
Erie Times-News Campaign ‘12 Blog: Smart phone users pick a president
Daily News: Obama’s way off base about the private sector
Daily News: Property tax scofflaws are robbing kids
Inquirer: Sharing secrets can save lives
Daily Local: Letter — Capper
Pottstown Mercury: Tuesday’s Sound off
Pottstown Mercury: The health of America’s exceptionalism
Times Leader Editorial: Is area a depot for dead-end jobs?
Times-Tribune Editorial: Don’t exempt charters from evaluations
Standard Speaker Editorial: Rich counties get say on gas drilling
Chambersburg Public Opinion: PO EDITORIAL: Pa. Voter ID law starting to roil the waters
Patriot News: Delay voter ID: There are too many questions and to much confusion for November’s use
Patriot News: State budget places more burdens on taxpayers and neediest citizens
Patriot News: Gov. Corbett earns a gold medal on budget
York Dispatch: EDITORIAL: Election fraud, done
Keystone State Education Coalition: April 2011 study: “whatever cyberschools are doing in PA is definitely not working & should not be replicated.” July 2012: State approves 4 new cyber charter schools
Keystone Conservative: Could Twitter help win PA for Romney?
Keystone Conservative: Tom Smith responds to proposed Obama Casey Tax Hike
Keystone Politics: PA GOP Complicates Stop-Gap Health Coverage for Poor People
Keystone Politics: Why Campaign Promises Matter
Keystone Politics: Replace Tax-Free Municipal Bonds With Build America Bonds
Keystone Politics: Tom Corbett’s Sucky Industrial Policy Continues