Corbett attacks Wolf on taxes, Rothenberg looks at the state’s congressional races and Sen. Toomey writes for Buzzfeed. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
PA-Gov: New Corbett Ad Blasts Wolf on Taxes (VIDEO): The 30-second spot charges Tom Wolf with wanting to raise taxes and with moving his company to avoid Pennsylvania taxes.
Rothenberg Political Report: Costello, Fitzpatrick, Boyle Favored: The Rothenberg Political Report sees three favorites in the races for PA-6, PA-8, and PA-13.
PA-Sen: Senator Toomey’s Little-known Hobby: Think only Millennials frequent Buzzfeed? Think again.
PA Independent: Uber, Lyft granted temporary authority to operate in Allegheny County
PA Independent: Arcade helps give PA borough extra life, but hefty tax could mean game over
StateImpactPA: Drilling plans for Loyalsock State Forest quietly move forward
Philly Now: It’s official: Cameras coming to Philly cabs
Heard in the Hall: Bon Voyage: Nutter and Delegation in Paris
Philadelphia Daily News: Jury finds ex-Traffic Court judges not guilty of corruption, fraud
Philadelphia Daily News: At LOVE Park, advocates for Israel, Palestine face off
The Inquirer: Fight over ride sharing comes to Philadelphia
The Inquirer: PennDOT chief: Congress must do its work or put projects at risk
The Inquirer: Phila. pension fund ends year up 15.6%
WHYY NewsWorks: Immigration agencies seek Philly attorneys to help represent kids from Central America
Philadelphia City Paper: ACLY: Philly cops bust civilians for photography
Bucks County Courier Times: Northampton board creates Veteran Advisory Commission
Bucks Local News: Northampton Township considers implementation of LERTA program to stimulate economic growth
Bucks Local News: Bucks County Congressman leads bipartisan push condemning Russia, MH17 terror attack
Bucks Local News: Fitzpatrick, Meehan release photos of concealed, ignored mail at Philadelphia VA; fears reports of destroyed, concealed correspondence could extend throughout VA
WTAE: Action News Investigates: City using hidden cameras to catch illegal dumpers
Early Returns: Education cuts? It depends
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County public works director resigns
Post-Gazette: DA demands city police follow specific eyewitness ID techniques
Post-Gazette: Corbett care plan no longer cuts aid for disabled
Pittsburgh Business Times: Major facelift completed for Brookline Boulevard
Beaver County Times: Councilman’s wife charged with dealing drugs
Beaver County Times: Insurance companies to refund Pennsylvanians nearly $5.2 million
Beaver County Times: Beaver County Commissioners hold off on media policy
Beaver County Times: County commissioners split over property purchase
Altoona Mirror: Local man becomes US citizen
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Corbett’s education policies faulted
Pocono Record: Attorney general files legal action against Monroe County paving business
Pocono Record: Delaware Valley School Board to OK insurance coverage for same-sex couples
Citizens Voice: CAN DO asks county council not to sell Hazelton building
Citizens Voice: Flood board wants vacant seats filled
Citizens Voice: Report: Culture, history has $80m impact on region
Times-Tribune: Wayne Evans expected to fill vacant city council seat
Times-Tribune: Courtright has backup plan if commuter tax plan falters
Times-Tribune: Online petition against Scranton commuter tax gets 1K signatures
Times-Tribune: Pension board says retired firefighters won’t get increase
Standard Speaker: PV study reveals high levels of radon in cluster
Standard Speaker: Mayor’s refusal to recognize council’s appointments questioned
News Item: Fuel oil discovery slows creek project in Mount Carmel
South Central
Harrisburg Patriot News: Corbett signs new execution warrant for Trista Eng killer Hubert Michael
Harrisburg Patriot News: Reforming Pa. public school funding ‘herculean’ task for new commission, members say
Harrisburg Patriot News: Is Corbett mixing official business and campaigning? Yes, analysts say, all politicians do
York Daily Record: State representatives push pension reform in York County
York Dispatch: State: Think Loud CEO’s criminal past won’t affect $5M grant
York Dispatch: York residents talk about pension reform
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Corbett has spent $1.7 million on TV ads in July
Morning Call: Pennsylvania’s disabled worker program will continue
Morning Call: Senate panel reviews Leeson, other judicial nominees
Reading Eagle: Building trade groups urge Reading City Council to reject project labor agreements
WFMZ: ASD Forced to dip further into fund balance for 2015 budget
Express Times: Protest over immigrant children at KidsPeace got loud, remained peaceful, police say
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Rally targets LGBT inequality in workplaces, housing
Onward State: Jay Paterno, Bill Kenney File Federal Lawsuit against Penn State
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Hearing about drilling on state lands coming to city
Times-Tribune: Release data on smog plan
Times-Tribune: State late to game on natural gas
Citizens Voice: Education can clear up confusion
The Times Leader: Our Opinion: Is Pennsylvania’s ‘energy revolution’ shaping up as you expected? Armed for a political gun fight
The Inquirer: Editorial: Justice for judges?
Bucks County Courier Times: Numbing numbers
Post-Gazette: Here’s hoping: The PUC takes a step forward on ride sharing
News Item: Press on with blight fight; hold landlords to the fire
Harrisburg Patriot News: A third Tom enters the race for governor and turns up the heat: John L. Micek
York Daily Record: A question to state Sen. Scott Wagner
Commonwealth Foundation: Audio: The Beginning of the End for Obamacare?
Keystone Politics: Audit of DEP Finds Shocking Evidence of Republican Environmental Policy
Keystone Politics: PA Legislators Accept Free Vacations with Ethics Committee Approval
2 Political Junkies: Now THAT’S A Switch!