7/9 Morning Buzz

PA-state-flag6Rendell addresses a potential McGinty Senate run, Wolf and the GOP spar over education funding and the Senate schedules a special session next week. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!

PA-Sen: Rendell Speculates About Possible McGinty Campaign: While reports state that Katie McGinty has been approached to run, Rendell still sees Sestak receiving the nomination.

SD-37: Complaints Against Reschenthaler Boil Over: Several Republicans feel the District Judge is violating the judicial code by campaigning for the GOP nomination.

PA-BGT: Wolf, GOP Spar over Education Funding: The Governor is going on a tour of schools to win support for his education proposals.

PA-BGT: Senate Scheduled for Special Session Next Week: With no resolution in sight, the State Senate will return on July 13th.

PLSReporter: Wolf vs. Corman and a mid-week budget update
PLSReporter: Hughes discusses latest on budget talks
Capitolwire: Prospects for House vote on medical cannabis growing
StateImpactPA: ACLU calls on Butler County plaintiffs to drop suit over zoning change
StateImpactPA: Fracktivist gets uninvited from Wolf’s new pipeline panel
PA Independent: Jobs programs are putting kids to work – but the public’s price tag is unclear
PA Independent: Plan to modernize Pennsylvania liquor store could include higher prices
State House Sound Bites: With end of “payless paydays,” budget stalemate could stretch on
State House Sound Bites: Tweaks to state-mandated child abuse background checks
State House Sound Bites: New law comes down on rare crime of posing as doctor

WHYY Newsworks: The state of sewer pipelines in Pennsylvania
WHYY Newsworks: As Cooper-backed EMS bill passes, Virtua mulls its legal options
CapitolInq: Brady: I’d back McGinty “100 percent” over Sestak
Inquirer: Pa. Turnpike looks to do away with toll collectors
Philly.com: Air war over Pennsylvania budget standoff to hit TV screens

Bucks County Courier Times: Body cameras newest tool for Morrisville police
Bucks County Courier Times: Hatboro councilman chases, shoots Hatboro bank robbery suspect
Bucks County Courier Times: Proposed Upper Southampton law targets prostitution
Daily Local News: Gov. Wolf visits Downingtown to discuss his 2015-16 budget plan

Pittsburgh City Paper: Laws will make urban farming easier in Pittsburgh city limits
Pittsburgh City Paper: Jessica Hawkins breaks the law every time she gives her child medical cannabis in Pa. and she has no intention of stopping
KDKA: Prosecutor: Former Mayoral Candidate Cost City $24K With False 911 Calls
WESA: The State Of Sewer Pipelines In Pennsylvania
WESA: Essential Pittsburgh: Mayor Peduto Discusses Suing The ICA And Finding Municipal Pension Solutions
Pittsburgh Business Times: NLRB backs off — for now — from undermining state right-to-work laws
Post-Gazette: Pa. Senate bill drops disclosure loophole for state-related universities
Post-Gazette: Toomey pushes his amendment to education bill

Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Repak trial: Prosecution witnesses detail redevelopment authority practices, relationships; ex-staffer admits affair
Altoona Mirror: Budget impasse affecting schools
Altoona Mirror: City public works director retires

Pocono Record: MPO seeks public input while developing transportation plan
News Item: County replaces retiree
Citizens Voice: Wilkes-Barre officials eye creation of sewer authority with surrounding towns
Citizens Voice: DEP hears testimony on gas-fired power plant
Times-Tribune: Hillary Clinton to attend July 29 fundraiser
Times Leader: Overdose spike on ‘spice’ concerns Wyoming Valley officials

South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: Borough council votes for bio augmentation trial at wastewater treatment plant
Patriot-News: Pennsylvania is not alone in the state budget waiting room
Patriot-News: Quiet day in the Pennsylvania budget siege
Patriot-News: New district judge office coming to Lower Paxton Township
York Dispatch: York County DUI court earns certification from Pa. Supreme Court
Lancaster Intelligencer: State budget uncertainty may delay State System of Higher Education tuition decision
Lebanon Daily News: Jonestown property issue involves mayor
Roxbury Daily News: Pa Budget – Senator McIlhinney on passage of HB 466

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Movers packing home of longtime campaign adviser to Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski
Morning Call: Allentown City Hall search signals feds likely have evidence
Morning Call: Feds propose safety valves for natural gas lines
Reading Eagle: Advocates anxious about medical pot bill

North by Northwest
Campaign ’13: Analysts: Death penalty lingers in Pa.
Centre Daily Times: County Commissioners approve memorandum of understanding for CNG fueling facility in Boggs Township
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: County reverses its personnel changes policy

Patriot-News: The #PaBudget is among the priciest in the nation, study finds
Patriot-News: Stop using the Bible to justify not serving gay marriages – we’ve all sinned: PennLive letters
Patriot-News: Families should know if food includes GMOs, and the FDA needs to take care of it: PennLive letters
Philly.com: Severance tax would hurt Pa.’s natural-gas industry
Pottstown Mercury: Stop trash talk and agree on a state budget
Standard Speaker: Saving pensions from pending peril
Times-Tribune: Next step: True equality
Times Leader: Should Pennsylvania be next to consider voter registration reforms?
Altoona Mirror: Woman on money overdue

Citified: How Jim Kenney plans to run City Hall
Keystone Crossroads: Smart talk: education funding
PA Budget and Policy Center: Republican lawmakers want to stay a course that’s not working
Commonwealth Foundation: Fixated on Tax Increases

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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