8/1 Morning Buzz

Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. Rothfus goes after Critz for his association with Congress’ “most pro-abortion member” Rep. Allyson Shwartz; both presidential campaigns are releasing smartphone apps; and a pro-Romney PAC is going for the gold, releasing an Olympics-themed ad that shows how he “saved” the 2002 games.

Rothfus: Schwartz Is “Most Pro-Abortion Member of Congress”: Keith Rothfus smacked incumbent Rep. Mark Critz today over his Monday fundraiser with Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Montco). The Republican called her the, “most pro-abortion member of Congress”. Critz has taken lumps on both sides of the abortion issue.

Ad Race Heating Up During Olympics (Watch Video): Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, launched a positive ad Tuesday to air during the Olympic Games in a total of 11 states, including Pennsylvania. The ad stars several Olympic athletes and emphasises Romney’s role in ‘saving’ the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Lou Barletta: STOCK Act Test Case: Lou Barletta the stockholder may be benefiting from Rep. Lou Barletta the politician, the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader reported Sunday. The new STOCK Act, which compels disclosure of investment information from members of Congress, offered a window into Barletta’s finances.

Politically Uncorrected: If Romney Wins, Does Corbett Lose?: Our latest commentary from Madonna and Young speculate that a win for the Republican presidential nominee may not bode well for the Republican Governor Tom Corbett, and that it could throw off the Keystone State’s famous eight-year cycle.

Update: Obama Campaign Releases New App: Looking to step up grassroots organization before the November presidential election, President Obama’s and Mitt Romney’s campaigns have released new digital apps that consolidate digital campaign tools already used into one.

Legislative Election Updates

SD-13: Dem candidate Tom O’Brien plans to hold a press conference today at 11:30 a.m. at the Lancaster County Government Building. He said he plans to ask his opponent Sen. Lloyd Smucker (R-Lancaster) to co-sign a bill that would repeal Voter ID – or resign.  “The law was a sham from the moment it was conceived.” O’Brien said. He added that he made the law’s repeal one of his campaign’s top priorities. “Currently there are 70 co-sponsors in the state House for (a bill to repeal Voter ID). I challenge Sen. Smucker to end the madness and join the movement for repeal in the state Senate by co-signing companion legislation.”

HD-129: Dem candidate Erik Saar today released answers to the Public Integrity Questionnaire, published by advocacy group Democracy Rising. In a statement accompanying the release, he challenged his opponent Rep. Jim Cox (R-Berks) to submit to a series of debates. “Pennsylvanians deserve a government that honors our history and is worthy of our respect. Instead, we have one of the largest, most costly and least transparent state legislatures in the nation.”

HD-131: Dem candidate Kevin Deely has called on Rep. Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh) to retract his support of Act 13, which allowed for the circumvention of local zoning ordinances in order to expand natural gas drilling (parts of the act were recently repealed). Deely said he’d spoken with frustrated constituents, who didn’t want their roads destroyed, water supply threatened or risk losing value in their homes. Deely added that he isn’t opposed to fracking, but that it should be done responsibly and with environmental protection in mind.

Five Thirty Eight: Pennsylvania flaunts its importance
USA Today: Romney pledges solidarity with Poland
Politico: Tom Vilsack: Farm bill extension ‘an excuse’
Politico: Mitt Romney should have stayed home
Politico: Obama donates to himself
Roll Call: Contemplating a Post-Pelosi House
Roll Call: GOP May Cross the Aisle for Aid Again
The Caucus: Romney Lauds Poland as an Economic Model
The Caucus: Before Candidates Debate, Their Lawyers Do
The Caucus: Obama Campaign Releases iPhone App for Canvassing
The Hill: McConnell: Obama wants to hide defense job cuts to aid reelection
The Hill: Romney says press focusing on overseas stumbles to aid Obama
The Hill: Democrats applaud as controversial mandate on birth control begins
The Hill: Romney follows Obama by going positive with latest campaign ad
Washington Post: New Ad Talks Up Romney’s Resume
Washington Post: Political Perceptions: Tricky Platform Planks Remain
Slate: “I Don’t Know What the Law Says” Says Sec of Commonwealth Aichele

State House Sound Bites: State proposal would help prosecutors target gang recruiting
State House Sound Bites: Judge in Voter ID case asks witness: Let’s say I grant an injunction?
PA Independent: Municipalities could get relief from costly state mandates
PA Independent: Financials show liquor control board not as profitable as state claims
StateImpactPA: New federal law may cost Pennsylvania mine program $200 million
StateImpactPA: Corbett administration asks Supreme Court for expedited Act 13 ruling
Capitolwire: No matter Judge Simpson’s ruling, voter education phase will be ‘frenetic’

Phily Inquirer: Portman’s tryout for second billing
Philly Daily News: Who’s taking the COLA cash
Philly Daily News: Many of Nutter’s top staffers have stopped taking pay cuts
Philly Daily News: Council plans to help voters needing photo ID
Philly Inquirer: Witnesses say state isn’t ready for voter-ID rule
Philly Inquirer: GOP rips Sen. Bob Casey as shadow of father
Philly Clout: Many on City Council sip on a cool COLA
Philly Clout: No taxpayers $ for Jones’ second district office, Bass hoping for one
PhillyNow.com: Bill Would Encourage Natural Gas Frack Cars
Philly Weekly: Fracking Unbelievable: Natural Gas Drilling is Responsible for Satanism?
ABC Philadelphia: Protests over cuts to general assistance program
KYW Newsradio: Pa. Top Election Official Disputes Negative Impact of New ID Law
KYW Newsradio: Hundreds Block Broad St., Protesting End of Pa. General Assistance Payments
WHYY Newsworks: In clamor over voter ID, inaccuracies gain traction
WHYY Newsworks: Women’ s preventive health coverage expands
WHYY Newsworks: Hearing on Pa. voter ID enters fifth day
WHYY Newsworks: Clearing up 5 big misconceptions about the Pa. voter ID law
City Paper: Will PA election workers refuse to implement voter ID?

Pottstown Mercury: Governor helps open new Southeastern Vets Center facility
Delco Daily Times: Property tax reform plan: Who wins, who loses
Delco Daily Times: Dem foe Badey questions Rep. Meehan on Medicare
Delco Daily Times: Pileggi targets anti-gang legislation to attack problem in Chesco
Montgomery Media: Governor helps open new Southeastern Vets Center
Bucks Local News: State Rep. Santarsiero: Commonwealth Court decision on natural gas drilling operations a step in right direction

Early Returns: Smith holds DC fundraiser
Early Returns: Felonies face poll workers not enforcing law
Early Returns: Pa in play for Romney: NYT
Early Returns: All eyes on Portman in Pa
Post-Gazette: Orie Melvin faces trial on seven counts; two dismissed
Tribune Review: Orie Melvin headed to trial on seven of nine charges

AP: NAACP leader says voter ID has confused Pa. voters
AP: Fourth day of voter ID hearing features two videos
AP: Preliminary hearing begins for Pennsylvania Justice Melvin

Lehigh Valley
Reading Eagle: Appeals court sides with city in codes inspection case
Express Times: Lopatcong Township’s proposed asphalt company, planning board face another lawsuit from residents
Express Times: Proposed Slate Belt regional police force would serve five communities
Express Times: Bethlehem Township, Pa., sues financial advisers that recommended Municipal Energy Managers deal
South Whitehall Patch: Seniors Protest Outside Sen. Toomey’s Office

Standard Speaker: Healthcare plans add further pain to district budgets
The Times-Tribune: Scranton, unions reach settlement over minimum-wage back pay, motion to hold mayor in contempt
The Times-Tribune: Scranton’s tentative revised recovery plan would tap commuters, nonprofits
The Times-Tribune: Region’s jobless rate jumps to nine-month high
The Times-Tribune: Hearing continued in state Rep. Murphy’s alleged domestic assault case

South Central
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: As other cities struggle, Lancaster ends 2011 with operating surplus
Chambersburg Public Opinion: Franklin County jobless rate reverses recent gains
York Daily Record: Democrats try to reach voters without acceptable photo ID

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Tioga County resident concerned about methane migration
The Courier Express: Jobless rates jump
Sharon Herald: Board OKs $1M emergency-services tax levy for ballot
Erie Times-News Campaign ‘12 Blog: Obama campaign launches new cellphone app
Erie Times-News: GOP open house set for Friday

Politico: Bill promotes green jobs and energy savings
Politico: Voter ID forces attack voting rights
The Times-Tribune: Too many government seats to fill
Citizens Voice: Marathon of change underway
Wayne Independent: Liquor meeting was typical of missteps taken by government
Patriot News: Syria’s chemical weapons are a threat to Israel, Mideast
York Daily Record: Our take: Open up ballots for third parties
York Dispatch: EDITORIAL: Finally, agreement on voter ID

Speaking Freely: Voter ID Day 5: “Clerical stumbling blocks”
Speaking Freely: Voter ID Day 5: “There is no document”
Keystone State Education Coalition: EITC Supervoucher program diverts $50 million in public tax revenue
Commonwealth Foundation: Ready for higher liquor prices?
Commonwealth Foundation: Superintendent shocked students splitting skidding schools
Jon Geeting: State study finds slate belt regional police dept. would cost 24% less than separate forces
Pennsylvania Progressive: I’m not sure who is behind the new billboards…
Above Average Jane: Upper Dublin Dems picnic
Keystone Politics: “I don’t know what the law says”
Keystone Politics: School choice and urban redevelopment
Keystone Politics: No, Pat Toomey is not “surprisingly moderate”
Keystone Politics: Why natural gas cars?
Keystone Politics: Aichele: PennDOT said no to mobile #VoterID vans
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Should mentally ill give up firearms?
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: LV Tea Party organizes Chick-Fil-A melee
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Commonwealth court tosses budget attac

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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