8/10 Morning Buzz

Good morning, politicos. Here’s the buzz. The First Lady and Romney’s Lt. Gov. were in southeast PA yesterday, Turzai’s Voter ID comments keep making the rounds and the NRCC shows their concern for PA-8 with the launch of a new website “Radical Kathy.”

Don’t forget to check back later for this week’s Ups & Downs.

NRCC Launches Website Against “Radical Kathy” Boockvar: The National Republican Congressional Committee has launched a new website “Radical Kathy” to attack Kathy Boockvar, the Democratic challenger for PA-8 against Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, as a radical leftist lawyer on the fringe of politics.

Turzai Gets the Stewart Treatment, Admits to Poor Phrasing: Ever since the House Majority Leader’s comments on Voter ID, Rep. Mike Turzai has faced a relentless barrage of criticism from media outlets across the state and country who saw it as a “gotcha” moment for the Republicans. And just last night, the news finally reached late-night comedian Jon Stewart’s ears.

AFL-CIO Ad: “Is Nothing Safe from Romney’s Greed?”: AFL-CIO super PAC Workers’ Voice takes aim at Romney’s image as the “hero of the Olympics,” with a vilifying ad called “Going for all the Gold: Mitt’s Olympics,” which claims that Romney deceptively used the job for financial gain.

Romney Ad: Obama’s War on Religion (Watch Video): In partnership with the Republican National Committee, the subject of Mitt Romney’s latest ad hits a nerve with religious voters – whose beliefs, he said, are under attack.

Michelle Obama, Romney’s Lt. Gov. Healey Stumping in East PA: It’s a big day for the eastern half of the state, with representatives of both presidential campaigns making stops. Former Mass. Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, who served with Romney, will be in Phila, while First Lady Michelle is speaking at three events throughout the afternoon.

Legislative Election Updates
SD-17: GOP candidate Charles Gehret met yesterday with members of the Republican Jewish Coalition Philadelphia Chapter and blasted his opponent Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montco) for his representing the values of the people in SD-17. Gehret said his campaign focuses on two issues: job creation and education reform, while Leach is “so progressive that he’s regressive. The Phila Coalition President William R. Wanger said Gehret is “young, energetic, involved in the community and right on the issues. We need more fiscally responsible legislators in Harrisburg and we were delighted to hear from one of our party’s rising stars this morning. We expect great things from Charles and look forward to an exciting campaign and the defeat of Daylin Leach.”

HD-60: Saturday Jo Ellen Bowman is launching her campaign for the state House at the Armstrong County Democratic Picnic. Attendees will include state Party Chair Jim Burn, U.S. Congress candidate Missa Eaton and auditor general candidate Eugene DePasquale. Bowman will be running against Rep. Jeff Pyle (R-Armstrong).

USA Today: Democrats to mirror Romney’s middle-class bus tour
Slate: A Climate Change Fix Conservatives Can Love
Slate: A case for Mitt Romney’s middle class tax hike
Wall Street Journal: Romney camp sees red, then green
Wall Street Journal: Ad Says Obama Waging ‘War on Religion’
Wall Street Journal: Southern White Democrats Face End of Era in Congress
Politico: Mitt Romney trashes ads against him
The Caucus: Obama campaign tries to distance itself from widely criticized super PAC ad
The Hill: Poll: Voters prefer Rubio as VP
New York Times: Young in G.O.P. Erase the Lines on Social Issues
National Journal: On NBC, Romney Drops One Small Hint About Veep Choice
National Journal: The Pros and Cons of Romney’s Top Four Veep Prospects
The Washington Post: Pawlenty patiently waiting for payoff
The Washington Post: Beyond the Obama ads, Joe Soptic’s steelworker story
The Washington Post: Romney ad: Obama waging ‘war on religion

StateImpactPA:NASA’s Mars Rover Powered By Nuclear Energy
StateImpactPA: Is The Keystone Pipeline Worth It? Esquire Takes A Look
Capitol Ideas:Corbett administration announces re-start of homeowners’ assistance program it once shut down.
PA Independent:Pension reforms get first vetting Tuesday
PA Independent: Panel: ACA will cost all consumers
Capitolwire: Off the floor: victim’s endowment process yet to show Penn State has learned much

The Daily News: Cops: Councilman extorted towing company
The Inquirer: First Lady fires up supporters in Phila. region
Philly Tribune: First lady addresses healthcare, economy, war
Philly Tribune: New councilman O’Brien is no novice
Philly Tribune: One in three Phila. voters without voter ID
ABC Philadelphia: Michelle Obama Campaigns In Pennsylvania
WHYY Newsworks: Philadelphia outlines potential staffing and budget cuts to afford firefighter contract

Delco Daily Times: Chester council vote could lead to police commissioner’s ouster
Delco Daily Times: Michelle Obama stumps for husband in Upper Dublin

AP: Pa. Dems: Take jailed DeWeese off ballot
Post-Gazette: Rep. Vulakovich to replace Orie in state Senate
Post-Gazette: Democrats accuse Rothfus of avoiding taxes for political workers
Post-Gazette: Some voters unaware of special election to fill Orie’s senate seat
Post-Gazette: Port Authority of Allegheny County, transit union have contract deal
Early Returns: NRCC ads on Critz start next week
Early Returns: Mine workers sitting out prez race
Early Returns: Sestak: Anti-Romney ad “over the edge”
Early Returns: Voter ID: “Leashes for Unicorns”
Early Returns: So much for lazy August
Tribune Review: Victim advocacy groups struggle with tight budgets
CBS Pittsburgh: Rendell talks Steelers vs. Eagles, politics
CBS Pittsburgh: Allegheny Co. GOP Chairman Roddey regrets inappropriate joke

Observer-Reporter: State updates transportation plan

Lehigh Valley
WFMZ: Michelle Obama makes campaign swing through SE Pa.
Morning Call: Santorum lends voice to Romney’s welfare attack
South Whitehall Patch: Mayor Callahan Warms Up Waiting Obama Crowd
South Whitehall Patch: Lehigh Valley Tea Party Preps for Election Season

AP: Waivers put focus back on welfare
Daily Item:Shamokin-Coal Township sewer plant project under way, but infrastructure repairs on hold
Standard Speaker: Budget cuts may force closure of small commercial airports
Citizens’ Voice: Stilp challenges Barletta to 9 debates
Citizens’ Voice: Residents challenge safety of UGI proposal
The Daily Review: Residents to face tax-shift question in November
Times-Tribune:Blue Cross sues Scranton for $2.05 million
Times-Tribune:State foreclosure prevention program returns
Times-Tribune:Clarks Green borough appoints David Rinaldi to council
Times-Tribune: Three districts to receive funding for learning centers

South Central
Chambersburg Public Opinion: School board hires consultant to review property tax assessments; identifies 5 properties in question
Harrisburg Patriot News: Middletown officials intend to solve the borough’s financial problems instead of applying for Act 47

North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Toomey to speak in Erie this month

Standard Speaker: For some students, program is ticket to a better life
Times-Tribune: Quacking, waddling to Harrisburg
Times-Tribune: Stop assault on public land
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial: Junk mail: A letter to voters raises more questions about voter ID
The Daily News: Obamacare. Pearl Harbor. November election. All linked?
Lancaster New Era: Putting nation’s problems on hold
Erie Times-News: Our view: Pa. Voter ID gets messier
Lewistown Sentinel: Too much local government in PA

Keystone Progress: Another Chamber Of Commerce Member Is Caught Bribing Foreign Governments
Keystone Progress: No Comment Department #2: GOP Erects Offensive Billboards
Keystone Progress: No Comment Department: GOP Allegheny County Chair, Compares Obama Supporter To Someone ‘Mentally Retarded’
Above Average Jane: Weregild: the worth of teachers
John Hanger: The Politics Of Wind: 81% of Wind Power In Republican Congressional Districts
John Hanger: 2012 New Generation Scoreboard: 42% Gas; 38% Renewables; & 16% coal
John Hanger: July Sets US Temperature Record & Talking Point of Climate Deniers Evaporates
Keystone Politics: 25% of PA’s “Voter Hall of Fame” Don’t Have Proper Voter ID
Keystone Politics: PA-12: Shades of Romney in Rothfus Tax Practices
Keystone Politics: Super Safe Dems Should Donate Cash to Dem Challengers in Swing Districts
Keystone Politics: 13.8% of Non-Drivers Live 10+ Miles Away From a Voter ID Issuing Office
Keystone Politics: Wage Theft in Philly
Keystone Politics: Medicaid Expansion is a Bargain
2 Political Junkies: More on Jim Roddey, Allegheny County GOP Chair
2 Political Junkies: Pennsylvania: State of Embarrassment
Lehigh Valley Independent: Margie Peterson’s Experiment in Getting a Voter ID
Lehigh Valley Independent: Why the Economy’s Still Depressed

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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