9/15 Morning Buzz

Electoral College Changes: Republican plans to tinker with PA’s presidential process have become national news – particularly on left-leaning like MSNBC (Rachel Maddow segment last night) and the Huffington Post (where it was the front page story much of yesterday afternoon). Meanwhile, Democrats have no legal way to block the proposed changes to PA’s electoral college – they have to win the public argument (and here is PA Sen. Daylin Leach’s Inquirer op-ed). But they may get some unlikely help from southeast PA Republicans.

Redistricting Hearing: At yesterday’s hearing in Pittsburgh, western PA residents asked panel members to protect the region’s influence in their final draft. State Rep. Chelsa Wagner asked the panel to preserve her 22nd district (which she will likely be vacating after a promotion this year), and encourage more women an politics.

Vernon in: Colonel John Vernon officially announced his candidacy for the 2012 U.S. Senate election this morning at Liberties Restaurant & Bar, a historic Philadelphia establishment.

Bucks Corruption: The first of four defendants in the Bucks County Register of Wills corruption case pleaded guilty this morning.

Sestak for President? Gil Spencer of the Delco Daily Times reports on what he thinks the former Congressman and Senate candidate should do next.

HUD Sec in Pittsburgh: A member of President Obama’s cabinet toured the Hill District this morning to get a first-hand look at redevelopment there and to promote legislation he said would spur further rebuilding.

Washington Post: Sen. Casey Believes Move To Attach FEMA Money To Continuing Resolution Is A Political Game
New York Times: Sen. Casey Supports Passing President’s Job Plan In Separate Pieces Of Legislation
The Hill: Sen. Toomey Asks CBO During Supercommittee Meeting What Impact Of Lowering Marginal Rates And Closing Loopholes Would Be
Washington Post: Rep. Doyle: As A Result Of NY-9 Defeat, All Members Of Congress “Could Get Sent Home”
National Journal: Manan Trivedi Declined To Endorse The President’s Job Plan
The Hill: Rep. Altmire Votes To Disapprove Of Debt Ceiling Hike; Resolution Passes House Despite Senate Rejecting Similar Measure
The Detroit News: Rep. Kelly Argues Against Increased Fuel Efficency Standard At House Hearing
Space.com: Rep. Fattah Is Supportive Of Obama Administration’s Space Efforts From An Appropriators Perspective
Patriot-News: FEMA is Flooded: Disaster-Relief Requests Force Congress to Scramble to Find Funds
State Impact: In New York, An Aggressive Push Against A Local Drilling Ban
State Impact: Montanta Joins Pennsylvania In Fracking Requiring Disclosure- But Environmentalist Groups Aren’t Happy
State Impact: Drill Bits: Drilling Referendum Challenged, No NY Wells In Flood Plains, And Biden
Erie Times-News: U.S House OKs intelligence budget of about $55 Billion

State College: McCaffery, Depasquale, argue for counterbalance to GOP majority in Harrisburg
Morning Call:State Waiving Some Garbage Rules To Get Rid Of Flood Debris Faster
Morning Call: Biden to Tour Pa Flood Damage
Post Gazette: Cameras Focus, Roll For Pa. Supreme Court
Morning Call: Pennsylvania’s Political Clout On the Line?
Tribune-Review: Local Schools Talk of State Budget Impact
AP, Tribune-Review: Lawmakers Eye Options to Battle Illegal Dumping
Tribune-Review: Senate Caucus Lawyers Paid $1.2 Million for Orie Investigation
witf: Farmers Face Big Losses, Flood Leaves Fields to Rot
witf: Seven Disaster Recovery Centers Open for Flood Damage Help
witf: Links: Electoral Votes Change-Up, City Council Votes Down Recovery Plan Again and More
PA Independent: Liquor Board Launched Wine Kiosks Without Independent Research to Determine Sales Estimates
State Impact: Another Marcellus Shale Convention Coming- This Time, In Pittsburgh
State Impact: Hanger Responds To New Climate Change Study
State Impact: Bucking Recent Trend, Beaver County Township Passes Drilling Ordinance
Philadelphia Inquirer: Santorum praises PA ruling against health mandate
Philadelphia Inquirer: Obama re-elect appoints PA press secretary
Philadelphia Inquirer: Top Republicans pushing plan to change the way Pa. elects a president
AP, Philly.com: Pa. redistricting panel urged to consider gender
AP, Philly.com: Pa. sends aid so troubled capital can pay bills
Philadelphia Daily News: GOP’s gerrymandering jihad against the blue-ish state
Philadelphia Daily News: a state GOP disagreement?
Philly.com: Harrisburg defies state’s job cut, asset sale plan
Philadelphia Inquirer: Army veteran joins GOP senate race in Penn.
PhillyClout: Council gets ready for redistricting hearings
Phillynow.com: Gov. Corbett’s plan to disenfranchise PA voters gains attention
Phillynow.com: Some on right really mad about Philly and other ‘don’t ask’ celebration parties
CBS Philly: 3-on your side: FEMA help for hurricane victims
WHYY Newsworks: Health-insurance exchanges begin to take form
AP, Phillyburbs.com: Army vet from northern Pa. to run for US Senate
Capitol Ideas: Bid Adios to WiIkommen: House State Government Committee Hears English-Only Bills
Capitol Ideas: Wednesday Morning Coffee: State Takeover Looming For Harrisburg
WHYY Newsworks: A Vietnam flashback from Kabul; and Republicans roll the dice in Pa.

PhillyClout: Veto overrides coming in Council on Thursday?
Philly.com: Mayor Nutter says the city won’t take money from Big Beverage; his own campaign is another story
Philadelphia Inquirer: Fate of new Philadelphia zoning code is uncertain
PhillyClout: Council likely to override mayoral veto of DROP legislation tomorrow
PhillyClout: Where is Marge Tartaglione going next? Disney World!
Phillynow.com: Nutter denies soda blood money
Fox Philadelphia: Ackerman’s PR team remains on payroll
CBS Philly: Untouched for 50 years, Philadelphia’s zoning code to get an overhaul
WHYY Newsworks: Improved mass transit and shipping routes, more public access to waterfront, likely components of PCPC’s lower south plan
WHYY Newsworks: Four years in the making: Philadelphia’s zoning makeover

Philly Burbs
Philly.com: Is Route 422 tolling plan a lost cause?
CBS Philly: Republican candidates promise to get Montgomery county’s fiscal house in order
AP, Phillyburbs.com: Former county GOP candidate’s trial delayed again

Post Gazette: Orie asks for her 2 criminal cases to be joined
Post Gazette: Retired army officer enters race against Carey
Post Gazette: Officials pleas t o keep Southern Pittsburgh house seat
Post Gazette: Fitzgerald backs breaks for seniors
Tribune-Review: Plane carrying Justice Bader Ginsburg evacuated
Early Returns: New postponement for McCullough
Early Returns: Vernon declares U.S. Senate bid
Early Returns: Gleason questions electoral plan -greta

WJAC: Corbett favors changing electoral count
Tribune Democrat: State reapportionment committee to meet in Pittsburgh
Daily Courier: State budget impact in Fay-West addressed at Eberly Campus
Tribune Review: Local schools talk of state budget impact
Tribune Review: Lawmakers in W.Pa split on Obama plan
Observer Reporter: Ex-crew member recalls 13 years aboard Air Force One

South Central
Public Opinion: PSU Budget Strike in Franklin County
Carlisle Sentinel: Health Dept: Media Inferred Relationship Between Deaths and Understaffing At Local Hospital
Patriot News: City Council Rejects Mayor’s Recovery Plan, Again
Patriot News: Derry Township Officials Urge Residents To Contact FEMA
Lancaster Online: Local Lawyer Argues Against Health Care Legislation

Times Tribune: FEMA Aid En Route
Times Leader: Congress Exploring More Federal Aid
Citizen’s Voice: Flood Victims Seek Answers From Insurance Providers
Daily Review: Local Media Team Up To Raise Disaster Funds

North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Tea Party talk set at Allegheny College
Courier Express: Longtime Clearfield Co. Judge John K. Reily Jr. dies
Centre Daily: Football an afterthought, Bloomsburg team pitches into help flood victims
Sun Gazette: Flood aid now available
Sun Gazette: Flood brings Feds to Fairfield road
Sun Gazette: County official: This was an extreme doozy

Public Opinion: Media To Blame For Tea Party Decline
Patriot News: Focus on Economy, Not Immigrants
Philadelphia Inquirer: Wrong Place to Take a Stand
Philadelphia Inquirer: Republicans Drinking Tea-Party Brew
Daily News: Bessinger’s 9/11 Rant Missed the Point
Philadelphia Inquirer: Ignore Costly Unneeded Plan
Daily News: No-fat City
Philly Weekly: Natural Disaster: How Did the Gas Industry Get So Fracked Up?
Courier Express: Pay for Irene, Lee cleanups; cut other programs to offset expenses
Centre Daily: Are full-time jobs a relic of the past?
Tribune-Review: Right rail
Daily American: Evaluating candidates
Observer Reporter: Obama’s proposal a starting point

Young Philly Politics: Census Data: For record number of Americans, Recession is far from over
Commonwealth Foundation: Do public schools need more construction spending?
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Hanover Township 2012 budget will be ready in October
NEPArtisan: Republicans like Socialist Football
Lehigh Valley Independent: Corbett trying to sell PA’s birthright for a mess of pottage
2 Political Junkies: Checking in of the Crazies
Lu Lac Political Letter: Kanjorski and the river
Pennsylvania Progressive: Crocodile tears on cash registered patriotism
Penn Patriot: Federal Judge in Pa. rules that Obamacare is unconstitutional
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Rep. Bob Brady Among Four Congressman Who Introduces Bill To Pull Defense Aid From Countries Who Vote For Palestinian Statehood
Hot Air: Rep. Tim Murphy Cannot Get Answer To Question Of Who Approved Loan To Bankrupt Solar Company At Hearing

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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