Speaker Mike Turzai proposes a school voucher program for Harrisburg School families, while Sen. Bob Casey and Gov. Tom Wolf participate in a healthcare rally. Here is the Playbook.
Turzai Proposes School Voucher Program for Harrisburg School Families: The Speaker of the House released a memo on this plan on Tuesday, while Gov. Tom Wolf and local elected officials have begun chiming in on this school choice plan.
Lamb Backs Biden: In a meeting with the Pitt College Democrats, the Allegheny County Congressman signaled his support for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign. He hasn’t made an official endorsement.
Harrisburg & DC
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ’We cannot afford to lose the Affordable Care Act’: Wolf, Casey lead health care rally
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Legislative panel will travel the state this fall to hear concerns on the way Pa. pays for special education
WITF: Pa. lawmakers gather data in hopes of expanding broadband
AP: APNewsBreak: Pennsylvania plans to close another prison
AP: Suits allege abuse, cover-up in Pennsylvania diocese
Patriot News: Harrisburg mayor open to helping students attend non-city schools, saying ‘we can’t let an entire generation go’
Patriot News: Liquor reform 2.0? Bill would change how Pa. grocery stores display and sell beer and wine
Patriot News: Pa. corrections secretary outlines steps to try to improve parolee supervision after string of homicides
PLSReporter: Grand jury recommendations receive mixed response from state lawmakers after sexual assault probe
PLSReporter: Shapiro joins 19 AGs in suit against new immigration rule
PLSReporter: VIDEO: Four legislators created legislation that gives every PA worker paid family/medical leave
PLSReporter: Democratic legislators hold hearing on the use of force in Pennsylvania
PLSReporter: Pennsylvania Democrats raise the alarm on the future of the Affordable Care Act
PLSReporter: Wolf unveils new lead testing initiatives
PLSReporter: Auditor General DePasquale criticizes lax accountability and spending in Pittsburgh Public Schools travel audit
PLSReporter: VIDEO: Kenyatta’s legislation would bring relief to those affected by removal of General Assistance
Inquirer: Kratom is linked with numerous deaths. But it won’t be easy for Pennsylvania to ban it.
Inquirer: Pennsylvania parole board defends its record after 6 homicides linked to parolees
Billy Penn: Could electric bills in PA become more affordable? This agency holds the key
CNN: Farmer who voted for Trump: I’m angry at him
StateImpactPA: PUC’s review of pipeline safety regulation prompts attacks by residents, groups and lawmakers
StateImpactPA: Beaver County agency says DEP should let it keep reviewing pipeline permits
The Hill: Federal court says atheists can be blocked from delivering invocation at Pennsylvania statehouse
Philadelphia Magazine: The DROP Triple Dip: Philly Officials’ New Maddening Way to Waste Your Money
WHYY Newsworks: Former PES refinery CEO Rinaldi says he wants to make renewable fuels at the complex
WHYY Newsworks: Philly’s dangerous sidewalks violate federal law protecting people with disabilities, lawsuit alleges
Inquirer: Bankrupt Philly refinery has a new bidder in former chief with big plans to revive fuel complex
Inquirer: Philadelphia’s only needle exchange reaches out to the community with burgers, vaccines and naloxone
Inquirer: Hahnemann bankruptcy pays millions to consultants, lawyers charging up to $795 an hour
Billy Penn: Could electric bills in PA become more affordable? This agency holds the key
KYW Newsradio: Former PES refinery CEO has emerged from retirement to try to acquire site
KYW Newsradio: Hoping to match population projections, school district to review properties
Northeast Times: Mayoral candidate: Northwood leader sent me inappropriate pics
Delco Daily Times: ‘Deana’s Law’ targets ‘worst of the worst’ DUI offenders
Bucks County Courier Times: Gov. Wolf announces ‘Lead-Free Pennsylvania’ iniaitive
Inquirer: A new bill, inspired by a Delco woman’s death, aims to crack down on Pa.’s repeat DUI drivers
Inquirer: Before DuPont and 3M hearing in Congress, activists highlight companies’ history with PFAS
KYW Newsradio: Pa. lawmaker wants to increase penalties for repeat DUIs
Daily Local News: Otten, community members submit pipeline safety letter to PUC
Daily Local News: Two Chester County airports awarded $1.2 million in state funding
Daily Local News: Dinniman, fellow lawmakers push to end puppy mills
The Pitt News: Pitt Dems kick off the year with visit from Rep. Lamb
WESA: County Council Votes Against Civilian Police Review Board
WESA: State Reps Hold Public Hearing On Amending Use Of Force Laws
Post-Gazette: Region’s political leaders pledge to fight air pollution
Post-Gazette: State auditor raises concerns about travel by Hamlet, other Pittsburgh school officials
PLSReporter: Auditor General DePasquale criticizes lax accountability and spending in Pittsburgh Public Schools travel audit
KDKA: Police Review Board Proposal Struck Down By Allegheny County Council
KDKA: Allegheny County Elected Officials Call For Crackdown On Industrial Pollution
KDKA: Westmoreland Co. Vet’s Death At W. Va. Medical Center Prompts Probe By Veterans Affairs Dept.
KDKA: Christian Bey’s Attorney To Fight Charges And Death Penalty In Fatal Shooting Of Pittsburgh Police Officer Calvin Hall
Beaver County Times: Pittsburgh International gets $2 million state grant for business park development
Beaver County Times: County conservation district said they need more information before they respond to scathing audit
Beaver County Times: Report: Workers see wage increases, but inequalities remain
Altoona Mirror: City approves sanitary sewer extension
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: City council members reach agreement in legal case
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Researchers at Pitt develop marijuana breathalyzer test
Citizens Voice: County election director Crispell resigns
Citizens Voice: Unemployment rises in July, region still tied for last place
Citizens Voice: Luzerne County Council approves $2M capital plan
Citizens Voice: Four lawsuits filed against Scranton Diocese for alleged sexual abuse
The Times Leader: Luzerne County Election Director Marisa Crispell resigns
The Times Leader: Rep. Mullery encourages public to sign online petition for White Haven
The Times Leader: Wyoming Area labor dispute could shut down schools
Times-Tribune: New policy in place for city-owned vehicles following Scranton fire chief’s NJ fender bender
South Central
Patriot News: Harrisburg mayor open to helping students attend non-city schools, saying ‘we can’t let an entire generation go’
Patriot News: Liquor reform 2.0? Bill would change how Pa. grocery stores display and sell beer and wine
Patriot News: Harrisburg continues to challenge court-approved signatures that support PA STEAM charter appeal
Patriot News: Pa. corrections secretary outlines steps to try to improve parolee supervision after string of homicides
Carlisle Sentinel: Rep. Keefer to host ice cream social for veterans, families
Carlisle Sentinel: Municipalities in Cumberland County ranked by tax rate
LNP | LancasterOnline: Coatesville council slams contractors for construction delays at routes 30, 82
Lehigh Valley
Express Times: Allentown vs. Big Pharma: City sues to recoup costs of opioid crisis
Express Times: Easton Area School District presents Gov. Wolf awards
Morning Call: Allentown federal prosecutor nominated to fill federal judgeship serving Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Fountain Hill explores replacing local police with state police at night
Reading Eagle: Berks officials anticipate more lawsuits stemming from the opioid epidemic
North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Comms: $1 million to be saved for capital projects
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Codes: City Hall may need more upgrades
Erie Times-News: Erie airport receives $168,750 state grant
Erie Times-News: Judge: Erie Coke can stay open with conditions
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Vaping is vapid: The FDA must get involved, Pa. should change law
LNP Editorial Board: Public libraries truly matter, and the state should fund them sufficiently
Inquirer Editorial Board: Title X gag rule shows disdain for women — and science
Bruce Ledewitz: Why the Dems’ path to the White House will run through Erie in 2020
Stephen Herzenberg: We can save capitalism in Pa. by raising workers’ pay
John L. Micek: New poll: Nearly two-thirds of Pa. voters support $15/hr. minimum wage | Wednesday Morning Coffee
Signe Wilkinson: Political Cartoon: Kids! Have we got a hot potato world for you!
John L. Micek: Trump’s 2020 bet: Build the wall (for real, this time)
K.C. Kanaan: Senior care requires comprehensive transportation access
Laura E. Alexander: How Trump’s appalling treatment of migrants is reviving the Christian Left
Chris Kelly: King of the hill … of trash
Rick McCourt: Brazil fires impact Philadelphia and the world
Dan Simpson: Trump’s irresponsible insulting of Denmark
One Response
Turzai’s backing school vouchers is yet another way for him to privatize and weaken public school system. Never forget that public education is the great equalizer in society and without a vibrant alive active public schools our country is not the better for it. Don’t be fooled by Turzai’s voucher idea as what it really is at it’s core is a ploy to privatize secondary education which in the long run goes against the benefits from public education.