Citizens Against Higher Taxes Endorses Murphy

Citizens Against Higher Taxes endorsed Rep. Tim Murphy today over Evan Feinberg.

Rep. Murphy said, “I’m honored to be endorsed by Citizens Against Higher Taxes, Pennsylvania’s leading crusaders against higher taxes. I will continue to work alongside Jim to push back the tide of big government that takes more and more out of your paycheck.”

Citizens Against Higher Taxes works with over 70 grassroots groups statewide to fight against policies that raise taxes and hurt Pennsylvania’s economy.

Citizens Against Higher Taxes Chairman Jim Broussard stated, “Tim Murphy’s record on taxes is unassailable. He has continuously voted to lower taxes in Congress. In Tim Murphy, Southwestern Pennsylvanian’s have a strong advocate for pro-growth policies that fuel our economy. Not only does Tim Murphy understand that lower taxes spur economic growth, he has the voting record to prove it. Tim Murphy knows low taxes helps the families in the 18th district, helps get our economy moving and helps to create private sector jobs. That’s why Congressman Murphy will continue his leadership role in Washington to fight against the tax-and-spend policies of the Obama Administration and their liberal allies in Congress.”

Rep. Tim Murphy has signed another group’s pledge, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, that he will not raise taxes. Between the two groups, Murphy has a stronger argument when he campaigns on fiscal conservatism, cutting federal spending and cutting taxes.

The degree to which Murphy is a fiscal conservative is an issue Evan Feinberg has brought to the attention of voters saying that Murphy is not a true conservative. Sens. Rand Paul and Tom Coburn have endorsed Feinberg.

9 Responses

  1. you and yours going to JAIL NOW!!! Guilty of market manipulations, price gouging price fixing, abuse anti-trust laws, violations Sherman and clayton acts, loan sharks, RICO, fraud, etc. TAX THE RICH TAX THE CORPORATIONS TAX ALL REPUBILICANS AND THOSE WHO VOTE FOR AND ASSISST THEM OUT OF BUSINESS!!! you and yours are UNAmerican Unpatriotic asshole NAZIS!! You are all corporate lackeys!! MORE GOVT NOT LESS MORE LAWS AND REGULATIONS NOT FEWER!!!
    STUPID AMERICANS! STUPID REPUBLICANS! This IS what you get when you vote Republican’ts OR don’t vote at all! How gullible are you?! What kind of drugs including so-called medical marijuana are you on?! STUPID AMERICANS! BELOW IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN OR DON’T VOTE AT ALL! There ARE consequences! BELOW IS WHAT HAPPENS when you vote Republican or don’t vote at all or don’t pay taxes or offshore profits/inversion, sedition and treason and abdication of their oath of office and UNConstitutional childish behaviors of Republican’ts or don’t want gov’t (so, if republicans don’t like gov’t then why are they in it or want to be in it?!) or regulations or unions which keep us safe how many corporations can claim that?!! REPUBLICANS ARE A DISEASE!
    STUPID AMERICANS, STOP VOTING AGAINST YOUR OWN SELF-WORTH AND SELF-INTERESTS BY VOTING REPUBLICAN AND THOSE WHO VOTE FOR AND ASSIST THEM!! All the more reason to and another reason to vote Democrat 2016 in order to end for generations if not permanently influences from all corporations, all special interests/lobbyists, the religious and all republican’ts! Also, GONE are the influences of Reagan, GHWBush and GWBush, PERMANENTLY! Not a bad thing. D means forward and R goes backward! Citizens United equals bribery equals jail! Tax the rich tax all corporations tax all republican’ts and those who vote for and assist them out of existence! Fortunately, President Obama is the adult in the room and unfortunately for this country and the misinformed and uninformed you know who and what you are, the republican’ts are the little children who need their diapers changed and need to GO HOME permanently! The ONLY way republican’ts win is by lies and cheating, as per their actions not words. It always takes a Democrat to clean up a disaster made by the republican’ts! Clinton cleaned up after GHWBush and Reagan and Obama cleaned up after GWBush as will President Sanders or President Clinton after GWBush too in 2017. Lastly, when someone says there is gridlock in Washington DC, they should tell the truth and point the middle finger at the republican’ts, because they are the reasons and direct causes for this disasters we currently face just as they always are and always have been! People NOT profits! Nemo Est Supra Legis. No more laisse faire.
    NOTE: Here’s what capitalism and the so-called “Free Market” means; just like a used car salesman, we got your money and we can do whatever we want to you and even if you do catch us, well too damn bad for you!

  2. TAX the rich out of existance TAX the corporations out of existance TAX ALL republicans out of existance! MORE IRS! MORE GOV’T! MORE and HIGHER TAXES not less MORE SPENDING NOT LESS MORE UNIONS NOT FEWER! ALL republicans are terrorists bigots racists selfish facists nazis as per their actions not words PEOPLE NOT PROFITS MORE GOVERNMENT NOT LESS! NO MORE CORPORATE and republican controls of EVERYTHING! Republicans AND those that vote for and support them are ALL UNAmerican Unpatriotic corporate lackeys! VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT NOW!! The ONLY way republicans and corporations win are by LIES AND CHEATING!!

  3. Citizens Against Higher Taxes should be commended. I’m not going to say anything bad about Evan Fineberg, someday he will probably grow up to be a fine man. However, right now we need a tried and tested veteran to stand up to the challenger in the general election. We must retain the House, regain the Senate and remove the obstacle in the White House.

  4. Feinberg is working with RINO Commissioner and now statewide candidate for Treasurer Diana Irey who has done all she can to elect Democrats, to the point of working against her own party every single election cycle all to protect her own power and graft. She’s the reason we didn’t get a Republican majority in Washington County and now she’s helping Feinberg because she knows her best pal Democrat Larry Maggi would stomp all over this kid in the general. A vote for Feinberg is a vote for Maggi, and Irey knows it. Vote NO for Feinberg and NO for Irey

  5. What’s a shame here is that Fineburg lost any chance of being credible because he’s run a scorched earth campaign of hate and vile. Haven’t we seen enough of attack ads from the GOP candidates? He’s just like all the other bozos from washington who think we’re all a bunch of turnips.

  6. It is a shame that Feinberg’s bid to oust Murphy turned out to be such an embarrassment.

  7. Fineburg raised didly-poo because only fools, drunks, and children would give him money. Murphy 74-feinberg 26.

  8. We knew along Murphy was going to win just didn’t know by how much. Evan’s campaign has never picked up steam funding wise nor support. The two senators who endorsed him are former bosses and carry no clout in the state. My projection 80-20%.

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