The Hillary Clinton campaign is doubling down on their strategy of appealing to women voters.
They’ve been given plenty of assistance from Donald Trump, whose comments make up the bulk of the Clinton team’s new TV ad.
The thirty-second spot, titled “Mirrors”, shows young girls looking in mirrors while playing some of Trump’s controversial remarks about women’s looks.
“Is this the President we want for our daughters?” the ad asks.
In addition to Pennsylvania, this commercial will air in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio. It will also be featured on national cable stations.
7 Responses
Trump is cursed with being ugly and fat. Tim licks his shriveled ballsack.
Some girls are cursed with being ugly and fat. They are losers in America’s society. That’s an inconvenient fact. Sorry libtards. Maybe the Humane Society will take them in!
Proudly Deplorable-
Trump does love women…. provided they have pretty faces and are thin with big boobs (so he’s not the biggest boob in the room)
Heck, Trump LOVES women. But I have to concede he might not love women as much as Hillary loves women. At least that is what Bill once suggested.
Yea. The example she set defending her husband over the years is the example I want.
They both suck.
I like it, Hillary, and if you want to see the R-Rated version of this that I made with my daughters, please watch and share.
Trump is a pig. No wonder Manhattan rejects him for no class.