Conservative Groups, Leaders Back Rohrer

Sam Rohrer’s rolodex of conservative groups and leaders is coming in handy. The former state Rep., 2010 gubernatorial candidate and U.S. Senate hopeful rolled out a number of their endorsements in the past week.

Rohrer, a former state Rep. from Berks County, announced that he gotten the endorsements of non-profit heavyweight founders Michael Farris of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and Donald E. Wildmon of The American Family Association (AFA), as the Republican candidate to challenge incumbent senator Bob Casey in the fall.

The organizations non-profit status keeps them from endorsing political candidates, but endorsements from the organizational leadership has the same effect of reaching and influencing both organizations considerable membership base.

Rohrer also pulled in the support of the Pennsylvania Grassroots and Conservative Coalition, a collection of nearly 30 Tea Party groups across the state that operate in concert.

An endorsement from Reverend Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the The American Family Association, means that the Rohrer has been formally introduced to the conservative Christian groups over 2 million supporters.

“Sam Rohrer served the people of Pennsylvania well during his nine terms in the State House,” said Wildmon in a press release. “His voting record proves his belief in fiscal responsibility, limited government and the free market system as well as his strong stands on property rights, the Second Amendment, life and family.”

Rohrer added that the endorsement from Wildmon is a sign that his campaign has the all-important conservative vote in Pa.

For Rohrer, the endorsement from Michael Farris, chairman and founder of the HSLDA is also “an indication that homeschoolers across Pennsylvania are in [his] corner.”

“I am honored to receive the support of Michael Farris,” Rohrer said in a campaign statement. “His work at HSLDA has changed the landscape for parents wanting to teach their children at home.”

Ferris stressed that though he “not a voter in Pennsylvania”, his aim is to help “principled and proven leaders to public office.”

“It is of grave importance that we have someone in the US Senate who understands the importance of supporting and defending the Constitution, and who believes that the government should protect our God-given rights, not weaken or usurp them, said Farris.”

Rohrer also pulled in the support of the Pennsylvania Grassroots and Conservative Coalition, a collection of nearly 30 Tea Party groups across the state that operate in concert, as well as the Pa Republican leadership Council, a grassroots group.

Diana Reimer, one of the PGCC coalition coordinators said, “The coalition strongly hopes that all like-minded and conservative citizens across Pennsylvania bring their support behind Sam Rohrer.”

The coalition endorsed after straw polling of each constituent group showed at least two thirds of them support Rohrer.

Rohrer faces four men in the GOP primary: David Christian, a businessman and veterans advocate from Bucks County; Marc Scaringi, an attorney from Cumberland County; Tom Smith, a former coal company owner from Armstrong County; and Steve Welch, an entrepreneur from Chester County.

Rohrer will need his grassroots supporters. While Smith and Welch are airing TV ads nearly statewide, Rohrer’s camp says that’s out of the picture for them. Instead, they are raising money for a radio campaign.

25 Responses

  1. This is a press release to announce that Conservative Talk Radio host bob Durgin
    is available for appearances at conservative venues in Pennsylvania. area. Bob Durgin with over twenty five years of conservative talk radio experience will brings fire and enthusiasm to any event he speaks or hosts. Please contact us for rates and dates.
    Warren Castaneira
    Manager for Bob Durgin, Talk Radio Personality

  2. Do not vote for Smith! He was a democrat for 42 years! He is not the conservative republican in this race! Read the facts! Vote for Sam Rohrer if you want a real conservative in office! He is the right choice!

  3. Who are the nearly 30 groups in this coalition?

    If you represent 30 groups–you ought to at least name them in the press release.

    Otherwise, you do not have much credibility.

  4. Anyone see the article about soft Republicans in Harrisburg who might like Casey? What is going to be the matchup choice Casey and a RINO or Casey and a Conservative? Some of the attitudes seem to want to win either way to support more Progressivism.

  5. While Rohrer was voting himself a payraise and better pension, Tom Smith was contributing close to a half million dollars to real conservative candidates and organizations nationwide. Believe it or not there have always been conservative democrats who have generously supported Republican conservatives. Actually some of our most conservative leaders like President Ronald Reagan, Cong. Norm Coleman, Sen. Jesse Helms, Condoleezza Rice and Sen. Trent Lott – just to name a few- were democrats who switched to the Republican party.

  6. Endorsements are good; endorsements with money are better. Conservatives need to learn to write checks and raise money.

  7. Morons support Rohrer until they realize that he is a career politico that is collecting a handsome State Pension that he voted to increase 50% in 2001.
    Then after their head stops spinning they find out he supported the controversal Midnight payraise.

  8. To all of the Sam fans – when the pressure bore down, he caved on votes. Meanwhile, please explain those 18 years (9 terms!!) on our dime. That might have been the time to show some leadership. He seems ok, but that’s a long time with not a lot to show. Really?

  9. @Truther– If our support of Sam is considered being a “loser,” then by your standards, i will choose to be a glorious loser for standing up for what’s right. See you at the finish line! “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

  10. All you Rohrer kool aid drinkers has better get used to the fact that if he never passed a single bill in 18 years in Harrisburg and became know as a do nothing legislator, why would ne be any different in DC as a Do Nothing US Senator? Add that to his voting to increase his own pay and pad his pension, his candidacy is a recepie for Casey’s second ter. Rohrer already lost one statewide race so tha proves he can’t do it to begin with. Rohrer is no better or different than Welch or Smith. All losers in waiting.

  11. Ask Toomey what happened to DeMint’s endorsement. Ask DeMint what happened to his endorsement. Ask Tom Smith what happened to DeMint’s endorsement of Sam.

    Rumor has it that Toomey stepped in and put the brakes on DeMint’s endorsement for Sam because of Tom Smith. Smith must have threatened to withhold support for Toomey’s next campaign.

    How pathetic.

  12. Grassroots support is great but if Sam can’t raise money and get his message out then he can’t win. If he is the only conservative then where is Senator DeMint’s endorsement?

  13. Why do all Sam Rohrer supporters RANDOMLY capitalize words in the MIDDLE of their SENTENCES? Isn’t that WEIRD?

    Methinks that all of this Sam Rohrer support is coming from one PERSON who failed to learn about the appropriate USAGE of capitalization in grammar SCHOOL.

    Anyone care to dispute my theory?

  14. Go SAM, Go. Unless we vote for the BEST, we will continue to get the worst. Welch and Smith,
    Democrats to the bone and not to be trusted or believed. Vote for Better Government and we have a chance to turn this around. VOTE 4-24!

  15. to Bill above and any other doubters – Sam is the man!! I’ve been to 5 different Senate events(including this past Friday in York) and I’ve spoken PERSONALLY, face-to-face, in-depth, at least twice to Smith, Sam, Welch, and Scaringi. Smith would get eaten alive by Casey and the Dem spin machine. And don’t believe the baloney that Sam can’t defeat Casey. I would relish a Sam-Casey campaign with 6 months of campaign warfare. Sam is the best candidate by a long shot – spread the word!!

  16. This Pennsylvanian is sick and tired of politicians buying their way into office. I truly hope people of PA do what they want their political representation to do: vote by principle and conviction, refusing to bow to party pressures or follow money trails. When we are so easily bought, how can we expect our elected officials to be any different? Go Sam!

  17. @Bill–Sam has more than enough money and support to beat Casey! Seriously? Smith? A 43 yr Democrat who switched parties in August of 2011 who’s posing as a lifelong conservative??? People and Principles above Party, SAM ROHRER FOR US SENATE!! Have faith people!!!

  18. Bill,
    If you don’t vote for who you really want in office, then you don’t deserve to get who you really want in office. This is not a horse race, it is the survival of our country. I know Sam would not vote for supreme court justices like Kagan which Toomey did. We must have a man in office that we know has principles and we know Sam does. As far as Smith, how do you stay in the democractic party with all that has gone one in that party and say you are a conservative? He gave money to Jason Altmiere and Bill Bradley (anti-gun) and at the ame time to conservative candidates. Where the contributions, since they were to both liberal and conservative candidates, to buy influence?

  19. Funny that is your reasoning-Smith will never get the conservative vote to beat Casey. You’d do well to support the hands-down best candidate-Sam Rohrer! And while you’re at it make a campaign contribution:)

  20. Would like to vote for Sam but I do not think he has the finances to defeat Casey. I am considering Smith.

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