Democratic Calls Mount for Leach to Resign

After reports of sexual harassment emerged over the weekend against state Senator Daylin Leach, more people are joining in calls for him to resign his seat in the Senate, including state Reps. Leanne Krueger-Braneky (D-Delaware) and Patty Kim (D-Dauphin), and Lieutenant Governor candidate Aryanna Berringer.

Leach was accused of overly sexual comments to campaign and legislative aides and inappropriate touching on at least two occasions.  

Governor Tom Wolf reacted quickly to the allegations, calling for Leach to resign.  

Lieutenant Governor candidate Aryanna Berringer joined Wolf’s call early Monday morning in a press release calling for Leach’s resignation.  PoliticsPA has reached out to the other Lieutenant Governor campaigns for comment on this story.

“Based upon recent reports from multiple female staffers, Senator Daylin Leach must resign not only his elected position, but he should end his campaign for Congress as well,” Berringer said.  

Update: State Rep. Madeleine Dean, who is also running for Lieutenant Governor also called for Leach’s resignation.

“(Leach’s) decision to make light of these allegations and to publicly belittle the character of women who come forward can not be tolerated, and for this reason, it is time for the Senator to step down,” Dean said in a statement.

Lancaster County Commissioner and Lieutenant Governor candidate Craig Lehman said that Leach should resign if the allegations are true.

“If true, State Senator Daylin Leach’s pattern of inappropriately touching women in a work environment is unacceptable. Any elected official guilty of such behavior should resign,” Lehman told PoliticsPA.

Leach announced yesterday he would be “taking a step back” from his campaign for Congress.

Krueger-Braneky called for Leach’s resignation as well, saying the “allegations are disturbing, and Senator Leach’s reactions to the Inquirer’s report and subsequent #MeToo stories are deeply alarming.”  

“Attempting to attack the character of the women in the article, as well as those who have come forward with stories since it broke, is conduct well beyond the pale for an elected official. That is why I am calling on Daylin Leach to resign from the Pennsylvania Senate, effective immediately,” Krueger-Braneky said.  

Kim agreed with Krueger-Braneky in an interview with the Patriot News.

“I have empathy for those women.  And that (Leach’s reaction) was a red flag for me,” Kim said to the Patriot News.

44 Responses

  1. Maybe Leanne should do more than try to oust people not in her district or chamber. She should support one of the women actually running for the 7th. She seems more interested in tearing down men than building up women other then herself. All hail Queen Leanne!

    1. The Answer Desk

      OMG Daylin. Stop collecting a paycheck from taxpayers (and touching and attacking young women).

  2. Daylin should just keep his mouth shut instead of trashing the women that are calling him out Daylin you should hire a crisis Management Team and shut the Heck up

    1. Bob Brady You are going to Jail Seek a Plea Deal or Do Hard Time-

      Daylin’s go-to crisis guy is part of the problem.

  3. I think the electorate in southeast Pennsylvania, and acroos Pennsylvania, will find their standard of living rises in next year because of Donald Trump’s policies, including energy policies.

    Immigration is still a major issue popular, for good reasons, across political spectrum. I expect, now that the major Tax Reform, the first in 31 years, President Trump will direct his attention to “The Wall”, chain immigration, and visa lottery immigration. I think any Democrat will be hard pressed to counter the vote moving power of immigration.

  4. Daylin “Dutch Laroo” Leach will resign when Al “Fish Lips” Franken does. Now that the Russia Collusion failed, and the “Tax Cuts for the Rich” gambits have failed, I expect the Ds will ramp up the “war on women” gambit against Donald Trump.

    If so, then Daylin and Al will have to resign, I think. I think the Democrats thought they could skate on a Media Double Standard like Bill Clinton, and smear the Republicans but it turns out many Democratis have been hoisted on their own identiy politics petard.

    I think Donald Trump’s accusers are politically opportunistic or manipulated by Democratic operatives, but not in Daylin’s accuser’s are recent. I can’t say I am an expert on what kind of men women find attractive, but I would not think that George Clooney thinks of Daylin Leach as competition.

    We note, in passing, that Marcel Groen has been silent cognizant that people in glass houses should not throw stones.

  5. Meehan would love to run against dan Muroff. Dems have to hope that a real candidate emerges from this mess if leach can not get in the clear. The d trip might have to get more involved in this one from the jump than they originally intended.

    1. Louis Lack-

      Meehan doesn’t give a flying f*ck who the Dem candidate is. With the current gerrymandering even the “Mighty Joe Sestak” would not get within 10 points of Meehan.

      The media consultants (aka whores) are pretending the district is competitive/winnable so they can profit from a $2 million to $3 million waste of advertising money.

      The 7th is the 3rd most Republican district (of 18 when 13 are GOP held). To believe you can win it requires you to ignore the 10 less-Republican seats that the GOP holds in PA. To win the 7th would be that PA could flip from 13-5 to 2-16 Dem majority of seats.

      It ain’t happening, unless Meehan is has a scandal or there is an emergency redistricting.

      The FATAL FLAW in the reasoning (or purposeful lying) is that the district went for Hillary. The unsupported conclusion is that those Hillary voters will vote for the Dem candidate over Meehan. That thinking is 100% WRONG!!

      Meehan won by 20 points. What DID happen is that some Meehan voters voted for Hillary and/or against Trump. These voters will continue to vote for Meehan, and probably Casey and Wolf and other Dems higher on the ticket. But, they are sticking with Meehan.

      Dan’s a good guy and he needs to be in place in case Meehan has a scandal or we have a fair redistricting.

      The best outcome is for the 7th congressional candidate to drive up Dem voter turnout and flip the state house seats in the district, so we can pass fair redistricting bill.

      1. Dave, by your analysis, Sheehan is by far the best candidate. She will energize the base of that party to GOTV and help all the women running for state seats throughout the 7th win in 2018. Dan is nice but a total snore and not progressive.

      2. Jo-

        No. By analysis, Meehan wins by 15 points regardless of the Candidate.

        Let’s try this another way. Hillary won the district over Trump. Meehan won by 20 points. If Hillary moved to the 7th and ran as the Dem’s congressional candidate, she would lose by 10 points to Meehan.

        THAT is how unwinnable this seat is.

        1. David – my point is that if you think it’s unwinnable, then the Dems should run somebody who will energize votes in the winnable statehouse districts. There are a lot of great women running and if you put a strong woman at the top of the ticket, you can increase your chances of taking the statehouse.

        2. Jo-

          I agree that flipping state house seats (and state senate seats) in the district is the ONLY fruitful outcome that a candidate for the 7th congressional can achieve.

          Which candidate can be selfless enough both to realize this and to execute this is an open question.

          While a female candidate might accomplish that, I don’t know if any of the female candidates for the 7th would pursue that strategy.

          As long as any candidate for the 7th deludes themselves that Meehan can be beaten, then they will waste resources needed to flip house seats (and get fair redistricting).

          1. You’re all assuming that the borders of the 7th Congressional District as it exists now will still be the borders by the time the primary rolls around. That’s not a certainty.

          2. DelcoSocialist-

            I have qualified my statement elsewhere that nothing short of a scandal or emergency redistricting could make the seat winnable.

            I have no objection to having a candidate in place (just in case), but my objection is to pissing away $2 million.

          3. I think it’s fair to say only Sheehan has shown any real effort to local candidates so far in this race. Her team put in a lot of time locally for 2017 and she seems to have the loyalty of most the state house candidates, which I’m guessing comes from her doing work for them, too. I don’t know if it’s selfless, but she seems to have a rising tide strategy at least.

            I can’t see a dccc candidate, or any of the other 3 doing anything beyond their own self interest in a campaign.

  6. I don’t know of i will still support him or i will go back to support Dan Muroff for congress in 2018 but i will have to think about this very closely here.

    1. Zakrey Bissell-

      The decision is out of your hands regarding supporting Daylin. He’s gone (he just hasn’t accepted it yet). This is self-inflicted and non-recoverable. Daylin is DONE in PA politics.

      His congressional campaign will never “un-suspend”. He will be forced to resign his senate seat.

      My understanding is that there are FAR WORSE things about Daylin from women who haven’t come forward. Don’t know if they will, or if Daylin’s attacks on the current women are designed as message to the other women as a threat of what treatment they’ll receive.

      If Daylin tries to stay in, and not resign, that will be more reason for these women to come forward.

      1. David is correct as it’s rather obvious that Daylin Leach has become “The Al Franken of Pennsylvania” given his similar sexual transgressions! It’s really true Karma as Daylin (like Al Frankenstein) is an idiot Trump-Hater who was sanctimonious over the President as he (they) assaulted women and talked in offensive talk (too)? Truely a real Karma in full circle!

      2. Deplorable Voter-

        No. Nearly all accusations against Franken are complete bullsh*t that don’t pass the smell test. Franken’s response, though a denial, was made respectfully as a disagreement/misunderstanding, while acknowledging and apologizing for unintended distress.

        Daylin’s response was a cowardly attack on young women.

        My comment that Daylin was PA’s Al Franken was referring to how they were both a reliable liberal vote/voice, and ironically forced out over similar scandals. However, Franken was messing around with his staff.

        The few women claiming Franken touched them (random strangers taking a public selfie with him) out of thousands of such photos are indications of misunderstandings and genuine accidents of hand position. Whose going to feel up some random stranger when their husband or family member is taking a photo as Franken happens upon them in a crowd at a fair? It doesn’t add up.

        Daylin’s pattern and practice seems to be hiring a young harem.

        1. Al Franken (per Leanne Tweeden) stuck his tongue down her throat as he “practiced a skit scene”! This isn’t a simple accident or a word or two out of context, as it’s an attack by Franken.

          He’s an idiot (Franken) as it’s true he’s a rapid Trump Hater (like Daylin).

          Funny that both were 55 years of age as they did the sexual misdeeds?

        2. Deplorable Voter-

          If you watch Leanne perform with others and her grabbing asses and getting her ass grabbed, it was all part of the show. Seeing how she is a birther who appeared on Hannity, her credibility is not that great.

  7. I don’t agree with the automatic resignation calls here. There is a rush to judgment that excludes fundamental fairness for all. That is what our entire legal system is based upon–fairness for all and not just for those making accusations. The Inquirer article is not the final arbiter of reality and well reasoned examination of the facts is required to give all parties a fair chance.

    1. Some (not all, but enough) of the people calling for his resignation are either:

      1) Completely disgusted by his response/attacks on the women

      2) Are aware of other incidents that have not been reported.

      This IS NOT a “rush to judgement”. This is a weighing of not only the news reports and Daylin’s abhorrent response, but also of convincing/compelling information that is not public.

      There are plenty who have ZERO doubt about the charges against Daylin through personal and professional relationships with his former staffers.

    2. Everybody calling for him to resign have known stories for a long time. This just gave them permission to speak their minds. I hear if investigation happens, much worse will come out and take more with him as complicit. It’s no wonder the party wants to avoid that.

  8. Resign because I say so… I demand each of these people resign. You fail to do your elected job. You’re a joke across Pennsylvanian No idea who is running your campaigns but you need to fire them if they recommend this as your platform. Voters are warming up their Vote them out pens.
    No criminal charges filed against anyone. 4,000,000 voters against the 4 of you.
    Silver spoon people have hurt feelings vs starving families. You lose.
    Total disgrace the democrats of Pennsylvania have become.

  9. Wolf called for Daylin to resign. Female officials and candidates are calling for Daylin to resign.

    Hmm… who hasn’t… ?

    State Party Chairman, Marcel Groen, who donated $2,700 to Daylin’s (now failed) congressional campaign. Marcel was Montco chair and Daylin supporter during Daylin’s rise. Hmm….

    State Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, also silent. Josh was Montco County commissioner when all this was going on. Hmm…

    Current Montco Chairman, also silent. Hmm…

    1. Where is do-nothing Bob Casey? He was out there calling for Trump to resign but now he’s silent. Oh that’s right, he only attacked Trump because that got headlines and fires up the Dems left wing base.

      1. Steve-

        Bob’s dealing with trying to stop Trump from destroying the country. He’s got his hands full.

        1. Robert B Sklaroff, M.D-

          It’s not Casey’s job to call for Daylin’s resignation (though it would be nice if he did). Casey has no real connection to Daylin. Daylin is super-liberal and Daylin’s base hates Casey and is always looking for a candidate to primary Casey. Daylin and Casey are simply not in the same orbit.

          However, Marcel Groen, Josh Shapiro and Joe Foster are connected to Daylin through Montco. They should be stepping up.

          However, when the GOP state reps start getting exposed, let’s see whom you call for resigning/replacing. I’m sure you were rooting for child-molester Roy Moore.

          1. You again exhibit typical lib-spinning, again characteristic of your basic anti-Jewish posturing; when one rationalization fails, try another….

            Casey didn’t stop the tax-bill [and the rescinding of the individual mandate in ObamaDon’tCare] because you seem to admit he couldn’t multitask, so now you claim others should have spoken-up.

            No matter how true you may now have become and no matter the internal Dem-politics, there is no impediment to Casey choosing to weigh-in were he to be paying attention.

            You even pivot to the current Dem-meme of invoking Roy Moore, notwithstanding the fact that [as noted previously] numerous pieces on Breitbart quoted court-records to illustrate the disingenuous nature of the charges of ALLEGED [noting your omission of this key-disclaimer] child-molestation.

            Have you no shame?

          2. Robert-

            Breitbart is not a legitimate news source. A fortune cookie or a Snapple bottle cap contains more accurate and useful information.

            So, for future reference, if you use Breitbart as a source, I’m just going to ignore whatever you claim.

          3. transferred reply to a more recent posting…

            ht tp://w ww.politi 837/

            …for, basically, you corroborated the point i’d been making.

        2. Trump has his hands full trying to clean up all of the messes both foreign and domestic that the “Daley Machine Hack Who Be King” Barack Obama left this Country.

  10. What the Hell do you people do all day. 2016 was a mandate election. Democrats across the state turned their backs on your nonstop bullshit issues. Do you have a job description? Voters are sick and tired of your political games. Vote each and every one of these people out of office. They fail to represent the needs of the voters. Tired of paying salaries for your personal agendas. VOTE THEM OUT

    1. Done with Democrats

      Mandate election?

      1) Don’t tell Metcalfe. He’s afraid of man-dates

      2) 3 million more people voted for Hillary. Trump has no mandate.

  11. Leach really supported Krueger-Braneky during her special election and campaign. What an utterly fake and two-faced person she is. Despicable.

    1. Toodles-

      Daylin has betrayed the very principles Leanne ran for. He doesn’t get a pass because he supported her. He’s in the wrong. Leanne can’t (and wouldn’t) defend his past behavior and his current atrocious response behavior.

      1. That’s what people always say when they want an excuse not to support someone who supported them. Krueger-Braneky won because of Democrats who worked hard for her. Clearly this is what a person can expect when they work hard for Krueger-Braneky. Leach is not the first one that she has let down, and I’m sure there will be many more.

      2. Toodles-

        Leanne didn’t ask Daylin to touch and harass his female staff. If she didn’t stand up for them and principle, then she would be a hypocrite.

        What if Daylin had raped or murdered someone? Should Leanne still support him? Where’s the line?

        Daylin brought this on himself, and blaming Leanne for “disloyalty” is part of the threat the women faced of being blackballed in PA politics if they revealed what Daylin did.

        Toodles, try posting under your real name.

  12. Leach’s reactions and responses are just as bad as the allegations if true. They are enough to show that his temperament makes him unfit for any office. He has never been able to take criticism and this negative publicity will probably compel him to do more stupid things on social media. His best bet would have been to keep his head down and shut up, but that is not in his nature. His reaction is typical of most bullies once they get punched in the mouth.

    1. DanielTiger-

      I originally expected mea culpas and a (fake) expression of remorse/contrition. However, I quickly learned from friends that Daylin was planning to go down swinging. Unfortunately, the women are swinging political baseball bats. He’s doomed.

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