Now, he’s officially in.
After months of speculation, Auditor General Eugene DePasquale officially announced his bid for the 10th Congressional District.
“Folks here at home are getting ripped-off by people in Washington,” DePasquale said in a release. “The scales have been tipped in favor of special interests, partisan political insiders, and wealthy corporations at our expense. I’m running for Congress because Washington needs more people punching back, fighting for us.”
DePasquale is the second Democrat to announce intentions for the seat. Tom Brier, an attorney and author, announced his candidacy for the seat a couple of months ago. George Scott, who was the Democratic candidate against Rep. Scott Perry (R-York) in 2018 announced on Friday that he will not be seeking the seat in 2020.
The announcement showed that DePasquale has retained ad maker Bud Jackson, who worked on his previous campaigns as well as other Democrats nationally and in PA.
The Pennsylvania GOP shot out a release calling DePasquale a “fraud” and calling it a “flat-out lie” that he plans on seeking more than one term in Congress citing Philadelphia Inquirer and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette articles from late 2018 reporting that DePasquale was mulling a bid for Governor or Senate in 2022.
Perry, who is in his fourth term in Congress, most recently won reelection by a 2.5 point margin in the newly-drawn district, which is less conservative in comparison to the previous 4th District he represented.
Perry’s campaign said DePasquale is the “hand-picked candidate of Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats who want want to move America towards Socialism and destroy access to quality healthcare, increase taxes – through the roof – on working class families, and cost us thousands of jobs right here in Pennsylvania.”
Why the delay? Waiting until July 1 to make the scuttlebutt official means DePasquale’s first FEC report won’t be due until September. It also gave him time to spend his state campaign funds on positive digital ads highlighting his work as Auditor to prospective PA10 voters – a common legal avenue for candidates for PA state office who are limited in what they can directly transfer to a federal campaign.
This story was updated with comment from the Perry campaign.
15 Responses
I fully support Scott Perry for Congress next year and every year.
Perry is bought and paid for by big businesses. He would let companies dump chemicals in your backyard if it meant another $1,000 donation.
I like chemicals.
You have my full enthusiastic support. Let us know when the PAC is formed. The check will be in the mail.
It will be interesting to see which Gene runs. The Western PA, Blue Dog Democrat or the liberal-socialist trendy Democrat, From the sound of the announcement, sounds like the latter. Not many Blue Dogs left! This is Central PA!
Thank god we are going to get Scott Perry out of office, man sold his soul to the modern GOP tea party. Perry is bought and paid for by SuperPACs.
you will have my full support next year Eugene for congress.
Just kidding
Clearly, King Scarnarti encouraged that he may have been to design more pretzel shaped congressional districts by the recent Supreme Court ruling on redistricting is thwarted by Gov Wolf being newly re-elected. This makes PA10 most likely going to stay somewhat the same in the updated redistricting–understanding that NY will seemingly lose 2 congressional seats and I guess Pa will at least lose 1. Bottom line: it would appear PA10 is worth a chance for Dems and the AG.
Sir Winston Throckmorton, MD
The Supreme Court ruling on redistricting makes the PA Supreme Court the ruling authority, when they said gerrymandering violated PA Constitution.
And sorry to see George Scott not run – Eugene is going to be painted as an extreme liberal with his talk on marijuana legislation and a voting record in the House. George is still the only one that could win the seat. You are in the center part of the state Eugene, no Montco or Philly.
Just Desserts-
Eugene will be judged on his 8 years as auditor general.
The PA GOP wake up screaming with night sweats thinking about Eugene.
So why did he have a donation link set up yesterday when I saw the page? He puts up a page with donation link with just a day or two before the cycle ends so he will show a bad number for Q2 – certainly he got some donations yesterday. What a bone-headed an amateur move.
Central PA Dem-
No one would give a f*ck about his Q2 number this early. It could say $1. Q3 will be a full quarter. End-of-year cash-on-hand will be the real opening-number for the 2020 race.
In the past, for a tough GOP district, December would be spent cajoling a candidate into agreeing to be on the ballot.
Eugene is unlikely to have a primary challenge, so he’s not going to be spending much for a while.