F&M Poll: Obama Approval Slips in Pa.

Obama portrait term 2President Barack Obama’s approval ratings have dropped slightly among Pa. voters according to this month’s Franklin & Marshall poll.

42% of registered voters in Pa. believe that the President is doing an ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ job. That number is down from 46% in an October F&M poll conducted during election season.

Job approval appears to be faltering among Independents, of whom only 33% rated the President’s performance favorably. It is also low among men, who disapproved of his job 50% to 43%. 15% of Republicans gave him positive marks.

It’s far from strong among Democrats, too, 66% of whom rated the President’s performance as either ‘excellent’ or ‘good.’

It remains high among women, who approved of his work 55% to 38%.

His personal favorability has remained almost identical to October; 49% of respondents said they had a favorable impression of Obama and 44% said unfavorable.

The poll paints a more negative picture for Obama than a Quinnipiac survey last week. That showed the President’s job approval in positive territory, 51% to 46%.

Pat Who?

Sen. Toomey’s approval numbers are positive, but most Pennsylvanians either don’t know enough about him to form an opinion (37%) or are undecided (16%).

His favorability ratings have increased since F&M last polled him in March 2011. 26% of Pa. voters rated his performance favorably. That number is up from 23% in 2011. His unfavorables rose from 13% 2 years ago to 20% today.

Senator Bob Casey’s favorability has slightly increased since he won re-election. 40% of Pa. voters rated his performance favorably, up from 36% in the F&M October poll. 24% view him unfavorably, down from 31% in October.

F&M didn’t poll job approval numbers for either Senator.

The pollster surveyed 622 registered voters from Jan. 29 to Feb. 3 using live callers on land lines. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.9 percent. Pa. polls of registered voters – versus polls of likely voters – tend to be slightly more favorable to Democrats.

4 Responses

  1. Obama’s drop in numbers is due to revelation that Beyonce lip-synced.

    I think Obama’s numbers are up nationally.

    Poll numbers will climb as job numbers improve.

  2. I hope all the people the Democrats conned by pretending they weren’t really anti-gun for 12 years remember in 2016 just what the true colors of that rotten party are. If you vote for Hillary, you vote for gun control.

  3. Obama is more worried about what percentage of Movie Stars he fits in with,then governing.Time to wake up,there is much government control now,it’s dragging the backbone workers of this country down & down

  4. That’s because he is losing voters by going afer our 2nd amendment. I am ashamed to say I voted for him, but he didn’t do anything against guns his first term. He is going to lose my vote if he keeps screwing with something that never should have been infringed in the first place.

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    Total Voters: 267

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