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FreedomWorks Puts up $26K for Feinberg

Evan Feinberg received some help this week from FreedomWorks, a conservative PAC that launched a new radio ad in southwestern Pa. to boost his primary challenge to Rep. Tim Murphy.

The spot highlights Feinberg’s conservative credentials. Listen to it here.

“We need to show DC what we are made of…Evan Feinberg will fight for more energy. Energy that can be produced right here in Pennsylvania. Feinberg will fight to repeal Obamacare and return healthcare decisions to you,” a narrator says.

The ad goes on to talk about how Feinberg is a fiscal conservative and will work to “slash the federal deficit”.

The ad buy was $26,000 on KDKA 1020 AM and WPGE 104.7 FM, where it will achieve relatively good saturation.

He’s received nominal support from Sens. Tom Coburn and Rand Paul, his former employers, and a number of national conservative groups and leaders. Unfortunately for Feinberg, it seems that this ad may represent most of the cavalry from national conservatives.

Two other PACs that had dabbled in PA-18, Club for Growth and the Campaign for Primary Accountability, essentially said they would not invest in the race any further. Feinberg’s own fundraising – $71K in Q1 – pales against Murphy’s $661K.

Feinberg also earned the endorsement of Peter Schiff, a renowned investor, author and commentator who said he will invest in the race through his personal PAC.

“Evan Feinberg will be a strong fiscal conservative and an even stronger defender of individual liberty,” he said.

The Democrat in the race is Washington County Commissioner Larry Maggi.

16 Responses

  1. I recently moved back to Western PA from another state and have very thoroughly researched ALL the candidates from all the races, gone to listen to what they had to say, etc and can honestly say that Murphy has been in office TOO LONG and that Evan Feinberg is definitely the man for the job. Wake up people. Murphy has been at the public trough TOO long and needs to go back to the private sector and get a real job.

  2. As a democrat, and iraq war veteran, your comments are disgusting, CAPTAIN feinberg. You should start acting like a leader of marines and stop letting people bait you so easily.

  3. Let’s see Sarah Feinberg from OH and they attack murphy for being from OH. Every day on twitter she says hateful things and liable things about the congressman. Those two act like children and need to be kicked out of their parents house and sent back to DC.

  4. The Feinbergs and their trolls don’t have a problem calling Murphy a scumbag but oh Boo Hoo if someone respond to their attacks. They are a disgrace. The Feinbergs should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. Wow, judging by these comments, Tim Murphy’s supporters are just as big of scumbags as the Congressman himself. Though knowing Murphy, the above comments likely came from his staffers.

  6. Sorry, just doesn’t ring true that Feinberg’s own all these homes after one deployment and being a Hill Staffer for a few years in DC. Shouldn’t lie about it, if your parents bought those houses just go ahead and say so. But a point worth noting – if you and your husband are both living on the taxpayer dime for all these years, why vote out Murphy? The two Feinbergs are costing us more. Vote out the Feinbergs!

  7. With all due respect, Certainly Sara Feinberg understands that you don’t throw stones if you don’t want any thrown back at you. Your comments are always so outrageous and hateful. All the Feinberg supporters are out there slandering Murphy every time you open your collective mouths. Did you think you’d get a pass? Welcome to politics. Should have thought of that before you picked up that rock and hurled it.

  8. Quite classy that Tim Murphy supporters are intent on slandering my husband from anonymous accounts. Our two houses were bought with money from taxpayers…I saved all the money from my deployment to Iraq and was able to afford a house in Upper St Clair. If you have a problem with women contributing to their household income, crawl back into your hole. If you have a problem with military members having an income, please join the Democrats. If you have a problem with people working in government taking a salary, then vote Murphy out since he has lived on the taxpayer dime for nearly 2 decades.

  9. I bet Feinberg the Phony didn’t even open a bank account in PA…not that there’s any paychecks going in since he didn’t bother to get a job. Htere will be a for sale sign out in the front yard in two months. #EpicBail.

  10. Lay off Evan. He is a good man, the election is not over, and money does not mean Murphy deserves his seat.

  11. Let’s start a poll, after Feinberg gets creamed in the primary, how many weeks will it be until he’s back in DC working for a Senator?

  12. Feinberg does have 2 mortgages to pay! He’s got his real house in Virginia and his phony “I’m a local just like you!” house he just bought in USC. Both paid for while on the public dole as a congressional staffer. You’re welcome, Feinberg. Now when can I borrow those Steelers season tickets your bragging about on the radio you bought with my tax dollars?

  13. Just curious, after Feinberg loses will he just be able to slink back into his cushy taxpayer funded job with the Senate Republicans?

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