Eighteen months after the 2020 presidential election, Republicans in the Pennsylvania General Assembly have extended their inquiry into the results.
Inspired by former president Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud, Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) signed a six-month extension to the no-bid contract which was originally between Senate Republicans and vendor Envoy Sage, LLC was $270,250. An addendum added an additional $187,865.
Senators in charge of the inquiry say they are simply looking for ways to improve the state’s elections, not overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Democrats have broadly opposed it and characterized it as an effort to discredit Biden’s win, damage confidence in elections and take away voting rights.
In the agreement, the Senate prohibits the vendor from having political associations, including “existing business relationships” in Pennsylvania.
5 Responses
You know, at lower levels of government in PA like school boards and municipal levels, elected officials can be surcharged and made to pay out of their own pockets if they misappropriate funds. The members of the Legislature should be held to the same standards and I’ll bet Harrisburg Republicans wouldn’t be paying Envoy Sage LLC if they could end up with the bill being their individual responsibility.
Listen brothers and sisters! Listen to me as I blather on via livestream! The end of time for this Biden charade is nigh.
For as the pixies whispered in Santa Claus’ ears about peanut butter, so shall the truth of electric vehicles and Ray Zaborney’s sinful adultery be known to social media.
Walk without gum on your shoes.
Walk crazy.
Most important thing the state government could be doing
The Big Lie continues.
Yep – the big lie that Biden won! 2020 was rigged!! Trump won 49 states!