Harris Officially Jumps into Mayor’s Race

Peduto Harris WelchAfter weeks of will-she-won’t-she, Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Darlene Harris officially jumped into the mayoral primary. She filed her nominating petitions just before the deadline on Tuesday.  

“It’s been over the top, the number of people who have been calling me,” Harris told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Welch has not made a public statement on his filing.  

“The overwhelming support that we have seen over the past several weeks is a reflection of the enthusiasm that voters [are] feeling about the direction of the city,” Peduto’s campaign manager Keyva Clark said in a statement.  

Over the weekend, Peduto was endorsed by the Allegheny County party in his bid for re-election, although Harris pulled 40% of the vote. Welch did not compete.

The campaigns will begin going over their opponent’s petitions looking for any discrepancies that could get them removed by the ballot.  

No Republicans filed to run.

9 Responses

  1. Who’s Welsh? A vote cutter…then we buy off the Uncle Toms…victory in a 23% turnout.

  2. The writing on this blog has completely gone southward.

    “Welch has not made a public statement on his filing.” Who’s Welch? his name wasn’t mentioned previously in the article. Also, the first mention of Peduto was also just his last name.

    And the sentence, “…could get them removed by the ballot.” Candidates are not removed BY the ballot, they are removed FROM them. Jesus, Paul, get your shit together.

  3. Our gang is paying 20…half in cash, the other half in broken promises

  4. Peduto crushes in a low turnout race. I bet this one will work out to $15 a vote

  5. Nope, again. She ‘s staying in. We have no choice. It is La Familia’s divine right to refinance all of the city’s ripe bond issues.

  6. Never said anything about illegality. She’s sidestepping rules, not breaking them. Wouldn’t be surprised if she pretends to run for as long as possible then “drops out” last minute like in 2013.

  7. Nope. It’s about hiding money until we are ready to spend. Gray area, not illegal. Who would prosecute anyway…my cousin Stevie junior? Nope, again. We gave her immunity

  8. And yet she still hasn’t officially launched her campaign. I can’t think of a more transparent way to sidestep campaign finance rules. Filing the petition an hour before the deadline lets her campaign without being a candidate and affords her the option of backing out of a race she was never in, to save her the embarrassment of what is certain to be a failed “run”.

  • Did The Presidential Debate Change Your Vote?

    • No. Still Voting For Trump (35%)
    • Yes. Now Voting For Trump (32%)
    • No. Still Voting For Harris (25%)
    • Yes. Now Voting For Harris (6%)
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    Total Voters: 267

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