HD-14: Rep. Marshall Will Not Seek Reelection

Jim Marshall

Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver) announced that he will not seek re-election for a ninth term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Marshall released the following statement:

“Serving the people of the 14th District has been, and will continue to be, one of the greatest honors of my life. When I was elected in 2006, I made a commitment that I would do everything in my power to better the lives of my constituents, with a focus on the needs of our first responders and veterans. I believe that I met that goal.

“Reflecting on my years of service, I am proud of the bipartisan work accomplished as a co-chair of the Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee with my friend and colleague, Rep. Rob Matzie. We worked together in a manner with all Pennsylvanians in mind. Furthermore, making the changes in Harrisburg that affected home meant the most. With respect for blue collar workers and involvement in strong, small communities, we used our life experiences to navigate changes in legislation. From furthering rail safety to expanding rural broadband, protecting consumers and more, we enjoyed facing the challenges of delivering the needed improvements to all Pennsylvanians but, affectionately, even more – Beaver County.

“Thank you to my constituents for displaying unwavering trust in me, as well as my colleagues for collaborating with me on how we can make the Commonwealth a better place to live, work and raise a family. This has truly been the opportunity of a lifetime.

“As I finish the remainder of my term, my dedicated team and I will continue to have an open-door policy and offer outstanding constituent service.”

Aligning with the Republican platform on critical issues like abortion rights, gun control, school choice and small government, Marshall has retained his seat in the district for nearly two decades. Most recently, in 2022, he beat Democrat Bruce Carper, 67.8% to 32.2%.

According to bills rated by the American Conservative Union, Marshall has voted with Republicans nearly 78% of the time during his legislative tenure. Prior to serving as a state lawmaker, Marshall was a member of the Big Beaver Council for 10 years.

2 Responses

  1. I love that he says that he expanded rural broadband in Pa. Actually, the American Jobs Plan of President Biden is expanding broadband into rural areas. It was not there before and was opposed by Republicans.

    They brag about supporting legislation that they adamantly opposed.

    1. Hi Megan,

      Since the break up of the telephone companies by a Judge in 1984, Republican and Democrat Legislators in Pennsylvania have been working together to encourage and support additional telecommunications services throughout the Commonwealth.

      Thank you for your interest in the current deployment of additional broadband capabilities.

      If you would be so kind, please contact President Biden and Governor Shapiro to work to lower the ridiculously high labor rate of $94.00 per hour that has been set to deploy the improvements. Two to three times more people/families could benefit, if these hourly rates were set at truly prevailing wages.

      Thank you and Representative Marshall for your interest. Jere

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