HD-161: Democrats Nominate Krueger-Braneky for Special Election

Leanne-Krueger-BranekyThe Democrats have their woman.

The local party committee has nominated Leanne Krueger-Braneky for the Aug. 4th special election in the 161st State House district.

“We are thrilled. Leanne is a terrific candidate, and we are enthusiastically supporting her,” Delaware County Democratic Committee Chairman David Landau said. “The voters in the 161st now have the opportunity to send an experienced community leader to Harrisburg. She’s a candidate with fresh and energizing ideas for the community and will hit the ground running for the district.”

Krueger-Braneky was the Democratic nominee in 2014 and was supported by Gov. Wolf’s Super PAC. She was defeated by incumbent GOP State Rep. Joe Hackett by a 56% to 44% margin (12,916 votes to 10,176) last November.

Hackett announced his resignation last April.

She’ll be facing Republican nominee Paul Mullen, who was chosen last week.

8 Responses

  1. The district did not vote against Leanne, they voted for Joe Hackett; he is now out of the picture. Hackett and Mullen are way different people. Mullen is hated by many Republican voters. Mullen also has a write in to worry about. Bad news for the liberal GOP endorsing liberals! Remember, the voters are the GOP, the leadership can be replaced!

  2. Great candidate, snow ball’s chance of winning. The margin of her loss was about the same as last two less than stellar Dem candidates 9 – 11 point loss AGAIN. Easy call. Seems only ones who know how to win races are Kirkland, Davidson and Vitali. Party leaders won’t get input from them and lose as usual. The definition of insanity.

  3. Great candidate, snow ball’s chance of winning. The margin of her loss was about the same as last two less than stellar Dem candidates 9 – 11 point loss AGAIN. Easy call. Seems only ones who know how to will races are Kirkland, Davidson and Vitali. Party leaders won’t get input from them and lose as usual. The definition of insanity.

  4. If the Delaware Co. GOP loses this seat they have nowhere to look but the mirror…

  5. As a loyal republican voter in Aston. I cannot believe Paul Mullen was endorsed. This is a huge slap in the face to the voters and to hard fought Sttae Senate Race to replace Erickson . Where Paul Mullen donated, had his thugs work for, and intimated people for John Kane. It’s hard to tell now who beat up McGarrigle more the state senate race or Paul mullens nomination. This Lisa Esler girl seems like she won’t win but will screw Paul Mullen over with the votes. Guess the house democrats will be gaining a seat and then in a year and half lose it if the republicans nominate Lisa! Rally fellow tea parties from around state and help Lisa win against these two democrats.

  6. Those election numbers are nearly identical to the turnout numbers (if you group the independents with the Dems)

  7. Once again the Delaware County Democratic Party has played into the hands of the Republican machine. The residents of this district have already voted against Kruger-Braneky (it just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?) once. The district is made up of working class homes with the exception of elite Swarthmore. The Dems pick an elite of the elite. An outlier. The Republicans pick a leader of the working man. Mullen may win by even more than Joe Hackett, the police officer, or Paul Hackett, the former Pitt coach – whichever of them actually represented the district!

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