Helfrich Upsets Bracey in York Mayoral Race

Michael Helfrich

Democrat running as a Republican Michael Helfrich defeated incumbent York Mayor Kim Bracey after losing to Bracey in the Democratic primary this year.  Helfrich is the current city council president.

Helfrich won the race by 133 votes, according to the York Daily Record.  

The victory for Helfrich comes after losing the primary to Bracey, and then running against the endorsements of major state Democratic figures.  Gov. Tom Wolf, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale all endorsed Bracey for a third term.

3 Responses

  1. Wolf backed Bracey gets beat…..Democrats get beat in Wolf county of York. Just like Wolf will. Save the Democrats Wolf resign

  2. Thank god Mike Mikus flew in to save Kim Bracey. He hasn’t won an election since the Thornburgh administration.

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