The Democrats’ “Recovery Summer” Ends with a Thud
Washington- House Democrats’ summer recess is almost over and it’s time for John Callahan and his out-of-touch friends to face the music. With another failed attempt at recovery under their belts, Democrats are facing a bruising uphill battle this November. With unemployment at an unacceptably high 9.6 percent and way above the once-promised eight percent, Democrats have officially run out of excuses. Their trillion-dollar stimulus failed to produce jobs and their runaway spending spree has left the nation in debt, putting their Democrat majority up for grabs this fall – and making Callahan accountable for supporting his party’s failed economic agenda.
“As summer recess comes to an end, it’s time for John Callahan to face the music and the consequences of his party’s failed economic policies,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “After being buried under mountains of debt and facing crushing unemployment each month, Pennsylvania voters are ready to send Callahan and his out-of-touch Washington friends a message this November: They’re tired of this jobless recovery. The Democrats’ ‘recovery summer’ is quickly turning into an autumn of discontent.”
Callahan’s support for the Democrats’ reckless policies has made it all the more unlikely that voters will take him seriously:
“’But conditions have deteriorated badly for Democrats over the summer. The economy appears rotten, with little chance of a substantial comeback by November 2nd. Unemployment is very high, income growth sluggish, and public confidence quite low. The Democrats’ self-proclaimed ‘Recovery Summer’ has become a term of derision, and to most voters—fair or not—it seems that President Obama has over-promised and under-delivered.” (Larry J. Sabato, “Sixty Days to Go,”Sabato’s Crystal Ball, 9/02/2010)
“Simply put, Democrats find themselves heading into a midterm election that looks as grisly as any the party has faced in decades. It isn’t hard to find Democratic pollsters who privately concede that the numbers they are looking at now are worse than what they saw in 1994.” (Charlie Cook, “No Help On The Horizon For Dems,” National Journal, 9/01/2010)
With an already struggling economy, uncertainty about the Democrats’ looming tax-hikes is contributing to the nation’s unemployment problem:
“Congress’ inability to make a decision about the fate of Bush-era tax cuts is contributing to the unemployment crisis facing the country, according to the Labor Day 2010 report by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).
“‘Small businesses are America’s job creators, responsible for 60 percent of the net new jobs created in the last decade,’ the report states. ‘But uncertainty about looming tax hikes has stunted employment growth and until Main Street begins to hire, the unemployment rate will remain unacceptably high.’” (Jay Heflin, “Uncertainty of Bush tax cuts affects hiring, study states,” The Hill, 09/02/10)
Unfortunately for Callahan, Pennsylvania families continue to ask: Where are the jobs?