Judge in Kane’s Driver Case Fears He’s Being Followed

kane-sad2Just when you thought things couldn’t get any stranger.

Montgomery County Court Judge William R. Carpenter, who appointed the Special Prosecutor to investigate Attorney General Kathleen Kane, and is currently presiding over the trial of her aide Patrick Reese disclosed that he believes he is being followed.

According to Robert Moran of the Inquirer, Judge Carpenter disclosed this belief to the defense team in order to be completely transparent.

Carpenter said that he has been followed in his car and so has his wife. He also alleged that his house had been under surveillance.

Meanwhile another judge that has been unfavorable to the AG, Barry Feudale, expressed his belief that his personal emails had been breached.

Neither Judge flatly accused the Attorney General but the implication is clear in both cases.

39 Responses

  1. Frank Fina ignores me. I may as well not exist. Sending racist e-mails …. leaking protected material to the Press …. manipulating grand juries …. watching bestiality porn at work …. letting an unrepresentec witness testify before grand jury … … …

  2. H3’s Groupie Troll (MTG) must have called in sick today … or he is stealing from his employer … like Fina & The Corbett Pervs did with their racist e-mails and bestiality videos at the OAG.

  3. Carpenter is only handling one case? It couldn’t be someone annoyed with something he did on another case???

    This is idiotic. Someone follows him around and he does nothing to figure out who it is? License plate?

  4. Yeah pat Reese got people to follow this guy. No way in hell would anyone do this on his behalf. Everyone in funnier hates the guy

  5. Yet we always know that gulag is the real commenter. Who else could be such a shill with an obvious agenda borne of experience in the criminal justice system?

  6. MIKE: Your mistake is expecting rational thought or logic or honest answers from the commenters on this blog. You don’t have to be here long to see most are juveniles posting junior high personal insults with not a wit of seriousness. Recently, the fashion has been to post as fake pretenders, so that you don’t even know if the real person made it. What could be a serious blog is reduced to silly nonsense.

  7. @ Isaac L.:

    Mike, you correctly ID’ed me [Dr. Sklaroff] but I would ask you to document your assertion that I have “a history of making frivolous and baseless claims.”

  8. Mike – that’s Dr. Sklaroff to you. He has a history of making frivolous and baseless claims.

  9. Oops, I meant to say that I guzzle what Pat Unger gives me to guzzle and I’m a mental patient. DEMOCRATS FOR SANDUSKY! LONG LIVE PATERNO! I HATE FINA!

  10. Oops … I meant to say that sklaroff IS a TEA-guzzling Repervlican mental patient. He thinks men rode on the backs of dinosaurs … waving the American Flag …

  11. mike –

    Don’t waste your time. sklaroff isn’t a TEA-guzzling Repervlicqn mental patient. It’s best to NEVER engage him in a back-He won’t answer that question because he cannot.

  12. Perhaps, Mike, you should regress first to taking the PSAT/NMSQT:

    Kane: Judge’s emails legally obtained

    Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said her office legally obtained emails among a state judge, his lawyers and Inquirer reporters, saying the were housed on her office’s computer servers. Kane’s disclosure came a day after the Inquirer reported that the office had obtained Judge Barry Feudale’s messages and offered to provide them to news outlets. The attorney general said any suggestion that she had obtained the emails from any source other than her servers was “false.” Feudale sent the messages, acquired after he had been removed from overseeing a statewide grand jury, on his private computer, but Kane made the emails public. She said they were evidence that he had engaged in judicial misconduct and his “overriding concern was how to leak sealed Supreme Court documents without being caught.”


  13. mr. sklaroff – that nonsense you typed does not come close to answering my question: where is the evidence that Kane had something to do with a judge being followed?

    it is okay to say there is none. or – you can again display your bias/stupidity. which one is it?

  14. @ mike:

    Please retake the reading-retention test available via the ETS…unless you forgot how to take your SATs…and you may wish to invoke the ACTs as an alternative:

    Last week, prior to the suspension of her law license, Kane reassigned agents Avril Eklund and her husband Eric from other offices to review 32 closed grand jury cases conducted between 1981 and 2013, sources told The Morning Call. Avril Ecklund ran the agency’s intelligence unit; Eric Eklund was a narcotics agent. The Eklunds answer only to Kane and her chief of staff, a source said.

    The grand jury numbers the Eklunds are reviewing match those outlined in a secrecy oath Kane denied signing upon taking office that detectives later found, leading to an additional perjury charge against her. They predate her tenure.

    As a statewide supervising grand jury judge stationed in Harrisburg, sources said, Feudale had used a laptop computer issued by the attorney general’s office for his official grand jury duties. On it, the sources said, he sent and received both official and private emails from a private account.

    Kane’s spokesman Chuck Ardo on Tuesday confirmed that the Eklunds are reviewing old grand jury matters, but declined to say what the Eklunds are looking for or why. Feudale’s emails could be a part of their review, he said.

    “While Mr. Feudale’s emails may be part of the review, the review itself is considerably broader,” Ardo said in an interview. “They are reviewing virtually all grand juries.”

    The attorney general’s office petitions a court to create a grand jury, but all facts, evidence and testimony gleaned is the property of the courts in perpetuity under the state Grand Jury Law. That means only a grand jury supervising judge can approve the public disclosure of any closed grand jury records upon a valid request from authorities.

    Ardo declined to answer a question about whether Kane had obtained court approval for the Eklunds’ review, saying the attorney general’s office “is acting within its legal rights in accordance with its review.”

    Asked if the Eklunds’ review is part of Kane’s defense strategy, Ardo said, “It is not.”

    Ardo also declined to say whether Fina was a focus of the review. Fina testified against Kane in a grand jury leak case that led to criminal charges against her. He is supposed to be immune from acts of retaliation and retribution by Kane or somebody on her behalf under a protective court order.

    Feudale would not have an expectation of privacy for anything he left on a computer owned by the attorney general’s office, said Seth Weber, a former federal prosecutor now teaching at DeSales University.

    Villanova Law School professor Anne Bowen Poulin said Feudale’s use of an attorney general’s computer is the equivalent of him using a public library computer.

    But if the attorney general’s office did not have court approval to obtain Feudale’s emails on a computer that was not owned by the agency, Weber said, that would be a violation of federal privacy rights by a law enforcement agency.

  15. mr sklaroff – I am still waiting for you to explain how this story involves ms kane. in other words – where is the proof that kane followed the judge or had him followed?

  16. Judge Carpenter Is Paranoid that Kane is going to find out all the Evil things that Carpenter has been up to and all of his Porn E Mails . Carpenter should step down from being a Judge he is not Competent to be a Judge on Various Cases Judge Carpenter is a Huge Loser and Owes everything he has to The Montgomery County Republican Party Carpenter you need to Resign you are a complete Knucklehead

  17. @ mike:

    Please retake the reading-retention test available via the ETS…unless you forgot how to take your SATs:

    Last week, prior to the suspension of her law license, Kane reassigned agents Avril Eklund and her husband Eric from other offices to review 32 closed grand jury cases conducted between 1981 and 2013, sources told The Morning Call. Avril Ecklund ran the agency’s intelligence unit; Eric Eklund was a narcotics agent. The Eklunds answer only to Kane and her chief of staff, a source said.

    The grand jury numbers the Eklunds are reviewing match those outlined in a secrecy oath Kane denied signing upon taking office that detectives later found, leading to an additional perjury charge against her. They predate her tenure.

    As a statewide supervising grand jury judge stationed in Harrisburg, sources said, Feudale had used a laptop computer issued by the attorney general’s office for his official grand jury duties. On it, the sources said, he sent and received both official and private emails from a private account.

    Kane’s spokesman Chuck Ardo on Tuesday confirmed that the Eklunds are reviewing old grand jury matters, but declined to say what the Eklunds are looking for or why. Feudale’s emails could be a part of their review, he said.

    “While Mr. Feudale’s emails may be part of the review, the review itself is considerably broader,” Ardo said in an interview. “They are reviewing virtually all grand juries.”

    The attorney general’s office petitions a court to create a grand jury, but all facts, evidence and testimony gleaned is the property of the courts in perpetuity under the state Grand Jury Law. That means only a grand jury supervising judge can approve the public disclosure of any closed grand jury records upon a valid request from authorities.

    Ardo declined to answer a question about whether Kane had obtained court approval for the Eklunds’ review, saying the attorney general’s office “is acting within its legal rights in accordance with its review.”

    Asked if the Eklunds’ review is part of Kane’s defense strategy, Ardo said, “It is not.”

    Ardo also declined to say whether Fina was a focus of the review. Fina testified against Kane in a grand jury leak case that led to criminal charges against her. He is supposed to be immune from acts of retaliation and retribution by Kane or somebody on her behalf under a protective court order.

    Feudale would not have an expectation of privacy for anything he left on a computer owned by the attorney general’s office, said Seth Weber, a former federal prosecutor now teaching at DeSales University.

    Villanova Law School professor Anne Bowen Poulin said Feudale’s use of an attorney general’s computer is the equivalent of him using a public library computer.

    But if the attorney general’s office did not have court approval to obtain Feudale’s emails on a computer that was not owned by the agency, Weber said, that would be a violation of federal privacy rights by a law enforcement agency.

  18. i did indeed read the article. Idid you?

    there is nothing connecting the judge’s beliefs with ms.kane.

    seems you are the dense one. you sound ignorant too.

  19. Observer, I find your ideas intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. You are one angry mofo. You give gulag a run for his money.

  20. This power-crazed Carpenter thinks he is judge, jury and executioner. Delusions of grandeur followed closely by delusions of paranoia. Why didn’t he call a cop and get a license plate? BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED. Risa told hm it happened and he is crazy enough to believe Risa.

  21. Gulag, the article clearly states that the victim was from a very long time ago. Nobody disputes that there could be additional victims that were never found. The only question was whether Sandusky molested new kids while Corbett and Kelly investigated him. The answer to that question remains a very clear “No,” despite what Pat Unger wants you to believe.

    But, hey, I like the way you spin the facts to fit your bizarre reality!

  22. gulag, you’re right. There’s no way it could actually be true. Set aside that Kane had agents follow Fina too. And these were guys that Fina used to work with, so Fina knew who they were when he saw them. But it’s impossible that agents were assigned to the judge! As usual, gulag is the voice of lucidity. Donahue for Supreme Court!

  23. Did anybody else see the news yet that Kane was right, that there are more Sandusky victims.

    This has to be an embarrassment to Corbett and to Linda Kelly, who replaced him. Frank Fina was probably too busy looking at porn emails to track down this new victim.

  24. Either Judge Carpenter is paranoid or has a guilty conscience. The implication is clearly an accusation that Kane is doing something nefarious. This alone disqualifies him from sitting as judge on this case, as he clearly is biased. But not surprisingly, he refused to recuse himself. Most likely he declared that he knows he is neutral no matter what the facts are. Typical PA judge breach of ethics. It’s not him he said; it’s that damned Kane. (But he’s not biased.)

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