July 1st Playbook

President Trump’s campaign, the RNC, and four PA GOP Congressmembers filed a suit over mail-in voting in Pennsylvania, while a Democratic internal poll shows Rep. Mike Kelly leading by 8 points over Kristy Gnibus in PA16. Here is the Playbook.

Trump and PA Republicans Sue Over Mail-In Voting: The suit claims that mail-in voting has “exponentially enhanced the threat” of fraudulent and ineligible ballots for the upcoming election in the state.

Gnibus Poll: Kelly 48, Gnibus 40: The Public Policy Polling survey commissioned by Democratic challenger Kristy Gnibus shows her within single digits of Rep. Mike Kelly, and President Trump only leading former VP Biden by 4 points in a district he carried by 20 points in 2016.

For results on races called prior to today, check out previous Playbooks starting from June 3.

Primary Election Update: 

INCUMBENT LEADS: HD22 Dem: State Rep. Peter Schweyer (D-Lehigh) leads Enid Santiago by 55 votes, which is slightly more than 1%, in this majority Latino district, according to county website results. Lehigh Valley Live reports that although Schweyer declared victory in the race, Santiago is calling for a special election for the seat. 

LEADER: HD75 GOP: Mike Armanini holds a 3 point lead over Lisa Becker in the three candidate race to succeed state Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield). The winner will face Democrat Ryan Grimm in the fall for the GOP friendly district. 

INCUMBENT LEADS: HD175 Dem: State Rep. Mary Isaacson (D-Philadelphia) who holds a 1,109 vote lead, 7%, over Vanessa McGrath, Jeff Dempsey, and Andre Del Valle in the four candidate primary among in-person votes, declared victory in the primary. 

INCUMBENT LEADS: HD182 Dem: State Rep. Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia), who leads challenger Marisa Shaaban by 2,825 votes, 15%, with all of the in-person votes accounted for, while the mail-in votes are still coming in, declared victory in the primary. The GOP candidate in this safe Dem district is Drew Murray. Sims added 1,000 plus votes to his lead in the race as of Friday morning, when he held a 1,786 vote advantage in the race. 

INCUMBENT TRAILS: HD188 Dem: Rick Krajewski holds a 2,624 vote, 21%, lead over state Rep. James Roebuck Jr. (D-Philadelphia) in the four candidate primary and declared victory in the race on Monday

LEADER: TOSSUP: HD198 Dem: Darisha Parker now holds a 267 vote lead in the primary over Bernard Williams, while Fareed Abdullah and Supreme Dow also trail for the seat held by outgoing state Rep. Rosita Youngblood (D-Philadelphia). As of Friday morning, Williams held a 122 vote lead in the primary. The margin between first and last place is also slim. 

Harrisburg & DC   
AP: First police-reform bills after protests go to governor
Spotlight PA: Evictions could begin before Pa. rental assistance program can provide relief
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa. Senate sends Wolf police reform bills creating new statewide misconduct database, PTSD screening for cops
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa. Sen. Casey talks to college students about Biden, the election and the struggles ahead
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: A landmark criminal justice bill helped 1 million people get jobs and housing last year. But advocates say there’s more to be done.
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Mirroring moves by western states, Pa. Rep. makes the case for conservation corridors
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ‘Bubblegum and band-aids’: Pa. environmental programs in question 
Patriot News: Pa. Senate sends George Floyd-inspired police reforms to Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk 
Patriot News: Pa. Senate passes bill giving nine communities an option to ban fireworks but some senators favor extending it statewide 
Patriot News: With COVID surging elsewhere, Pa. launches tool for spotting hints of trouble here 
Patriot News: Pa. lawmakers seek investigation into unemployment system failures 
Patriot News: Who’s paying to decommission Three Mile Island? You are, and you’re keeping the nuclear waste, too.
Patriot News: Extra $600 in unemployment benefits may end a week early for some, Labor Department says  
Patriot News: Pa. Senate passes bill giving nine communities an option to ban fireworks but some senators favor extending it statewide
Post-Gazette: Trump campaign sues 67 Pa. counties, state over mail-in ballots
Post-Gazette: Citing soaring unemployment, Casey calls for boost in Medicaid dollars based on economic factors
PLSReporter: Senate sends bills to up police personnel transparency, training to Wolf’s desk
PLSReporter: ‘A mixed bag’: Report finds municipalities split on banning plastic bags, IFO outlines economic effects
StateImpactPA: ‘We don’t see the refinery starting’: PES site’s new owner envisions an ‘environmentally conscious’ commercial hub
StateImpactPA: Department of Health says it is looking into fracking public health risks following grand jury report
StateImpactPA: Republican lawmakers defend shale gas industry after grand jury report says state failed to protect public health from fracking
WHYY Newsworks: Getting professional licenses is about to get easier for Pa. residents with criminal records 
Morning Call: In one year, Pa.‘s Clean Slate law has erased 35 million crimes. What’s next?
National Journal: Trump Campaign Sues PA Election Officials
National Journal: New This Season
The Hill: GOP skeptical of polling on Trump
The Incline: Pennsylvania’s Confederate monuments are coming down
Politico: Pharmaceutical giant charged with price-fixing in generic drug probe 
Politico: Conservative groups see abortion ruling as catalyst for reelecting Trump
CNN: Ad spending soars as Trump plays defense in red states
CNN: Holder-backed redistricting group pours more money into key state legislature races
Real Clear Politics: Madonna of the Trail Defies Statue-Toppling Culture

KYW Newsradio: Philly says no to indoor dining, gyms as plans to go ‘green’ are scaled back 
KYW Newsradio: Former Philly commissioner calls out racism, abuse of power as ‘systemic’ policing issues
KYW Newsradio: Philadelphia on pace for deadliest year in over a decade
Philadelphia Magazine: What Do Mayor Kenney’s Past Supporters Think of Him Now?
Philadelphia Magazine: The Feds Are Playing Hardball With Accused Arsonist Lore Blumenthal
WHYY Newsworks: ‘What we need is leadership’: Kensington councilmembers say mayor is failing community
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. coronavirus recovery: Philly presses pause on reopening restaurants, gyms 
Inquirer: Philly’s coronavirus budget could leave city with just $51 million in savings by next summer
Inquirer: Philly contractor pleads guilty to taking union money for work done on houses of John Dougherty and other Local 98 leaders
Inquirer: Philly halts reopening of indoor dining and gyms as concern over virus’ spread in other states grows
Inquirer: Philadelphia Housing Authority tries to fence off, shut down protest encampment outside headquarters
Inquirer: Fishtown Zoom call devolves after police brass apologize but captain says ‘Black lives matter, white lives matter’
Inquirer: As overdose rates rise in Philly’s Hispanic community, racial disparities in healthcare add to the burden
Inquirer: This Vietnam veteran and former Black Panther was stripped and arrested at Rizzo’s command | We The People
Inquirer: Money restored for Philly program that gives undocumented immigrants a fighting chance against deportation
Inquirer: Philadelphia man exonerated after 21 years in prison wins $6.25 million settlement
Inquirer: Coronavirus uptick in Philly tied to Shore houses, gatherings; city malls, museums, and libraries can reopen Friday; when Atlantic City casinos will reopen their doors
Inquirer: A longer wait for indoor dining and gyms | Morning Newsletter
Billy Penn: ‘Both sides’ were agitators, says Fishtown police captain at tense community meeting
Billy Penn: Some Philly police aren’t wearing masks, and the city won’t enforce the rule
Billy Penn: Philly police punished for offensive Facebook posts are trying to get their jobs back — and so are those who voluntarily resigned
Philadelphia Tribune: Philadelphia to keep some virus restrictions as cases rise
Philadelphia Tribune: Philly teachers at odds on how to reopen schools
Philadelphia Business Journal: Philadelphia again delays move to green phase, but there are some exceptions
Philadelphia Business Journal: Former big law firm partners start Philadelphia-area litigation boutique
Philadelphia Citizen: RIP Medical Debt
Philly Voice: Philly delays green phase of COVID-19 reopening until Aug. 1, at the earliest 

Montgomery Media: Constituents sue Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale over blocked social media posts
Montgomery Media: Montgomery County records 29 new coronavirus cases, two more deaths
KYW Newsradio: Montco commissioner accused of violating the First Amendment by blocking opposing users on social media
KYW Newsradio: Montco officials share lessons learned from coronavirus pandemic
WHYY Newsworks: Montco commissioner faces federal lawsuit for blocking constituents on social media
WHYY Newsworks: Montco closes federally funded COVID-19 test site, will open six more next week
Daily Local News: Houlahan, others support health care expansion
Daily Local News: Southeastern Pennsylvania’s population gets older as number of working-age adults shrinks
Daily Local News: Report: Chester County senior citizens suffering most during pandemic

WESA: Voting Rights Activists Want County To Announce November Election Plan Soon
WESA: Allegheny County Sees Another Record High In COVID-19 Cases
WESA: We Need ‘A Way To Live With This Virus,’ Says Infectious Disease Expert
KDKA: KDKA Exclusive: City Councilman Introduces Legislation Calling For Reinvestment In The Black Community
KDKA: Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine Supports Allegheny County’s On-Site Alcohol Consumption Ban 
KDKA: Downtown Pittsburgh Protests Merge With United Call For Justice 
KDKA: Coronavirus Case Investigations May Reveal Where Allegheny County Needs More Restrictions If Numbers Continue To Surge 
KDKA: Woodland Hills High School Superintendent Says School Environment Is ‘Less Tense, Less Aggressive’ After Removal Of Police Officers
KDKA: ‘Why Must They Now Be Disgraced?’: Allegheny County’s Sheriff Office Highlights Fallen Officers Amid Nationwide Protests 
KDKA: City Of Pittsburgh Says New Method Of Salting Roads Saved $1M Last Winter 
KDKA: ‘Potential Death Sentence’: Allegheny Co. Businesses Speak Out Against On-Site Alcohol Ban Issued By Officials 
KDKA: Allegheny Co. Health Dept. Reports Over 100 New Coronavirus Cases, Breaking Daily Case Record 
Post-Gazette: City Council denies review by outside firm of East Liberty protest
Post-Gazette: Trump campaign sues 67 Pa. counties, state over mail-in ballots
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh saw largest jump in construction jobs in Pa. from April to May, data shows
Post-Gazette: Removing police presence from schools would cause more harm than good, officers say 
Post-Gazette: Bar owner organizes protest over Allegheny County alcohol consumption ban
Post-Gazette: Feds charge Pittsburgh man with burning unmarked police car during protest
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County sets new single-day mark as COVID-19 cases surge above 100
Post-Gazette: Steelworkers try to unionize workers at Carnegie museums
Post-Gazette: ‘Here we go again’: Employees, owners of Allegheny County bars face loss of income, jobs after new restrictions
Pittsburgh Business Times: Allegheny County’s Covid-19 cases reach another milestone: a triple-digit day
Pittsburgh Business Times: As teleconferencing becomes commonplace, CMU, Penduto celebrate anniversary of first video call
Pittsburgh Business Times: Trump administration report backs investment in petrochemical sector
Tribune Review: Labor, business group says Pittsburgh can become high-tech manufacturing hub
Tribune Review: Focus on covid cases could be wrong way to interpret Allegheny County surge, experts say
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh Council nixes consultant for review of police actions during protests
Tribune Review: 109 new covid-19 cases reported in Allegheny County, no deaths
City Paper: Advocates called for anti-racist policies at a suburban Pittsburgh school district meeting, but left feeling somewhat dismissed
City Paper: Protesters rally in Wilkinsburg for Romir Talley; demand names of officers involved in his shooting

Altoona Mirror: Joyce joins Trump lawsuit against Pa.
Altoona Mirror: Altoona ‘financially fragile’
Altoona Mirror: Wolf: Masking slows spread 
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Somerset County to dedicate half of CARES funding to improving rural broadband
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: COVID-19 precautions to continue at Cambria courts
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: New web tool tracks COVID-19 surges; Cambria adds 2 cases
Observer-Reporter: Washington NAACP proposes citizen police review board
Observer-Reporter: Small businesses can apply for funding through the CARES Act starting today
Beaver County Times: State launches COVID-19 relief program for small businesses
Beaver County Times: Fourth Beaver County nursing home reports COVID case
Beaver County Times: State completes $3 million Rochester chemical fire cleanup

The Times Leader: Cartwright votes to lower health care, drug costs; measure goes to Senate
The Times Leader: Rep. Boback alerts area businesses to available grant funds
The Times Leader: Luzerne County audit won’t be released by today’s deadline
The Times Leader: Luzerne County residents can track coronavirus case changes with new online tool
The Times Leader: 4 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Luzerne County; no new deaths
Times-Tribune: City council expects legislation extending Scranton’s stay in Act 47
Times-Tribune: Commissioners meet virtually Wednesday
Times-Tribune: Furloughed Luzerne County workers back Monday
Times-Tribune: Metro employment skyrockets 7,000 jobs
Times-Tribune: Jermyn council to consider ordinance limiting fireworks
Times-Tribune: COVID-19 case count climbs today, two more area deaths reported 
Citizens Voice: Metro employment skyrockets 7,000 jobs
Citizens Voice: Furloughed county employees to return to work Monday
Citizens Voice: 4 new COVID-19 cases reported in county 

South Central 
York Dispatch: York County eyes more mail-in boxes after Trump files a lawsuit
York Dispatch: ‘Leftist lie’: Attorneys say Northeastern principal will tell his side
York Dispatch: York County has 3 new deaths linked to COVID-19, cases break 1,500
Patriot News: Who’s paying to decommission Three Mile Island? You are, and you’re keeping the nuclear waste, too.
Patriot News: Harrisburg city offices to reopen 
Patriot News: New Dauphin County program has specialists to help cops de-escalate, cut arrests in mental health incidents  
Patriot News: Coronavirus in Pa.: 86,606 cases, 6,649 deaths reported as of June 30 
Patriot News: Naked gardening complaint leads to Harrisburg official’s suspension
LNP | LancasterOnline: Lancaster County takes top slot in per capita rate of new coronavirus cases in Pennsylvania
LNP | LancasterOnline: Lancaster County unemployment rate slips to 11.4% in May, but triple last year’s level
LNP | LancasterOnline: Tuesday’s COVID-19 updates: Pa. up to 86K total cases; Lancaster County has 4.4K
LNP | LancasterOnline: It’s been over 100 days since Lancaster County reported its first COVID-19 case; here is a look back [graph]
Carlisle Sentinel: DOH: Dauphin County sees large spike in COVID-19 cases Tuesday as Cumberland County remains close to level 
Carlisle Sentinel: New COVID-19 tracking tool monitors cases and hospitalizations by county

Lehigh Valley      
Reading Eagle: Opponents of Berks County Residential Center take their message directly to commissioner
Reading Eagle: ‘Bad idea from the start’: Berks County lawmakers call for scrapping fireworks law
Reading Eagle: Citywide trash collection key to making Reading a cleaner city, official says
Reading Eagle: 6 new coronavirus positives in Berks County as state trends up with Pittsburgh outbreak
Morning Call: Signs emerge that point to optimism in Lehigh Valley employment, region’s economic group says
Morning Call: ‘How do you earn that back?‘: Leaders in Northampton County law enforcement, Black leaders gather to discuss restoring trust between police, communities of color
Morning Call: Pennsylvania coronavirus update: 618 new cases reported by state on Tuesday to bring total to 86,606; 35 more deaths
Express Times: It’s time to repeal Pennsylvania’s fireworks law, state senator says
Express Times: Pa. coronavirus update: 86K total cases, 6,649 deaths; Easton cracks down on green-phase party atmosphere; peak inside reopened Wind Creek casino. | Pa. COVID-19 county case map (06/30/20)

North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Lawmakers pass safety bill related to fatal Erie fire
Erie Times-News: Council vote to disband college committee ends in tie
Erie Times-News: Erie County to receive $24.3 million of COVID-19 relief
Erie Times-News: Erie City Council could OK Academy/Marvintown plan
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Fracking pioneer Chesapeake files for bankruptcy protection
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: City police kept on call to stop virus spread
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: UPMC relocates COVID-19 test collection site to Montoursville
Centre Daily Times: Commissioners move forward resolution to support mask wearing throughout Centre County
Centre Daily Times: State College Borough Council takes first step on resolution aimed at addressing racial inequality
Centre Daily Times: Penn State planning to equip all police officers with body cams at all 22 campuses
Centre Daily Times: Reopening updates: No new COVID-19 cases reported in Centre County, and more updates for June 30

Marc Stier: The Republicans have been dead wrong about reopening 
LNP | LancasterOnline Editorial Board: LGBTQ workplace protections have been affirmed by SCOTUS, but aren’t assured in Pa. They should be.
Inquirer Editorial Board: Mask foes are dragging out our collective coronavirus misery 
Inquirer Staff: Do you feel safe dining outdoors in Philly as the coronavirus continues? | Pro/Con
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Extend moratorium on evictions 
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Stop illegal fireworks: Celebrate July 4 a little more quietly this year
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Back to the classroom: Not all career education can take place virtually
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Can people be compelled to unlock their phones for police?
John L. Micek: Anti-abortion group must explain how it’s spending million of dollars of your money, Open Records Office rules | Tuesday Morning Coffee
Jeffrey Lord: Let Trump Be Trump  
Charlie Gerow: When it comes to rallies, size doesn’t matter 
Will Bunch Newsletter: What if the feds sent you $1,200 every month? 
Dan Simpson: Hope starts slipping away
Amy Fettig and David Fathi: As debates over police reform rage, it’s time to end solitary confinement 
Jenice Armstrong: Dear Philly: Let’s not become the next Florida. Wear a mask or stay at home this July 4th  
Julie Sullivan: Civil rights leader Leon Sullivan called for total commitment to total solutions. We’re getting there. 
Trudy Rubin: Japan crushed COVID-19 by masking while Trump mocks masks 
Tamika C.B. Zapolski and Ukamaka M. Oruche: How racism in the U.S. health system hinders care and costs lives of African Americans | Analysis
Paul Muschick: Coronavirus complacency: Behave or you’ll be drinking at home again
Gene Therapy: Are we too dumb to overcome coronavirus?
Signe Wilkinson: Political Cartoon: Counting the votes for abortion rights
Maria Panaritis: The strangeness of having a checkup during a pandemic. 
Seth Rotberg: I’m 29 and doing my part to stop COVID-19. Please join me. l Expert Opinion

4 Responses

  1. Dr Levine: if masks work, why release prisoners from jail? Just give them a mask.

  2. It would seem logical that vote fraud would be much more likely with computers since some foreign government in a far away land could do it, also a bad actor in the US could hack into a voting system, also a local computer geek seeking to cause mischief could hack in to a voting system…so then why oppose mail-in which leaves a paper trail that is devastating to vote rigging? It makes no sense to be concerned with vote fraud and be opposed to mail-in voting which leaves a paper record that makes cheating all the harder. Opposing voting by mail is as admission that you are worried about too many people voting and that does not benefit you.

  3. If your strategy to win involves restricting the right to vote, it probably means you’re not doing something right.

    Sad! Even with every trick in the book Trump is gonna get blown out. The question is how many GOP members are going to go down with him?

  4. Trump campaign and deplorable GOP Congressmen have filed an abusive lawsuit against PA, because we want to vote without endangering our lives. GOP prefers to kill people to suppress vote, as they know they cannot win otherwise. Unpatriotic and despicable GOP.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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