Kane Accuses Supreme Court Justice of Sending Lewd Emails

Kane-ConferenceAnother State Supreme Court Justice has been implicated in the pornographic email scandal.

In the wake of her latest arrangement over her second charge of perjury, Attorney General Kathleen Kane revealed that among the emails she turned over to the Judicial Conduct Board are 1,500 concerning Justice J. Michael Eakin.

“The images themselves aren’t the only story,” Kane said. “The problem is the network that’s involved, and the breadth of this network is incredible. This network is judges, U.S. attorneys, attorneys general, law enforcement, district attorneys, and public defenders.”

Last year, PA Supreme Court Seamus McCaffery was forced to resign after it was revealed he was exchanging inappropriate emails with employees in the AG’s office. During that strange episode, McCaffery allegedly threatened Justice Eakin, stating that he was told the latter was involved in the same activities as the former.

McCaffery wanted Eakin to convince then-Chief Justice Ron Castille to end the effort to oust McCaffery.

Castille, who has been critical of the Attorney General, seemed skeptical of these new emails when asked by the Inquirer.

He apparently feels Kane was holding back emails to use in case she got into trouble.

Kane meanwhile seemed to assert that Eakin is just another of the “good old boys” that are behind her legal issues.

She revealed that one of Eakin’s emails noted that 30% of female murder victims were killed by husbands or boyfriends.

“The punch line is ‘Well, 30 percent of them should have just shut the expletive up,’” Kane said. “I’m not the woman to shut up.”

UPDATE: Kane’s spokesman Chuck Ardo revealed that these Eakin emails are actually not new and were part of the emails the AG sent to the Court during the McCaffery investigation.

Apparently, Eakin only received one email with “offensive sexual content” and did not send any.

“They are lying. She is already charged with perjury – two counts of it,” former Chief Justice Castille said. “Now, they’ve got her smearing Eakin’s reputation. It’s beyond reprehensible.”

90 Responses

  1. LOL …. Pat – did you see that sklaroff has met Cruz THREE TIMES?!?

    Yep — three …. three times ….

  2. @ Pat Unger:

    Because you are so dense, it’s desirable to provide you a teaspoonful of Gerber’s as well….

  3. @ Ha3:

    Because you are so dense, it’s desirable to provide you a teaspoonful of Gerber’s as well….

    You can’t just retroactively declare something classified to make it a “felony” when[t] the State Dept has said was not classified at the time, nor leaked.

    –Info generated about foreign governments was initially classified.

    If it was so “basic”, the State Dept wouldn’t disagree with the classification.

    –Not when the DoS is a component of the politicized BHO-Administration.

    The sender, not the receiver, would be the one in trouble (if anyone). However, just because the server was private, doesn’t mean it wasn’t secure. Still no evidence that information was leaked from the server.

    –The “receiver” is liable for having provide the site from which the leak might occur; we know behaviorally it wasn’t secure and, thus, the aforementioned e-mail provides behavioral proof that Hillary leaked.

  4. DD – why do you keep inviting this knucklehead mental patient to type even more nonsense. No one but you even reads it …

  5. @ DD:

    You keep up-chucking….

    You can’t just retroactively declare something classified to make it a “felony” whent the State Dept has said was not classified at the time, nor leaked.

    Info generated about foreign governments was initially classified.

    If it was so “basic”, the State Dept wouldn’t disagree with the classification.

    Not when the DoS is a component of the politicized BHO-Administration.

    The sender, not the receiver, would be the one in trouble (if anyone). However, just because the server was private, doesn’t mean it wasn’t secure. Still no evidence that information was leaked from the server.

    The “receiver” is liable for having provide the site from which the leak might occur; we know behaviorally it wasn’t secure and, thus, the aforementioned e-mail provides behavioral proof that Hillary leaked.


    Rep. Gowdy will be unleasehed on 10/22, notwithstanding Hillary’s latest posturing.



  6. rsklaroff-

    You can’t just retroactively declare something classified to make it a “felony” whent the State Dept has said was not classified at the time, nor leaked.

    If it was so “basic”, the State Dept wouldn’t disagree with the classification.

    The sender, not the receiver, would be the one in trouble (if anyone). However, just because the server was private, doesn’t mean it wasn’t secure. Still no evidence that information was leaked from the server.

  7. I can’t wait until Hillary is sworn in as POTUS!!

    Bill as First-Husband … or will it be First Gentleman ….

  8. @ DD:

    “Open your mouth and let’s allow the train to choo-choo into into the station….”

    1) This story is a month old

    The data therein have been compounded during the intervening weeks.

    2) State Dept says it was not classified

    Irrelevant, because the contents reveal secrets regarding the behavior of foreign leaders; she said she knew the rules and this one is basic.

    3) There is no evidence that it “leaked”, as you claimed.

    Check-out Blumenthal’s [to/fro] e-mails having emerged in Bulgaria, if memory serves.

    4) Hillary is the receiver, not sender of the emails.

    Irrelevant as a defense; indeed, relevant because she had to know that classified data traveling to her would traverse this unsecured entity.

    Can’t wait for October 22nd….

  9. rsklaroff-

    1) This story is a month old

    2) State Dept says it was not classified

    3) There is no evidence that it “leaked”, as you claimed.

    4) Hillary is the receiver, not sender of the emails.

  10. rsklaroff –

    1) a guy like you who is pro-genocide shouldn’t be making Nazi comparisons

    2) “she created a home-server that has predictably leaked classified data”
    What specific classified data has it leaked?

  11. @ DD:

    Your reading-retention skills are problematic, for I spoonfed the WSJ piece from Kim Stossel; Hillary’s every claim this past March in front of the UN’s Guernica has proven erroneous.

    Furthermore, she created a home-server that has predictably leaked classified data, a felony.

    Joseph Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


  12. rsklaroff-

    No. He’s just onto what a loon you are, like everyone else.

    Hillary violated no State Dept rule. So, the whole server thing is just another attempted smear job by the GOP’s “stop Hillary committee” AKA Benghazi investigation.

    Funny how they don’t investigate why they turned down the state dept’s requests for money for more embassy security.

  13. guzzardi = just another shill

    Castille = part of the problem

    Every non-shill knows that Castille lis not a trusted source on this matter. He has a dog in the race. Castille, who wanted Kane’s job, authorized the grand jury inquiry, made inappropriate statements to the Press while still on the Bench, and then leaked confidential grand jury information. Have I mentioned his double-dealings/conflict of interest on a publicly funded land acquisition/construction project?

    Castille was SOOOOO happy to use the e-mails to destroy McCaffery; and now he wants us to look the other way when it comes to his boy, Eakin. Good luck with that …

  14. @ Big Moola:

    The answer to your snide query [“Wow the real question here is Why did Castille choose to pursue McCafferty (his know political enemy and a Democrat) but ignore the same activity by Eakin a fellow Republican and ally ????”] is obvious; so far, all that is known publicly is that Eakin received one undisclosed [potentially problematic] e-mail.

  15. Justice McCaffery had corruption issues that were far more serious.

    New documents: McCaffery had role in referral fees March 16, 2015
    Craig R. McCoy, Inquirer Staff Writer http://articles.philly.com/2015-03-16/news/60141849_1_mccaffery-and-rapaport-rassias-dion-g

    Inquirer: FBI investigating Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery June 11, 2013 By Craig R. McCoy The Philadelphia Inquirer http://www.post-gazette.com/news/state/2013/06/11/Inquirer-FBI-investigating-Pennsylvania-Supreme-Court-Justice-Seamus-McCaffery/stories/201306110129

    Castille: McCaffery should ‘rethink his position’ on Pa. high court JUNE 12, 2013

    Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille says fellow Justice Seamus McCaffery should reconsider his position on the court after reports surfaced that the FBI is investigating McCaffery’s conduct. Newsworks June 12 2013


    McCaffery drops suit against Inquirer Mark Fazlollah, Inquirer Staff Writer October 23, 2014


  16. Wow the real question here is Why did Castille choose to pursue McCafferty (his know political enemy and a Democrat) but ignore the same activity by Eakin a fellow Republican and ally ????

    Courts above Politics ??? Not in Pennsylvania !!!1 Castille demonstrates the same antagonistic tactics being practiced in the House and Senate towards the Budget.

    By the Way…..Has even one Reporter looked into or reported on weather or not the House, Senate and Judiciary budgets are stalemated ? Or is this just another case of (House & Senate) Exempt themselves and the include the courts in case someone takes us to task legally.

    Another prime example of what Pennsylvanian needs most(House & Senate)TERM LIMITS oh yea and they can Include the Courts and Judges too !!!!!

  17. @ DD & Ha3:

    After having ignored my twice-entered double-referenced attacks, DD is reduced to stating a falsehood [FBI investigation incomplete] and Ha3 is reduced to trying to invoke a deus-ex-machina [unjustified].

  18. The Feds need to step in and take over this investigation. The material may have been obscene. There were children forced to pose in sexual positions. Corbett ordered the destruction of e-mails. Judges too chummy with prosecutors. High level State officials (under Corbett) misappropriated government equipment. A State Supreme Court Justice joined the leak-brigade. The Disciplinary Board jumped in and joined the smear campaign. The all white male e-mail buddies are racists too. The Clown Car needs to be held accountable.

  19. rsklaroff-

    The justice system is rife with corruption. Happy to see Kane exposing it and burning it to the ground. Let’s get all those lewd/racist emails out there for all to see.

    The State Dept and FBI have cleared Hillary and her use of email server as legal, and no classified information is known to have leaked. The Benghazi investigation has been acknowledged as a fishing expedition to hurt Clinton’s chances for president.

  20. @ DD:

    ALSO, you neglected to try to negate the latest manifestation of her perfidy: “IN REVERSAL, KANE SAYS PORN EMAILS WERE NOT NEWLY DISCOVERED.”


  21. @ DD:

    You’re the ‘puter expert and, thus, it’s surprising that you would try to mislead the readers, here, with the assertion that “The anti-virus software of that time was sufficient to detect/stop these.”

    You may have forgotten that “McAfee-Owned Company had Access to Hillary Clinton’s Classified Emails.”


  22. @ DD:

    You’re the ‘puter expert and, thus, it’s surprising that you would try to mislead the readers, here, with the assertion that “The anti-virus software of that time was sufficient to detect/stop these.”

    You may have forgotten that “McAfee-Owned Company had Access to Hillary Clinton’s Classified Emails.”


    ALSO, you neglected to try to negate the latest manifestation of her perfidy: “IN REVERSAL, KANE SAYS PORN EMAILS WERE NOT NEWLY DISCOVERED.”


  23. Nobody who knows anything gives any credence to Castille before or after his time on PA Supreme Ct. When people cite that Eakin only received one email and sent none, where is their proof. It relies solely on a comment by Castille that was not under oath. Not worth much.
    So what if AG Kane did hold back some emails? She was smart enough to conserve some ammo. I’m not saying she will survive, but either way I’m enjoying her take down as many rotten bastards as she can take with her. Even if she is stupid or guilty, that is no reason for the liars, creeps, perverts, and corrupt judges to stay.

  24. While trading personal insults, many posting here miss the vital issue: the extrajudicial transactions between the judges and OAG, DA, etc. This evinces a complete breakdown of ethics for the courts, as well as many of these lawyers. They should all be disbarred and removed from office. The pervy content of the emails is only icing on the cake. The real issue is the existence of any email network among the courts and these parties.

  25. “The fact that the Russkies [and others] KNEW where to direct their attacks disproves any claim this server was secure”

    Wrong: they just sent it down the email chain of any personal email addresses. The anti-virus software of that time was sufficient to detect/stop these, and Hillary didn’t click on them (and they were likely targeting shindigs l Windows desktops, not her BlackBerry. Also, the “Ruskies” as you called them were not the KGB, but just ordinary scammers of Russian original. (Likely trying to turn computers into spam bots

  26. So now poor Chuck Ardo has to admit that Kane lied again. The “heretofore unknown” emails are in fact the very same emails that Eakin turned over to the Supreme Court over a year ago. More shameful lying and misdirection from Kathleen Kane. Unbelievable how crazy Kane is.

  27. H3-she’s simply trying to redirect blame to other folks. It’s disappointing to say the least.

  28. LOL – aaron is a TEA-sipping moron. As if Supreme Court justices don’t “answer to the people.”

    GET A CLUE, shill-boy

  29. @ DD:

    Let’s take your points one-at-a-time….

    1. “Sending someone spam-virus to click on is not an attack on the server.”

    The fact that the Russkies [and others] KNEW where to direct their attacks disproves any claim this server was secure.

    {Proof-positive of the guaranteed-leaks in her construct is the fact that Blumenthal’s e-mails were hacked by someone in Eastern Europe, notwithstanding his personal impact on BenghaziGate … a.k.a. “The Iran-Contra of the 21st Century.”}

    2. “The ‘nature’ of [t]he emails is [a] bullsh*t attempt to retroactively classify them.”

    Hillary said she knew her job entailed knowing what was classified, and that certainly included info regarding foreign leaders; indeed, it seems at least one such classified e-mail [about an African leader, if memory serves] made its way [via Huma, if memory serves] to the Clinton Foundation.

    {Note that the DoS is also, gradually, distancing itself from her, as has been the W.H. under Jarrett’s direction (it seems).}

    3. “Technically you could flag someone having a cold or trouble sleeping as ‘classified’ by arguing it would the other side an advantage during negotiations.”

    When she set-up this system, she knew she couldn’t control what entered it; this includes anything that would have been classified [stamped, originating, whatever] and, thus, she was establishing consciously a guaranteed-leak potential for the deepest USA-secrets to become disseminated globally [inter alia] to America’s gravest enemies.

    {Won’t it be delicious when the FBI determines that what she had claimed to have been “personal” actually contains classified and/or salacious info that went through her server under her control?}

    4. Collin Powell and others have already pointed out the Hillary broke no laws/rules.

    “Colin Powell admits he’s trolling the GOP: “I continue to be a Republican because it annoys them” ”


    {Hillary cannot ID any predecessor (including Colin) who housed a personal server [let alone @ an unsecured locale]; for further objective deviations, re-read the WSJ “Hillary for Dummies” piece.}

    5. “We already know the Benghazi investigation is about Hillary’s poll numbers, thanks to a rare honest admission from the GOP.”

    No, although indelicate, he did not diss the importance of the BenghaziGate investigation, albeit he did recognize [far too candidly] what might be viewed as the “secondary gain” appreciated when lotsa revelations emerged regarding her e-mail system.

    {As Kim noted and as the Dem-electorate has increasingly recognized, her credibility has been tanking.}

  30. My God how pathetic. Kane hillary and mcginty. The great trio of integrity and public service.

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