Kane Sits Down With KDKA (VIDEO)

In her first TV interview of the year, Attorney General Kathleen Kane came out defiant, after KDKA political editor Jon Delano – who bagged the exclusive – jumped straight into the tough questions.

Kane denied that she violated the grand jury process by leaking information from a grand jury investigation to Philadelphia Daily News.

“I don’t believe I did. I’ve been in the grand jury for many years as a prosecutor, and I don’t believe I did,” Kane said. “That’s going to be up to the district attorney to decide.”

Montgomery County DA Risa Vetri Ferman is weighing charges of perjury against Kane, based on her testimony in front the grand jury. Last month, Ferman’s investigators searched Kane’s office in Harrisburg for emails relating to the leak.

In the interview with Delano, Kane said she would not resign if charged by Ferman and was adamant she will seek re-election next year.

“I’ve always been running for re-election next year,” Kane said. Last week, Kane’s seventh spokesman Chuck Ardo told PoliticsPA “the attorney general has been too busy doing her job to focus any attention toward her re-election.”

Kane’s said her platform will center on her work against child predators and heroin rings in the state.

“Child predator arrests are up 800 percent in my administration, drug arrests are up 30 percent,” Kane said. ” We have the nation’s first mobile street crimes unit that’s now on its third deployment.”

Although the election is still over 15 months away, Republican lawmakers are starting to throw their hats in the ring. A month ago, State Sen. John Rafferty announced his campaign for Attorney General, while Montco State Rep. Todd Stephens has said he is “actively exploring” a run for the office.

18 Responses

  1. As I have typed before: If Ag Kane broke the law, she should be held accountable. But that also hl’s true for Fina & The Corbett Pervs.

    I have a problem with PA’s Attorney General using material from a secret investigation to try to make a former employee look bad. That shows poor judgment.

    But I also have a problem with high-paid public officials using their State Computers to view and distribute bestiality porn and – as you call it – “granny pen.” I have a problem with prosecutors sharing bestiality porn with Judges they appear in front of.

    I am also upset about the fact that the Clown Car thinks they are above the law. They seem to think that it is OK for them to LEAK secret material …. even though the “investigation” into AG Kane was supposed to be about LEAKS.

    What Fina & The Corbett Pervs did shows that they are unethical and arrogant — a bad combination.

    SO – you can try to isolate the “issue” all you like. But – the people that have been behind this smear campaign need to be exposed for what they are. A trial will do just that. Can’t wait !!

  2. First, the “truth” is that a panel of MontCo’s judges recently referred their own contempt investigation (SEE illegal retaliatory firing of James Baker) to DA Ferman. Maybe if Bozo would stop breaking the law, Ferman could wrap up this ever-expanding investigation and file the charges.

    Second, the real “joke” is Team Kane’s fascination with Fina, et al. Let’s grant – for argument’s sake – that each and every one of those old white men is a pervert who watches granny porn and/or throws knives at a cardboard cutout of Kane while screaming “Laces out Kathy!” for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. When Kane is prosecuted and it’s demonstrably shown (SEE grand jury indictment) that she illegally leaked the memo and lied under oath … exactly where will any of this Fina stuff enter into the equation???

    “But your Honor! Some guys who used to work in the AG’s office watched porn and don’t like me!”

    “Congrats, Ms. Kane. Although you offered no cognizable defense to these crimes, I have to say – you definitely put the screws to Frank Fina. Now report back for sentencing and forfeit your law license.”

  3. Jessica – It’s the FBI now? What about DA Ferman? I thought she was coming for AG Kane???

    Anyone else? ATF? IRS? Cayuga County DA’s Office? Alaska Park Service? Chattanooga School Police?

    The truth is that if DA Ferman had any faith in the integrity of the Clown Car’s “investigation” into AG Kane, she would have already been charged. But this whole charade is a JOKE. Fina & The Corbett Pervs have totally lost credibility.

  4. Busta Perv:

    Yes, at the request of a trial court judge, the Chief Justice approved the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the OAG’s possibly criminal leaking of grand jury materials. Much in the same way, he previously approved appointments of special prosecutors to investigate grand jury leaks from the investigations of Sandusky, DeNaples and others.

    Such actions are entirely consistent with both the Judicial Code and legal precedent. And rightfully so – the judiciary doesn’t merely have the discretion to protect the integrity of the grand jury process. It has an obligation to.

    And Castille did not “leak” anything in New York. He gave his legal opinion based on his knowledge of the law, as applied to facts that Kane openly admitted to. In Castille’s words, he was “flabbergasted” to read Kane’s open admission to leaking the materials. At that point, in so many words he surmised – correctly – that the grand jury indictment was a foregone conclusion because the law in this area is crystal clear.

    Granted, some have argued that Castille prejudiced the matter by passing personal judgment on the illegality of Kane’s conduct. But in reality, it’s inconsequential because a problem would only arise if Castille had to hear the case on appeal in an official capacity down the road. He’s not stupid – he only gave his two cents knowing that his retirement was days away.

    Furthermore, despite your pathetically transparent attempts at deflection (“I’m not defending Kane, but…), it is painfully obvious that you are affiliated either professionally or politically with the Attorney General. The sole purpose for your existence on this website has been to deflect attention from the illegal leaks, illegal violations of court orders and overall gross mismanagement of the AG’s office.

    Your initial method of deflection was the porn emails. Then it was the moral equivalency bit that illogically attempted to excuse Kane’s leaks because her own grand jury investigation had leaks. And now more recently, you have attempted to deflect by attacking the character of a retired Chief Justice and genuine war hero whose public service is widely admired in every corner of the political realm.

    Ron Castille reached the pinnacle of the legal profession and spent 20 years there. If he now ran for Attorney General – which I don’t believe will happen – it won’t because of personal ambition, prestige or a desire to get even with anyone. It will be because, as someone who has proven to be a genuine public servant, he presumably is disgusted by the depths to which the AG’s office has descended and feels a calling to, at a minimum, try to repair its image.

    The lengths to which the Attorney General, you and the rest of you clowns are going to salvage Bozo’s political career are disgraceful.

  5. Not-So-Reasonable:

    It is a known fact that Ron Castille authorized the Grand Jury investigation into AG Kane. Anyone with a brain knows he leaked secret GJ material in NY when he was talking about the “investigation” … which he had no business doing.

    And it has been in the Press that he wants to run for Attorney General.

    That shouldn’t be too hard to top … since it is all very obvious.

  6. Reelection? With what money? Better hire Mike Fleck to launder those DeNaples’ dollars. Oh wait……

  7. Busta Perv, I’m really disappointed at how long it took you to show up and talk about “Corbett Pervs” instead of trying to somehow defend the actions of Kathleen Kane.

  8. Now the widely revered former Chief Justice of the PA Supreme Court is in on the conspiracy to take down Bozo the Attorney General?

    It’s going to be hard for the other Kane apologists to top this one.

  9. Larry – the “law” prohibits LEAKS from all Grand Juries, right? What say you of all the LEAKS from the Grand Jury authorized by Castille (who wants AG Kane’s job) to “investigate” Kane? BTW – you can’t have it both ways. The AG gets credit for the performance of her office. Period. Any successes were really “in spite of” the fact that Fina & The Corbett Pervs had their moles still inside the AG’s Office.

  10. She still has not taken on Chesapeake Energy, and their royalty thefts are today spreading to other companies. We need a strong, courageous, determined AG to take on these behemoths. Kane has not delivered the goods for thousands of PA landowners.

  11. She’s too busy doing her job to focus any attention on her reelection? LOL

    How about she’s too busy doing damage control and dodging her own prosecution to do anything related to her job?

  12. Yes, arrests are up because her staff is succeeding in spite of her. But her own senior hand-picked Democrat-insider staff testified against her and under oath described how she broke the law. She’s driven by ego, but will be taken down by the law.

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