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Larry Kane: Kane’s Dilemma – Freshman Challenges

Larry Kane
Larry Kane

So the question is: How can Kathleen Kane mount, if necessary, any potential charges against Governor Tom Corbett in the Sandusky fiasco, now that she has as we have learned, passed on possible convictions for bribery among Democrats in Philadelphia?

It is possible that the charges against Philadelphia lawmakers were bogus, but the AG passed up pursuing them, thus giving the lawmakers a way out. It’s also possible that just the threat of charges would have precipitated the legislators to quit. One of the standard motivations of prosecutors to prosecute is to seek plea deals. No such plea deal was even attempted.

From an observer’s standpoint, one can see three problems. The decision not to prosecute cannot be judged that easily, but it sure looks like the appearance of impropriety, whether it was or not. The second problem is the communications failure of Kane’s office. The office knew for weeks that the Inquirer was preparing its blockbuster piece. Why wasn’t Kane ready for a more logical answer other than her enemies were trying to smear her.

The third problem is the typical freshman dilemma – the political ambition tour. After a gigantic victory ,AG Kane must spend more time getting her act together as Attorney General before she starts dreaming of the U.S. Senate and beyond.

Her neighbor, Bob Casey, could advise her well on the nuances of early political success.,

In the meantime, the Attorney General has lots of time to think about the art of political communication, and the need to be more ready for coherence than combat.

Larry Kane, the Dean of Philadelphia Anchors, is in his 48th year of Broadcasting Philadelphia.

15 Responses

  1. I think any mention of AG or Gov. Tom Corbett having been anything other than a Sumbag is inappropriate. He left a known Pedophile continue to rape kids, and who by the way, who was a member of Corbett’s Security detail and then he ended up transferred in our Milton PA State Police Barracks where he used his badge to do god knows what after Corbett’s election? At least Kane prosecuted the pig! What if that “cop” had molested YOUR Child?

  2. Mr. Kane why don’t you do a “where are they now” about the Republicans who were witnesses and granted immunity, in the “Bonus Gate Grand Jury”. I think you will see that most of them still have their jobs doing the same thing they were granted immunity for.

  3. Dear Signor Ferrari: What about the Second Mile? They had a board-right-it just wasn’t Dottie and Jerry? That’s the base that Jerry used to commit his crimes? Who were all those Second Mile donors to Corbett? Has the Second Mile been erased from the political history of PA??

  4. Drop the politics, elroy?
    Did you see Sunday’s front page?
    This story stinks and the AG is knee deep.

  5. Please drop the politics.
    Kane learned of a sting operation that was dormant for 18 months. Corbett, Ryan and Kelly were not prepared to indict. Kane asked for a Federal review and a review by the Dauphin County DA. Her legal opinion was to drop the case and it was confirmed by two reputable sources. So, three Attorneys General, the Feds and a DA did not act or concluded that the sting was flawed. End of story. Kane did her job. Refreshing.

  6. Larry: You’re right. Corbett did such a good job on the Sandusky matters, let’s nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Then Corbett can use the winnings as a reward for the Gricar manhunt.

  7. PAINDY, when you address the Corbett team’s handling of the Sandusky case, I assume you mean the overwhelmingly successful prosecution. Kane’s campaign team duped you and others into believing that Corbett did something improper like slow-walk the prosecution for political reasons. Not only is there no evidence of that, but there were no additional victims during that time frame. So Corbett did nothing to harm anyone as AG, but rather ran a very successful prosecution.

  8. Throwing mud at the current AG cannot erase what the Corbett team did in the Sandusky matter. Can we all agree about this? Does Victim #1 think Corbett did all that was necessary to stop Sandusky? Signor Ferrari is advice from your political consultant protected by attorney client privelege?

  9. Isn’t this really about Justice in PA? This clip says it all. How much in campaign donations did the Tom Corbett team take from the Second Mile members-over $600,000. Does anyone remember the Second Mile?

  10. The only facts that matter are the ones voters believe. I think LKane accurately assessed the appearance of things.

  11. Kane gave a logical answer, listing several reasons not to pursue the case. Each one, on its own, was enough to drop it. Her enemies might not choose to hear her answer, or pretend she didn’t give one, but that doesn’t change the fact that she did.

  12. “The decision not to prosecute cannot be judged that easily, but it sure looks like the appearance of impropriety, whether it was or not.”

    This is why the answer to the PolPA question is, “Who cares?”

    “Why wasn’t Kane ready for a more logical answer other than her enemies were trying to smear her?”

    This was her real screw up, and she knows it.
    The reason Signor Ferrari/PAINDY1 is wrong is that no one planning to corner KKane this well could have predicted that she would have helped to do it to herself by not getting in front of the story as LKANE has observed.

  13. L Kane needs to do more research before criticizing K Kane.

    Her Corbett investigation has nothing to do with the dropped/flawed bribery case (other than it represents how badly the AG office was  run before she got there).

  14. The great truth teller has opined on A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE
    We first read the Inquirer’s Sunday report on Frank Fina’s aborted Philadelphia “sting” online, without having seen the ludicrous “MEN WALK ON MOON”-sized headline.

    We thought what we were reading was an exposé of Fina’s shoddy, racist, irresponsible investigative methods. We were shocked later to realize that it was Attorney General Kathleen Kane whose judgment was being questioned. We’re still shocked, to be honest.

  15. We don’t think you read the original story very well. Kane said the case was tainted by racism. She said she discussed the case with other law enforcement officials who concurred. She said the case was compromised. If she were anyone else, her answers would have out to rest the notion that she did anything improper.

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